31 research outputs found

    Intergranular Corrosion Fatigue Fracture Surface Analysis of Nickel Alloy

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    AbstractThe paper presents a systematic investigation of the effects of a corrosive condition on grain boundary corrosion and other deleterious phenomena in a nickel alloys commonly used in nuclear waste containers, chemical refining plants and steam generator tubes. Grain boundary corrosion is investigated with the aid of microscopy. The results show that a concentrated corrosive condition greatly increases the susceptibility to crack initiation and crack propagation along grain boundaries, i.e. intergranular fracture

    Smart Poultry House Monitoring System Using IoT

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    In modern India, the poultry industry is one of the largest and fastest growing segments of the agrarian economy. Due to standardized farming management and excellent manufacturing practices, chicken output has been steadily increasing in recent years. Automation is crucial in the modern world, and the Internet of Things (IoT) concept is also evolving rapidly. It is possible to automate manual processes using acertain technique. The project's objective is to use IoT technologies to automate management-related chores on a chicken farm. Environmental factors like temperature and humidity are just a few that have an impact on chicken wellness. By keeping an eye on the chicks according to their cycle, the proprietor is informed. The weight of the chicken is taken into consideration for high - quality manufacturing. If all these factors remain consistent, chicken production and quality increase

    Classification of Chest X-ray Images using Convolutional Neural Nework

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    The current worldwide Covid-19 epidemic is linked to a respiratory lung infection caused by a novel corona virus disease (SARSCoV- 2), the evolution of which is still not known. More than 100,000 cases were confirmed worldwide using the current case definition of Covid-19 infection, based on pneumonia diagnosis, with a death rate ranging between 2% and 3%. Since the expanding sick population might not have simple access to current laboratory testing, new screening techniques are necessary. The Computed tomography of chest is an important technique for the former detection and treatment of Covid-19 pulmonary symptoms, even though its utility as a screening tool has not yetbeen established. Even though it lacked specificity, it exhibited excellent sensitivity. We demonstrate a neural network based on pneumonia and covid classification in Tensor Flow and Keras. The suggested method is based on the CNN uses images and the CNN model to categorize Covid-19 or pneumonia. It is anticipated that discoveries will become more successful. If the covid-19 or pneumonia classification algorithms and other feature extraction methods are added, the CNN approach will be successfully supported

    Identification of Brain Tumor on Mri images with and without Segmentation using DL Techniques

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    Brain cancer is a critical disease that results in the deaths of many individuals. Early detection and classification of brain tumors is essential for effective treatment and improved patient outcomes. However, current manual examination of MRI images for tumor detection can be time-consuming and imprecise. In this project, we propose a computer-based system that utilizes image processing techniques and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for accurate and efficient brain tumor detection and classification. Our system involves several stages, including image pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. By training a CNN on a large dataset of MRI images with known tumor types, our system can accurately detect and classify brain tumors based on extracted features. The results of our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our systemin accurately detecting and classifying brain tumors, with potential to greatly improve the accuracy and speed of diagnosis, and ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes. To explicitly depict the tumor region, we have also added the segmentation procedure

    Intelligent Medicine Box

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    The fundamental reason for the venture “INTELLIGENT MEDICINE BOX” is to propose the essential thought of programmed medication update, which will help patients take their recommended medication suitably with appropriate dosages. It is a clever plan to help the patient take as much time as is needed and, thus, lessen an opportunity to recuperate from their infection. Specifically, the matured patient takes some unacceptable medication and some unacceptable measurements mistakenly, causing a serious issue. This framework isn’t only useful for an individual but can likewise make a significant commitment to medical clinics. In the present occupied, pushed, and booked life, individuals are experiencing loads of illnesses but can’t recall their medication and timing of it, and here this framework can be of genuine use. This project utilizes an LCD, ARDUINO module, RTC module. AS per the odder gadgets, this smart medicine box is planned in light of a lower cost. Thus, this convenient and monetarily cheaper framework would be useful to each age grou

    IoT-Based Assistant for Alzheimer's Patient with Reminder System and Tracking Using GPS

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    In many nations, there is serious worry over the rising incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD). New approaches are therefore needed for preventing, identifying, and helping people with AD. Alzheimer patients are facing difficulties during day-to-day activities in terms of traveling and receiving accurate information from their surroundings. We have proposed a smart belt that overcomes most of the problems of Alzheimer’s patients. The belt genuinely aids in identifying the challenges encountered in daily life. The smart belt is embedded with Arduino UNO and a global positioning system (GPS) that helps in sensing emergency alerts. The proposed smart belt provides continuous information about the location of Alzheimer’s patients to the concerned caretaker at an interval of five minutes. The pulse heart rate sensor installed on the belt monitors the health of the user. This heart rate sensor is used to detect the heart rate, and when the heart rate increases a buzzer makes an alert sound and sends an immediate message to the caretaker about the increased heart rate and location. It also contains a speaker module that tells the phone number and address of the caretaker and also some important help line emergency numbers. Sensors are used for achieving these functions. It supports them in remembering their family member’s numbers. This smart belt is useful for patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's diseas

    System for Water Quality Monitoring and Distribution

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    Water plays a vital role in the creation of human being and other natural phenomena. More than 80% of the resources is surrounded by water but in that only 20% is good for consumption others are fully polluted and contaminated. Now a days water is more polluted, and even supplied in a very lesser level so to check and monitor the quality of the water we mainly using a number of sensors are used to monitor the water’s quality and distribute it to the less fortunate. The quality of the water is affected by several parameters. Water is provided from difference resources like lake, pond, well, ground water, oceans etc.so these waters are not good for consumption Therefore, our goal is to assess the water’s quality while keeping an eye on the flow and level of the water. It is intended to use a variety of cutting-edge devices to check various water quality system parameters

    Crevice Corrosion of Inconel and Hastelloy in a 60 o C 3.5% Sodium Chloride Solution

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    Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to examine crevice corrosion behavior of Inconel and Hastelloy in 3.5% sodium chloride solution at 60C. This study investigates the important roles of chromium and molybdenum in crevice corrosion of these alloys. Results indicate that chromium and molybdenum plays a strong role in maintaining and stabilizing the passivity of Inconel and Hastelloy, respectively. No evidence of crevice corrosion was found in the Hastelloy specimen whereas it was observed in the Inconel alloy

    Crack Initiation and Crack Propagation of Pre-corroded Ni-16Cr Alloy in 4.5%NaCl Aqueous Solution

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    Abstract: -This paper examines the characteristics of corrosion fatigue of a Ni-16Cr alloy workpiece soaked in 4.5%NaCl aqueous solution for a period of one week, followed by corrosion fatigue testing in the same aqueous solution. Corrosion, corrosion fatigue crack initiation mechanisms, crack surface morphology and fractographic analysis are discussed and compared to results from a workpiece fatigued in ambient laboratory air. Experimental results reveal susceptibility to surface pits in the Ni-16Cr alloy workpiece in a 4.5%NaCl aqueous solution, a result that is supported by morphology and fractographic analysis

    Occurrence of Single and Double Slip Crossover Bands in Fatigued Alloys C460 and C22

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    AbstractAluminium lithium alloy C460 and nickel chromium alloy C22 are used extensively in the aerospace industry for various aircraft components. In this study, fine and coarse -grained specimens of these alloys were subjected to fatigue testing in air and at room temperature in a servo-hydraulic testing machine to study fatigue behavior and the microstructures developed by cyclically deforming the specimens in a series of stress-strain hysteresis loops. Microstructural characterization revealed the development of single and double slip crossover bands within grains. Further, it was found that double slips crossover band density increased with the number of cycles to failure, with double slip crossover bands being more pronounced in C22 than in C460. Double slip crossover bands in C22 were readily observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), whereas, for C460 the clear observation of double slip crossover bands required transmission electron microscopy (TEM)