9 research outputs found

    Investigating the Degree of Compliance of Bibliographic Records of the Manuscript Database of the Library of the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Abdolazim with the Iranian MARC Standard

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    Purpose: This research investigated the overlap between bibliographical records in the manuscripts database of Abdulazim library with Iran Marc standard. Methodology: The methodology of this research is the descriptive- survey method, and used a combination method of study and review literature. For the research aim, is chosen 100 title manuscripts that were the same in the manuscripts database of Abdulazim library and the manuscripts database of the national library of Iran. For data gathering used checklist. Cheklist had 2 sections including bibliographical features and manuscript features. Data was collected by direct observation method, then these were surveyed and compared. Findings: Findings showed, the manuscripts database of Abdulazim library didn’t consider some manuscript features such as leaf size, donated notes, consideration, and adornments, and this is a weak point for the Abdulazim library. In comparison this database described bibliographical features thoroughly. Most overlap between Abdulazim database and, IRANMARC fields assigned adornment of manuscripts, consideration, cover size, type of cover, number of leaves, donate note, type of chirography, the place that book was written, scribe, annotation, adornment of cover, complete/ incomplete, possession and etc. Most overlap between libraries in the description of bibliographical features assigned original title, subject, date of writing, language, number of manuscripts, introduce of the manuscript. Conclusion: The results indicate that the Abdulazim library database has performed well in describing the bibliography section and has been able to complete the main fields related to the author, main title, etc., By the standard rules of the Iranian brand. The description of the bibliographic characteristics of the manuscripts has performed poorly, and only one field is used to mention the appearance characteristics of the manuscripts. Value: The present study is the first to identify the differences in the description and cataloging of the manuscripts of the Astan library of Hazrat Abdul Azim with the standard cataloging rules of the Iranian MARC (manuscript)


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    پژوهش حاضر از نوع کاربردی و به روش پیمایشی و جامعه پژوهش، کلیه دانشجویان کارشناسی دانشکده روان شناسیو علوم تربیتی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی هستند. با توجه به حجم جامعه آماری ) 1607 نفر(، گروه نمونه به تعداد 310نفر بر اساس جدول مورگان و به روش تصادفی ساده انتخاب شده است. ابزار پژوهش، پرسشنامه عادات و نگرش خواندناست. به منظور انجام تحلیل های آماری از آزمون مان- ویتنی و آزمون کروسکال والیس استفاده شده است. یافته هایپژوهش نشان داد که بیشترین مواد خواندنی در بین دانشجویان، کتب درسی و کمترین آن مجله عام هپسند است.همچنین بیشترین مقدار زمانی که دانشجویان صرف خواندن م یکنند متعلق به کتب درسی ) 31 تا 60 دقیقه در روز(است. اینترنت بیشترین مجرای دسترسی به مواد خواندنی برای دانشجویان و فروشگاه های کتابفروشی کمترین بودهاست. همچنین بیشترین مکانی که دانشجویان در آن م یخ وانند، خانه و کمترین، فضای باز بوده است. بر اساس یافته هایپژوهش، ترغیب و تشویق از سوی دیگران، بیشترین سهم را در شک لدهی نگرش به خواندن در آزمودنی ها دارد و سایرعوامل به ترتیب عبارتند از: لذت و سرگرمی در خواندن، نگرانی و سختی و دشواری در خواندن، و چگونگی رویایی بافعالیت خواندن. یافت هها همچنین نشان داد که بین نگرش دانشجویان به خواندن بر حسب جنسیت و رشته های تحصیلیتفاوت معنا داری وجود ندارد. با توجه به یافته های پژوهش، به نظر م یرسد هدف دانشجویان از خواندن، کسب لذت وسرگرمی نیست و بیشتر برای کسب دانش، به صورت هدفمند تمایل به خواندن کتب درسی دارند

    Knowledge map of digital libraries in Iran: a co-word analysis

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    This study aimed to knowledge mapping of Digital Libraries (DLs) field in Iran. This is a scientometrics study. In this regard, Social Network and co-word analysis methods were used. 554 research resources such as books, national and international journal papers, conferences articles, and MA and Ph.D. Theses in Iran up to 2013 were studied. Researcher made checklist was used to collext data. Also Gephi and VOSviewer softwares were used to visualize and analyze the subject networks. Researches in the field of DLs were classified into 10 research topics and 59 Subtopics. Findings showed that "Evaluation", "Digital content and collections", "Architecture, systems, tools and technologies" and etc. are higher frequency research topics. Also "Evaluation", "Metadata", "Content preservation and security" and etc. most central and core subtopics in subject networks; Moreover subtopics such as "Electronic publishing standards", "Use of taxonomies to provide unified and organized access to various digital repositories", "Digital preservation systems", "Resource sharing" and etc. are research areas that paied less research attention in Iran. Also results reflect that less researches pay attention to the technical and experimental domains. This show that  domains co-occurrence structure with nearly two decades of studies in this field, compared with international studies, isnot matured and correlation between clusters are little and unbalanced

    Identifying the Components of Gamification in Content Marketing

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify the components of gamification in content marketing based on the perspectives of managers and librarians at Malek National Library and Museum. Methodology: This study employed an applied research approach and utilized a descriptive survey method. The research population consisted of all managers and librarians (totaling 20 individuals) at Malek Library and Museum. A researcher-developed questionnaire consisting of four components and 50 items was used as the data collection tool. The validity of the questionnaire was determined through expert opinions, and its reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.779). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 24, utilizing descriptive statistics such as frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Friedman's test. Findings: According to the research participants, the factor of gamification mechanics with an average rating of 2.13 was deemed more important in content strategy. In terms of content production, the dynamics of gamification had a higher average rating of 2.31 compared to the other two factors. For content creation and optimization, participants considered the dynamic gamification factor (average rating of 2.19) as more significant than the other two factors. Lastly, in the context of content dissemination and distribution, the gamification mechanics factor was rated highest with an average rating of 2.38 compared to the other two factors. Conclusion: From the viewpoint of librarians and managers at Malek Library and Museum, the elements of gamification mechanics and dynamics were the most important factors in content marketing. Value: Given the nature of service provision in libraries and museums, as well as their contribution to national production, the integration of gamification and content marketing can greatly assist in growth, expansion, and meeting customer needs and demands

    Investigating the methodology of indexed articles in breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon and rectal cancer in SID and MEDLIB databases within 2004-2014

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    Introduction: Methodology is one of the main parts of a study, indicating its scientific status. The aim of this study was to review the methodology of indexed articles in three domains, including breast, ovarian, colon and rectal cancers in SID and MEDLIB databases from 2004 until 2014. Method: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional one. It was used a checklist for gathering the required data. The articles consisted of 748 ones indexed in SID and MEDLIB databases in the domains of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon and rectal cancers since 2004 until 2014. The sample size was determined through stratified sampling as 188 articles. The data were analyzed by SPSS software version 21 and descriptive method, including table and chart, frequency and mean percentage. Results: Most of the articles (%89) belonged to SID database and related to breast cancer (%80. 9). All indexed articles were applied ones and %44.4 of them was written for the purpose of curing diseases. The most important method was the observation method (%69.4). The observation-analysis method was applied the most (%53.5). Among intervention studies, the most important method was empirical method (%88.1). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is necessary to pay special attention to various research methods of Persian researches related to above mentioned research fields in order to resolve the need of other researchers and medical teams can easily access these studies

    Identifying and Determining Facets in the Associative Relationships Within and Outside Domain of Islamic Ethics Thesaurus

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    This research was done with the aim of identifying and determining facets in network of correlated relationships of inside and outside field of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus using content analysis method. The research society consisted of 3316 published terms in Islamic Ethic Thesaurus which have correlated relationship together. The method of data collecting was documentary (Library). According to the findings Personality Facet, with 23 lateral and subset facets and 78.55 percent usage, has the most usage in correlated relationships of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus. The Space Facet without subset facet and 0.05 percent usage, has the minimum usage in correlated relationships of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus. Thus, it can be said that ‘Personality’ Facet has the most frequency, and ‘Space’ Facet has the minimum frequency between facets of network of correlated relationships in concepts of inside and outside field of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus. In this study according to the requirements of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus 6 facets were described which include facets of love and friendship, facets of foundation/basis, facets of pests and damages, facets of internal characteristics/sense, facets of signs and symptoms, and facets of ranks and grade