571 research outputs found

    Loss of Larval Fish by Epilimnial Discharge From DeGray Lake, Arkansas

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    Weekly samples of larval fish were collected from water discharged from the epilimnion of DeGray Lake into the tailwaters, for power generation, from April through August, 1976 and 1977. Peak rates of loss measured were 1.4 larvae/m³ in May, 1976 and 2.7/m³ in April, 1977. Sunfish, shad and crappie made up 97% of an estimated 83.3 million fish lost in 1976, and 98% of 122.4 million lost in 1977. The most critical period for larval fish loss extended from the last week of April to the first week of June. No definite relationships were noted between length of the power generation period or power generation rate, and rate of larval fish discharge. Diel collections showed the rate of larval fish discharge to be lower and more uniform during darkness than during daylight

    Food of Bluegill and Longear Sunfish in DeGray Reservoir, Arkansas, 1976

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    Stomach contents were examined from 544 bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and 709 longear sunfish (L. megalotis) collected from nearshore areas of DeGray Reservoir April-November 1976. Major foods of bluegill (percentage of total weight of food in parentheses) were insects (33), bryozoa (7.3), planktonic crustaceans (6.5), and plant materials (15.4). The major food items contributing to the diet of longear sunfish were insects (52.6%), crayfish (12.5%), fish (7.4%), and plant material (6.7%). Although bluegill and longear sunfish are closely related species, their diets were not as similar as expected: bluegill consumed zooplankton, adult dipterans, and adult ephemeropterans associated with limnetic areas; while longear sunfish consumed terrestrial insects, immature stages of aquatic insects, and macro-invertebrates associated with littoral areas

    Fishes of the Caddo River, Arkansas, After Impoundment of DeGray Lake

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    Fifty-five collections of fishes were made with small-mesh seines and electrofishing gear in the Caddo River and four of its tributaries during 1974-75. Eighty-two species representing 17 families were collected; 14 of the species had not previously been reported from the Caddo River

    Water Quality in the Gillham Lake-Cossatot River System During Dry and Wet Periods

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    Water samples were collected in the Cossatot River-Gillham Lake system during an extended dry period and after heavy rains to determine the spatial variations in certain water quality characteristics. Of particular interest was the influence of the reservoir discharge on the water quality of the tailwater compared with the effects of four tributaries entering the tailwater below the reservoir. The water quality of the Cossatot River below Gillham Lake at low-flow (dry periods) and during the first 3 days after heavy rainfall (wet period) was influenced more by the tributaries entering the tailwater than by the reservoir water release. We estimated, however, that the amount of particulate inorganic matter released to the tailwater from the reservoir after the initial 3-day wet period would be greater than the amounts entering the tailwater from the tributaries

    Student authoring, editing and electronic publishing

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    Millions of term papers have been written by college seniors who will be writing reports and publications as part of their professional responsibilities soon after graduation. While most term papers are graded and returned to student authors, a former student shared the observation that nothing less than an \u27A\u27 is acceptable on the job. Writing assignments can be made more meaningful by giving student authors responsibility for their writing similar to those professionals have; their work will be edited, read and used by others. Student papers were first published on the Department\u27s Cooperative Learning Center (CLC) local area network in 1991, after development of the Educators Software Package (ESP) for preparing hypertext information systems. Since then, over 2000 files have been published by CLC students in several courses. An immediate improvement in the quality of writing is observed when students know that the criterion for excellence is acceptable for publication, and their papers will be read by students for years to come. Editorial guidelines remind students that disciplined scientific writing is different from creative writing as a result of the comments of student editors. The student-authored information systems, complimented by professionally-authored files, are accessed through course, subject, and species menus. Search functions enable students to find information on our CLC network that others have written, and links to libraries and the World-Wide Web provide access to other publications. While the information on our CLC network is of significant value to the students, the greater long-term value lies in the development of professional responsibilities for writing and editing. Rather than writing a term paper and taking what they get for a grade, our students write and rewrite until their paper is accepted for publication. Student editors, graduate assistants, and course professors help the students reach that goal, and when it is reached, everyone benefits, including students in the future

    Differing Federal Individual Income Tax Perceptions: Political Party Affiliation And Ideological Philosophy

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    Individuals who are affiliated with different political parties and who subscribe to different ideological philosophies also tend to have different views on many issues. This paper explores taxpayer perceptions of the federal individual income tax, which can be traced back to 1913 in its present form, based upon their political party affiliation as well as their ideological philosophy. The analysis revealed that the responses to the federal individual income tax statements included in this survey were not independent of political party or ideological philosophy. These results suggest that the political and ideological makeup of Congress and the President are likely to have an impact on future decisions with respect to possible modifications to the federal individual income tax. The question remains whether these differences may be set aside in a consolidated effort to find long range solutions to our country’s fiscal challenges
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