2 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Measures and Integrals

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    In this paper, we will study the aggregation problem with intera ting riteria,and we will introdu e the on epts of fuzzy measures and integrals. The fuzzyintegrals are powerful aggregation operators whi h are able to take into onsideration the intera tion among riteria and the fuzzy measures an be used formodeling the importan e of all subsets of riteria.We will on entrate in \the Choquet integral ", this fuzzy integral is a weightedaggregation operator, whi h takes into a ount not only the importan e of the riteria, but also the importan e of all subsets of them. The information about theimportan e and the intera tion between riteria is used in the aggregation pro essof the partial evaluations. This paper analyse some hara teristi s and propertiesof this operator

    Towards Multicriteria Clustering: an extension of the k-means algorithm

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