10 research outputs found

    Bruit et jeu vidéo : interférences dans les études vidéoludiques

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    Cet article d’introduction effectue une problĂ©matisation de la notion de bruit du point de vue des Ă©tudes du jeu vidĂ©o. Il contextualise les fondations intellectuelles sur lesquelles se sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es les contributions de ce 18e numĂ©ro de Sciences du jeu consacrĂ© Ă  la poĂ©sie et la politique du bruit vidĂ©oludique. La premiĂšre partie s’appuie sur les Ă©tudes des mĂ©dias, les sciences de la communication et les Ă©tudes du son afin de retracer l’histoire sĂ©mantique du concept de bruit. Cette opĂ©ration identifie les grandes unitĂ©s de signification qui structurent l’épistĂ©mologie du concept, notamment son rapport aux logiques du chaos, de l’entropie et de l’interfĂ©rence. Dans la seconde section, la prĂ©cĂ©dente gĂ©nĂ©alogie informe l’examen de trois grandes conceptualisations du bruit (ontologique, communicationnelle et ludogĂ©nique) utilisĂ©es dans les Ă©tudes vidĂ©oludiques pour analyser les jeux. Le dernier segment prĂ©sente les cinq textes contenus dans le numĂ©ro en prenant soin de situer leurs apports au sein d’une rĂ©flexion collective plus large sur les caractĂ©ristiques bruyantes des expĂ©riences vidĂ©oludiques.This introductory article frames the notion of noise as a research problem from the standpoint of game studies. It contextualizes the intellectual foundations on which the contributions of this 18th issue of Sciences du jeu dedicated to the poetry and politics of videoludic noise. The first part refers to the fields of media studies, communication sciences and sound studies to retrace the semantic history of noise. This operation highlights the major units of meaning that structure the epistemology of the concept, notably its relationship to the logic of chaos, entropy, and interference. In the second section, this previous genealogy informs the examination of three major conceptualizations of noise (ontological, communicational, and ludogenic) used in game studies to reflect on games. The last segment presents the five articles contained in this issue and situates their endeavour in the broader collective reflection about the noisy characteristic of gaming experiences

    De la rĂ©ception filmique Ă  la participation ludique : prolĂ©gomĂšnes d’une Ă©tude sur l’énonciation vidĂ©oludique

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    Ce mĂ©moire Ă©tudie la dynamique communicationnelle et interactionnelle entre un joueur et un systĂšme de jeu par l’entremise des thĂ©ories de l’énonciation et de la cognition. Par une analyse des jeux vidĂ©o d’horreur en perspective Ă  la premiĂšre personne, il s’agit de conceptualiser une spirale heuristique de l’énonciation Ă  partir des principes thĂ©oriques du Cycle Magique (Arsenault et Perron, 2009). Le propos se focalise sur la maniĂšre dont le joueur expĂ©rimente et traite les propositions ludiques et les propositions ludodiĂ©gĂ©tiques. L’intĂ©rĂȘt est d’observer comment la valeur rĂ©flexive des marques de jeu et des marques de jouabilitĂ© sert Ă  dĂ©partager des relations d’attribution entre des formulations Ă©nonciatives (textuelles, verbales, visuelles, sonores ou procĂ©durales) et des agents Ă©nonciatifs. Cette recherche rend compte, d’une part, de la gestion cognitive des faits Ă©nonciatifs et, d’autre part, de la modulation de leurs valeurs d’immĂ©diatetĂ©-hypermĂ©diatetĂ© et de leurs rapports de liaison/dĂ©liaison avec les agents Ă©nonciatifs. Il est expliquĂ© que cette activitĂ© cognitive du joueur dirige la schĂ©matisation d’attitudes interactionnelles servant Ă  structurer la signification – ludique ou narrative – des propositions ludiques gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es au cours de l’activitĂ© de jeu. L’analyse cible des processus de mise en phase performative et de mise en phase mĂ©ta-systĂ©mique ludique permettant la dĂ©termination de vecteurs d’immersion. En fonction du caractĂšre d’opacitĂ© ou de transparence des vecteurs, il est question d’indiquer comment la posture d’expĂ©rience du joueur oscille entre un continuum immersif qui polarise une expĂ©rience systĂ©mique et une expĂ©rience diĂ©gĂ©tisĂ©e.This master thesis studies the communicative and interactional dynamics between a gamer and a game system through the theories of film enunciation and cognition. By analyzing first-person survival horror video games, the purpose is to conceptualize a heuristic spiral of enunciation following the theoretical frame of the Magic Cycle (Arsenault and Perron, 2009). It will be explained that the self-reflexive nature of “game mark” (marque de jeu) and “gameplay mark” (marque de jouabilitĂ©) serve to assigned a relationships between an enunciative formulation (textual, verbal, visual, auditory or procedural), the contextual details, and an agent of enunciation. This methodology aim to analyze the gamer’s cognitive negotiation of the immediacy-hypermediacy value through the setting of “linking relations” (rapport de liaison) and “unlinking relations” (rapport de dĂ©liaison). This will explained how the gamer produced meaning from some “ludics propositions” and “ludodiegetics propostitions” in order to proceed with the cognitive mapping of interactional attitudes. It will be discuss that through the process of “performative attuning” (mise en phase performative) and “meta-systemic ludic attuning” (mise en phase mĂ©ta-systĂ©mique ludique), these propositions are then introduced as immersive vector. Depending on the vector’s immediacy-hypermediacy value, the gamer’s experience oscillates on an immersive continuum which polarized a systemic experience and a diegetic experience

    The Walking Simulator’s Generic Experiences

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    This article examines walking simulators through the lens of video game genre study. Following Arsenault’s (2011) thesis which theorized genre as the “temporary crystallization of a common cultural consensus” (pp. 333–334), it maps the shared horizon of expectations of the walking simulator. The first section presents an overview of genre theory in the field of game studies. The second part assembles a corpus of five iconic walking simulators based on a discourse analysis conducted in four gaming communities: scholars, journalists, designers, and Steam users. The third portion builds on this discourse analysis to conceptualize five clusters of “generic resources” (Gregersen, 2014) that synthesize the collective understanding of the walking simulator’s generic experiences, which are then analyzed in the final segment with reference to one exemplar game of the corpus. Each analysis introduces a specific “generic effect” (Arsenault, 2011)—peacefulness, secretiveness, fatalism, everydayness, and self-reflexive distanciation—that contributes to ongoing efforts to outline the experiences of this genre. The conclusion ends witha brief discussion about the importance of transgeneric studies

    AnarchĂ©ologie du glitche : de l’erreur ludique aux possibles ludo-politiques

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    Cette thĂšse rĂ©alise une Ă©tude ludo-politique du glitche vidĂ©oludique (bogue, erreur logicielle, faille de design, Ă©chec du systĂšme, etc.). Elle problĂ©matise l’expĂ©rience du glitche comme un point d’inflexion entre deux postures d’engagement. PremiĂšrement, une contrejouabilitĂ© paralogique dĂ©signant une attitude anarcho-communiste qui s’approprie le glitche comme artefact pour explorer, rediriger et (re)façonner la matĂ©rialitĂ© vidĂ©oludique dans une optique subversive, critique et commune. DeuxiĂšmement, une contre-jouabilitĂ© innovante consolidant un programme nĂ©olibĂ©ral qui exploite le glitche comme une marchandise pour renĂ©gocier, dominer et recoder le jeu dans le but de sĂ©curiser un gain en capital. La mĂ©thodologie de l’archĂ©ologie des mĂ©dias est mobilisĂ©e pour dĂ©cortiquer les tenants et aboutissants de ces deux modes de contre-jouabilitĂ©. Une chasse aux glitches effectuĂ©e Ă  travers les discours, l’imaginaire collectif, les arts d’avant-garde et diffĂ©rentes sphĂšres techniques retrace les rapports de continuitĂ© entre l’objet d’étude et une matrice de concepts, de formes esthĂ©tiques, de mĂ©thodes crĂ©atives et d’articulations rhĂ©toriques. Un cadre thĂ©orique pluridisciplinaire focalisĂ© sur les sciences du jeu, l’étude des mĂ©dias, les sciences de la communication, la thĂ©orie de l'art et les Ă©tudes de fans est employĂ© pour discerner la place singuliĂšre qu’occupe la poĂ©sie bruyante du glitche vidĂ©oludique Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de son vaste rĂ©seau d’hĂ©ritages transhistoriques et transmĂ©diatiques. L’amĂ©nagement d’un espace thĂ©orique de rĂ©flexion nommĂ© la Carte ludo-politique du glitche structure l’analyse des implications idĂ©ologiques d’un corpus de glitches issu de la culture du jeu de tir Ă  la premiĂšre personne comprise comme champ culturel frontalement tiraillĂ©e entre la paralogie anarcho-communiste et l’innovation nĂ©olibĂ©rale. Ce tiraillement est explorĂ© Ă  l’aide d’un second modĂšle nommĂ© le Circuit de l'Ă©conomie socio-technique du glitche. Cet outil assiste l’exposition d’un tissu Ă©conomique de pertes et de profits croisĂ©s entre les glitcheurs et l’industrie. Deux tendances prĂ©dominantes sont Ă©tudiĂ©es. D’une part, une culture de la marchandise basĂ©e sur des logiques compĂ©titives de dĂ©tournement et d’hameçonnage oĂč la valeur d’échange du glitche est exploitĂ©e pour optimiser un rendement Ă©conomique. D’autre part, une Ă©conomie du don dĂ©coulant d’un esprit de coopĂ©ration et de partage oĂč la valeur d’usage du glitche est cultivĂ©e et abritĂ©e au service du bien commun et de la diversitĂ© des pratiques. La dĂ©mystification de ces dynamiques rĂ©vĂšle des rapports d’exploitation Ă©conomique ii et d’assujettissement politique reliant le glitche 1) Ă  la transformation matĂ©rielle des jeux vidĂ©o, 2) Ă  la force de travail des dĂ©veloppeurs de jeux, 3) Ă  la force de jouavail des glitcheurs et 4) Ă  la philosophie socio-Ă©conomique du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme qui rĂšgne dans la culture et l’industrie vidĂ©oludique. Les dimensions matĂ©rielles, laborieuses et Ă©conomiques du glitche sont discutĂ©es en fonction de leurs effets de politisation ambivalents. Sur le plan de la contre-jouabilitĂ© innovante, la notion de glitches de l’Empire est thĂ©orisĂ©e comme vecteur d’une subjectivitĂ© politique conformĂ©e aux prĂ©ceptes du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme. Cette attitude s’harmonise avec la privatisation des moyens de production, la propriĂ©tĂ© privĂ©e et intellectuelle, le libre marchĂ©, la recherche du profit, la libertĂ© entrepreneuriale de soi, la compĂ©tition marchande et la quantification du vivant. Sur le plan de la contre-jouabilitĂ© paralogique, le concept de glitches de la multitude est prĂ©sentĂ© comme cristallisant une sensibilitĂ© anarcho-communiste. Cette derniĂšre encourage un Ă©thos de dĂ©sobĂ©issance qui dĂ©fend la libertĂ© d’expression et d’association, l’autonomisation des individus et des communautĂ©s, la socialisation des moyens de production, la collectivisation des ressources, l’autogestion et de la dĂ©mocratie/action directe au sein de groupes affinitaires ainsi que la prĂ©servation du commun.This thesis conduct a ludo-political study of videogame glitches (bugs, software errors, design flaws, system failures, etc.). The glitch experience is analyzed as an inflection point between two modes of engagement. First, a paralogical counterplay related to an anarchocommunist ethos that appropriates glitches as artifacts to explore, redirect and (re)shape videogame materiality in a subversive, critical, and communal manner. Second, an innovative counterplay consolidating a neoliberal agenda that exploits glitches as commodities to renegotiate, dominate and recode the game to secure capital gains. Media archeology is mobilized as a methodology to dissect the ins and outs of these two modes of counterplay. An academic form of glitch hunting through discourse, collective imaginary, avant-garde arts and various technical fields has been carried out to retrace the continuity between the object of study and a shared matrix of concepts, aesthetic forms, creative techniques and rhetorical articulations. A multidisciplinary theoretical framework built from game studies, media studies, communication studies, art theory and fan studies is used to determine the unique place of videogame glitches’ noisy poetry within its vast network of transhistoric and transmedia heritages. The development of a theoretical model named the Glitch Ludo-Political Map frames the analysis of the ideological implications of a body of glitches from the first-person shooter gaming culture understood as a cultural field in tension between the anarcho-communist paralogy and neoliberal innovation. This polarization is explored using a second model called the Circuit of the Glitch Socio-Technical Economy. This tool is used to expose a complex interplay of economic losses and gains between glitchers and the industry. Two predominant trends are studied. On the one hand, a culture of commodity based on a hijacking and harnessing competitive logic where the exchange value of glitches is exploited to optimize economic incomes. On the other hand, a gift economy resulting from a spirit of cooperation, sharing, and gratuitousness in which the use value of glitches is harvested and harboured in the service of the common good and the diversity of practices. The investigation of these dynamics reveals relationships of economic exploitation and political subjugation that link glitches to 1) the material transformation of videogames, 2) the labour force of game developers, 3) the playbour iv force of glitchers, and 4) the neoliberal socio-economic philosophy that shapes gaming culture and industry. The material, labour, and economic dimensions of glitches are discussed according to their ambivalent political effects. In terms of innovative counterplay, the notion of glitches of Empire is theorized as a vector of a political subjectivity consistent with the precepts of neoliberalism. This attitude is aligned with the privatization of the means of production, private and intellectual property, free market, search for profit, entrepreneurial freedom of the self, aggressive competition and quantification of life itself. In terms of paralogical counterplay, the concept of glitches of multitude is presented as crystallizing an anarcho-communist political sensibility. This political stance catalyzes an ethos of disobedience fostering freedom of speech and association, empowerment of individuals and communities, socialization of the means of production, collectivization of wealth, self-management and direct democracy/action within affinity groups, and the protection of the common good

    La Focalis-action : Des savoirs narratifs aux faires vidéoludiques

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    This essay deals with one of the key concepts in narratology, namely the focalization. It will present a quick overview of the theories in literary and film studies, starting with Gerard Genette who first introduced the notion. It shows how it was used in video game studies in order to underline the weaknesses and narrow interpretations of an application too strongly rooted into a narrative approach. Nuances are then proposed through an emphasis on the player experience, a consideration not only for the point of view and the point of listening, but also for the point of action and, finally, an account of the « modalities of doing » that frame and guide gameplay. In fact, it is fundamental to question the regulation of diegetic information with an action value by the game design, alongside how the player himself uses his own knowledge and know-how. Those phenomenons will be defined in terms of focaliz-action

    Le jeu vidéo et la notion de montage : se « couper » du cinématocentrisme

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse aux relations de remĂ©diation entre le cinĂ©ma et le jeu vidĂ©o envisagĂ©es Ă  travers le prisme du montage cinĂ©matographique et des termes utilisĂ©s pour le dĂ©criree. L’argumentation s’appuie sur une analyse du discours des productions Ă©pistĂ©miques de deux communautĂ©s francophones spĂ©cialisĂ©es en jeu vidĂ©o : les universitaires issus des Ă©tudes vidĂ©oludiques et les journalistes principalement regroupĂ©s autour de trois revues françaises incontournables, soit Tilt (1982-1994), GĂ©nĂ©ration 4 (1987-2004) et Joystick (1988-2012). S’ensuit une synthĂšse des analyses rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  partir d’un corpus composĂ© de textes portant sur les ponts cinĂ©ma/jeu vidĂ©o ou encore sur des jeux rĂ©putĂ©s pour leur rĂ©emploi des codes cinĂ©matographiques. La prĂ©sentation de ce portrait est l’occasion de cerner plusieurs irrĂ©gularitĂ©s sĂ©mantiques en ce qui concerne l’usage des notions « clĂ©s » liĂ©es aux thĂ©ories du montage (coupe, plan, transition, raccord, angle de camĂ©ra, ralenti, cinĂ©matique, etc.). À la lumiĂšre de tels Ă©carts de signification, la pertinence d’une lecture cinĂ©matocentriste des formes d’assemblage du jeu vidĂ©o est remise en question en vertu d’un prĂ©jugĂ© d’interprĂ©tation donnant prĂ©sĂ©ance Ă  l’aspect audiovisuel au dĂ©triment de la jouabilitĂ©.This article explores the remediation between cinema and video games through the lens of film editing or montage terminological framework. The argument is based on a discourse analysis of epistemic productions from two French-speaking communities specialized in video games: gaming scholars and game journalists from three essential French magazines, Tilt (1982-84), GĂ©nĂ©ration 4 (1987-2004) and Joystick (1988-2012). The analysis of this body of texts dealing with the links between film and video game or with games well known for their cinematic qualities highlights (dis)connections regarding how editing codes are discussed from the standpoint of the communities under study. This portrait identifies several semantic discrepancies around the use of “key” editing concepts (cut, shot, transition, continuity shot, camera angles, slow motion, cut-scenes, etc.). In light of such gaps in meaning, a cinemacentric reading of the forms of video game assemblage is called into question on the basis of its interpretive bias, which gives precedence to the audiovisual aspect at the expense of gameplay

    Cartographier la poésie et la politique du bruit vidéoludique

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    Ce 18e dossier de Sciences du jeu est l’aboutissement d’une exploration scientifique rĂ©alisĂ©e sur le territoire thĂ©orique du bruit oĂč coexistent plusieurs notions telles que le chaos, l’interfĂ©rence, le parasite, la subversion, l’accident, l’erreur, l’interruption, ou encore l’incertitude. L’objectif Ă©tait de cartographier diverses trajectoires entre ce champ conceptuel et le monde du jeu vidĂ©o. En orientant leurs analyses autour des phĂ©nomĂšnes ludiques aberrants, excessifs et tumultueux, les contributions rassemblĂ©es dans ce numĂ©ro ont mis en relief la nature fondamentalement rugueuse et irrĂ©guliĂšre du jeu vidĂ©o compris comme systĂšme artistique, sĂ©miotique, mĂ©diatique et socioculturel. Cet effort de prospection a permis de retracer des approches alternatives et marginales de la crĂ©ation vidĂ©oludique, des formes d’appropriation faisant Ă©clater les limites du mĂ©dia et des stratĂ©gies rhĂ©toriques articulant des critiques sociales radicales. Il a Ă©galement exposĂ© diverses tactiques collectives dĂ©ployĂ©es pour saturer les canaux de communication de la culture participative, soit pour participer au chaos festif des performances publiques sur Twitch, soit pour intervenir dans la cacophonie des dĂ©bats entourant d’importantes controverses vidĂ©oludiques. En jalonnant le terrain d’enquĂȘte oĂč s’entrecroisent bruit et jeu vidĂ©o, ce dossier a Ă©rigĂ© diffĂ©rents points de repĂšre pour guider de futures recherches en Ă©tudes vidĂ©oludiques dĂ©sireuses de naviguer Ă  travers les turbulences qui caractĂ©risent le processus de production et de rĂ©ception des jeux vidĂ©o. This 18th issue of Sciences du jeu is the culmination of a scientific exploration throughout the theoretical territory of noise where several notions coexist such as chaos, interference, parasites, subversion, accident, errors, interruption, and uncertainty. The goal was to map various trajectories between this conceptual field and the world of video games. By orienting their analysis around aberrant, excessive, and tumultuous ludic phenomena, the contributions gathered in this issue have highlighted the fundamentally rough and irregular nature of video games understood as an artistic, semiotic, media, and socio-cultural system. This prospecting effort has retraced alternative and marginal approaches to video game creation, forms of appropriation that break down the limits of the media, and rhetorical strategies articulating radical social criticism. It also exposed various collective tactics used to saturate the communication channels of the participatory culture, whether to participate in the festive chaos of public performances on Twitch, or to intervene in the cacophonous debates surrounding important video game controversies. By delineating the area of inquiry where noise and video games intersect, this dossier has erected key landmarks to guide future research in game studies wishing to navigate through the turbulence that characterizes video game production and reception process

    Differences in structural covariance brain networks between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease

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    Disease‐specific patterns of gray matter atrophy in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) overlap with distinct structural covariance networks (SCNs) in cognitively healthy controls. This suggests that both types of dementia target specific structural networks. Here, we study SCNs in AD and bvFTD. We used structural magnetic resonance imaging data of 31 AD patients, 24 bvFTD patients, and 30 controls from two centers specialized in dementia. Ten SCNs were defined based on structural covariance of gray matter density using independent component analysis. We studied group differences in SCNs using F‐tests, with Bonferroni corrected t‐tests, adjusted for age, gender, and study center. Associations with cognitive performance were studied using linear regression analyses. Cross‐sectional group differences were found in three SCNs (all P < 0.0025). In bvFTD, we observed decreased anterior cingulate network integrity compared with AD and controls. Patients with AD showed decreased precuneal network integrity compared with bvFTD and controls, and decreased hippocampal network and anterior cingulate network integrity compared with controls. In AD, we found an association between precuneal network integrity and global cognitive performance (P = 0.0043). Our findings show that AD and bvFTD target different SCNs. The comparison of both types of dementia showed decreased precuneal (i.e., default mode) network integrity in AD and decreased anterior cingulate (i.e., salience) network integrity in bvFTD. This confirms the hypothesis that AD and bvFTD have distinct anatomical networks of degeneration and shows that structural covariance gives valuable insights in the understanding of network pathology in dementia