8 research outputs found

    Memory performance improvement and phase-amplitude timing: SO phase at spindle peak was correlated with memory improvement in zolpidem and placebo conditions suggesting a general mechanism of memory formation.

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    <p>This relationship was not observed in sodium oxybate, which showed the worst performance. Phase value of each subject corresponds to the average value over all spindle/SO complexes in that subject. <b>(a)</b>: All conditions, <b>(b):</b> zolpidem, <b>(c):</b> placebo <b>(d):</b> sodium oxybate.</p

    Coupling of Thalamocortical Sleep Oscillations Are Important for Memory Consolidation in Humans - Fig 4

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    <p><b>(a):</b> Normalized modulation index for spindle/SO complexes. <b>(b):</b> Normalized modulation index and memory performance improvement: Modulation Index in each drug condition (zolpidem (black circle), placebo (dark grey), sodium oxybate (light grey) are shown relative to change scores in verbal memory.</p

    Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Evaluating genetic ancestry and self-reported ethnicity in the context of carrier screening

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    Plot of the first and second principal components obtained by Principal Component Analysis on 44 geographic groups (described in Additional file 2: Table S1) and 1142 AIMs. Each geographic group is shown as a point and is colored according to the continental group to which it belongs. The plot illustrates that the AIMs separate most continental groups well, but the Middle Eastern and Central Asian groups do not form distinct clusters. (PNG 49 kb