5 research outputs found

    Dilemmas in Not Invented Here Syndrome

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    Not Invented Here syndrome has many negative effects on the performance of companies. However, there are several ways companies can work to overcome NIH syndrome. Some of the most important aspects when it comes to identifying and overcoming NIH syndrome include performance and communication, optimal performance and tenure, the absorptive capacity paradox, intra-organizational communication, experience with external knowledge, and poorly balanced incentive systems. NIH syndrome typically begins when a company feels that their identity is threatened and therefore they reject information from other companies or organizations. The focus of this paper is to address the manifestations, causes, and consequences of NIH syndrome

    REB Strategic Plan

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    Slides from a presentation outlining the strategic plan for a new skin care enterprise, including strategic planning, customer analysis,marketing plan and forecasting

    Decision Making with the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Cover Electricity Shortage Projects in Sudan

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    Resources management is big problem in many countries especially in developed countries. In this paper the author target a big problem in African country called Sudan. The electricity and how they can generate safe and sustainable electricity in this country is the topic in this paper. This particular country was separated 7 years ago and the resources were divided between new countries at that time the electricity problem became a big issue for both new countries. The people faced lack of energy and the author try to solve the energy problem by focusing in increasing demand in electricity and how they can provide a sustainable energy for all population. The result and final model in this study takes the four most reasonable options for how they can generate electricity to cover the increasing in demand and population and outlines major and sub criteria that were determined by an extensive review of literature and opinions provided by experts on this type of projects. From here, the HDM is further refined by using the ETM-HDM online software provided. This model allows for a comparison of tangible factors with varying priorities by way of a pairwise comparison. The hierarchy consisted of four levels: goal, criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives. A group of six experts with various backgrounds and experience between 10 to 30 years of experience in power, social, economic and environmental issues were invited from companies, governments, academia and United Nations. Accordingly their judgments were quantified and incorporated into the online model. According to the outcomes of this model, four alternatives for generate a huge power to cover all shortage in electricity were prioritized using the analytic hierarchy process. The results of the model showed that the solar energy project was the most feasible. The research outcomes revealed the possibility of using different methods to rank possible alternatives for generate electricity projects. However, after research and do some qualitative analysis the author chose import electricity from another country because there is no way to generate enough power with sanction and some restricted. The research also highlighted the importance of selecting the correct criteria and sub-criteria, which can have an impact on the final outcomes of the model

    DevOps Transformation

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    This report is intended to look at the evolution of DevOps, its brief history in the technology and software industries, and its creation influencers. DevOps has been described as an industry revolution, which has transformed the relationships that exist within technology companies, breaking down the walls created within the typically siloed functional groups that exist within the industry. Some critics question whether this is truly a revolutionary industry management methodology, or does it have origins deeply rooted in alternative methodologies that have existed for decades in other industries such as concurrent engineering? The evolution and integration of DevOps into the technology and software industry has had a significant impact on the approach industry leaders take when investing in the components of their technology teams. There is a larger focus on communication and the rate of information transfer between the departments and functional groups. This paper will look into the possible connections that exist between concurrent engineering, developed in the 1980’s and DevOps which made its debut in the late 2000’s

    Marketing Plan for the LG Rollable TV

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    LG continues its legacy as the industry leader in television technology with their new 65” OLED rollable television ushers in a new generation of big screen entertainment. The large but lightweight and impressive resolution paired with the ability to adjust the screen size makes this television a true score for high-end consumers looking for the very latest technology for television and gaming. The rollable television is expected to land squarely within the 326Billionconsumerelectronicsmarket.Whilewebelievethatthemajorityofpurchaseswillremaintypicaltothesmallertelevisionmarket,theremaybesomebleedovertothecomputerperipheralmarketaswell.Thisisbecauseoftheincreaseduseoftelevisionstoaccessinternetcontentcoupledwithadecreaseduseofdesktopcomputers.Dependingonhowwelltheportableaspectofthetelevisionisreceivedbyearlyadopters,consumerusesmayalsooverlaplaptopsandprojectors.Inordertoreachacustomerbasethatispassionateaboutnewtechnologyandvaluesnoveltyoverprice,wedecidedtopursueearlyadoptersoftheU.S.onlinemultiplayerconsolegamercommunity.Theearlyadopterswillthenhelpgalvanizeafanbasefortherollabletvandpullinmoreofthemarketofaround7millionpeople.Themostimportantfeaturesexpectedtodrivepurchasesaretheoptionalcurvedscreen,theadjustableaspectratio,andthestateoftheartresolution.Thetelevisionalsoofferstheoptionofportabilitysothatgamerscanbringtheirtelevisionstogamingparties.However,itisunclearifthetechnologypushwillcreatenewbehaviorsortheoptionwillgountapped.Inordertoreachtheearlyadopters,wewillensurevisibilityatthepopulargamingandtechnologyexposaroundtheU.S.sothatpotentialconsumerscangetanupclosefeelforthetech.Additionally,reportsfromofficialandunofficialsourcesattheexposwillhelpspreadwordofmouthexcitementforthetelevisionsbeforetheyareofficiallyreleased.Withapricetagbetween326 Billion consumer electronics market. While we believe that the majority of purchases will remain typical to the smaller television market, there may be some bleed over to the computer peripheral market as well. This is because of the increased use of televisions to access internet content coupled with a decreased use of desktop computers. Depending on how well the portable aspect of the television is received by early adopters, consumer uses may also overlap laptops and projectors. In order to reach a customer base that is passionate about new technology and values novelty over price, we decided to pursue early adopters of the U.S. online multiplayer console gamer community. The early adopters will then help galvanize a fanbase for the rollable tv and pull in more of the market of around 7 million people. The most important features expected to drive purchases are the optional curved screen, the adjustable aspect ratio, and the state-of-the-art resolution. The television also offers the option of portability so that gamers can bring their televisions to gaming parties. However, it is unclear if the technology push will create new behaviors or the option will go untapped. In order to reach the early adopters, we will ensure visibility at the popular gaming and technology expos around the U.S. so that potential consumers can get an up close feel for the tech. Additionally, reports from official and unofficial sources at the expos will help spread word-of-mouth excitement for the televisions before they are officially released. With a price tag between 8-10k, generating buzz around the release will be particularly important to bring in early adopters that can afford, or will find a way to afford, our must-have new tech. With a total marketing budget of about $170 million, focus will be placed on getting the televisions in front of consumers, even when point-of-sale is expected to be online. Sales in-store will be bolstered by special placement on the sales floors while online sales will highlight the lightweight feature of the television without the need to hire movers or guard doorways