4 research outputs found

    Eucalyptus species trial on sandy dunes of Khuzestan province (Iran)

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    There are about 350,000 hectares of sandy dunes and sandy lands in Khuzestan. During the past 40 years, different Physical, chemical and biological operations were applied to stabilize these lands and the results were all satisfied. The aim of the study was to determine the most tolerant species of Eucalyptus to drought and heat for biological fixation of sand dunes. Three species and one provenance of Eucalyptus, including E. camaldulensis 9616, E. camaldulensis, E. microtheca and E. sargentii were planted in 1992 under rainfed condition and statistical design of randomized complete blocks, with three replicates at 3*3meter spacing and against dominant wind direction. In this study, a mulch cover was applied to stabilize the sandy dunes against wind erosion. The measured Eucalyptus characteristics were: survival, height and diameter. After seven years, the data were analyzed, using ANOVA and Duncan tests. The results showed that E. camaldulensis 9616 was the most promising species due to its highest value of survival (73%), mean height (9.66m) and mean diameter at breast height (10 cm)

    Effects of spacing and admixture of three leguminous species on above ground biomass on sandy hills of Khuzestan, Iran

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    In order to study the above ground biomass of three leguminous species in different planting (pure and mixed) for biological sand dune fixation, this investigation was carried out on sandy hills of Khuzestan province, located in southwest of Iran. This experiment was conducted in 1999 under rain fed condition and split plots method in frame of Randomized Complete Blocks Design with three replicates. The main treatments consisted of three levels of spacing (3  m×3 m, 4 m×4 m and 5 m×5 m), and the secondary treatments consisted of three species (Prosopis juliflora, Acacia victoriae and A. farensiana) in form of pure and mixed (50%) in six levels. The measured characteristic was biomass (total, forage and woody). After seven years, the data were analyzed, using Duncan test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the maximum total woody biomass achieved by P. juliflora in pure plantation in all three planting spaces. The maximum forage biomass belonged to A. victoriae with 1719.67 kg/ha in 3 m ×3 m planting space, and the least belonged to A. farnesiana with 191.33 kg/ha in 5×5 m spacing, respectively

    Study on compatibility of tree and shrub species with the aim of rehabilitation and extension of riparian lands in the margin of Dez River in khouzestan province

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    DezRiver is one of the five most important permanent rivers of khouzestan province of Iran where there are about 15873 ha riparian groves, growing in continuous or discontinuous forms at different densities. Ten tree and shrub species were used in this experiment to increase diversity at the riparian groves of DezRiver and use them for rehabilitation and expansion program of the groves. The trail was conducted under experimental design of Randomized Complete Blocks with three replicates in 1993 at rainfed condition and in 2001. Ninety seedlings of each species were planted at each plot (3×3 m.) Survival and average of height and diameter of the species were recorded. Effects of drought and water logging period on the species performance were investigated. Six of the species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis 9616, E. microtheca, Acacia farnesiana, A. salicina, A. stenophylla and Dalbergia sisso) were the most resistant to ecological condition due to their high percentage of survival (> 75%). Acacia victoriaewas eliminated from the trail at the second year, because of its low resistant to soil and climate fragile conditions. The species E. camaldulensis 9616, Dalbergia sisso and A. salicina achieved the greatest average of height and diameter growth rate

    Survey on optimum planting spacing with three leguminous species in rain fed system (pure and mixed) on sandy hills of Khouzestan, Iran

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    In order to select the optimum interplant distance and determination the best species for biological sand dune fixation, this study was carried out on sandy hills of  (Khouzestan province) located in southwest of Iran. There are about 350,000 ha of sandy dunes and sandy lands in Khouzestan. During the past 40 years, different physical, chemical and biological operations were applied to stabilize these lands and the results were all satisfied. This experiment was conducted in 1999 under rain fed conditions and statistical method of split plots and Fully Randomized Design Complete Blocks, with three replicates. The main treatments consisted of three levels of spacing (3×3m, 4×4m and 5×5m), and the secondary treatments consisted of three species (Prosopis juliflora, Acacia victoriae and A. farnesiana) in form of pure and mixed(50%) in six levels. The measured characteristics were: survival, mean height, crown diameter and the effect of interplant distance. In this study, a petroleum mulch cover was applied to stabilize the sandy dunes against wind erosion. After five years, the data were analyzed. The results showed that the greatest survival rate belonged to the species of P.juliflora and A.victoriae with 73 and 62 percent, respectively. The species of P.juliflora attained to the highest mean height in pure plantation with 4.9 meter followed by A.victoriae and A.farnesiana with 3.69 and 1.84 meters respectively. The highest crown diameter (5.28 m) achieved by P.juliflora in mixed plantation with A.farnesiana and the least (1.9 m) in all treatments was measured by A. farnesiana