16 research outputs found

    The Biased Journey of MSD_AUDIO.ZIP

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    The equitable distribution of academic data is crucial for ensuring equal research opportunities, and ultimately further progress. Yet, due to the complexity of using the API for audio data that corresponds to the Million Song Dataset along with its misreporting (before 2016) and the discontinuation of this API (after 2016), access to this data has become restricted to those within certain affiliations that are connected peer-to-peer. In this paper, we delve into this issue, drawing insights from the experiences of 22 individuals who either attempted to access the data or played a role in its creation. With this, we hope to initiate more critical dialogue and more thoughtful consideration with regard to access privilege in the MIR community

    Changes seen in the body of an elderly patient suffering from diabetes

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    Background: Diabetes is a foreign disease today. This is a chronic, metabolic disease that is characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. There are many types of disease. Each of them has different characteristics. The key in the fight against the disease is to perform appropriate laboratory tests to diagnose diabetes and to introduce appropriate treatment to prevent many complications, e.g. impairment of: vision, kidneys, cardiovascular system or hearing. Material and methods: A proper review of the literature was used, which identifies risk factors, complications and proper management in diagnosing diabetes. Results: The growing problem of diabetes forces us to find the most accurate way to treat the disease. Performing reliable diagnostics is crucial. The reference method (IDMS) and methods used in routine diagnostics, oxidase hexokinase are the basic and necessary laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of diabetes. Conclusions: In the coming years, the number of patients suffering from diabetes will continue to grow. Diagnosis and treatment of this disease is extremely important, because neglecting the disease can have many serious consequences for healthy physical and mental functioning. The basis is the performance of correct tests, which allows for proper treatment

    Review of the methodology of lower limb prosthesis

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    Background: The replacement of inefficient or lost organs, especially in the case of lower ends, is associated with a huge experience for the patient, especially in emotional terms. However, with the development of medicine and technology, they allow patients, with properly conducted rehabilitation, to achieve satisfaction with the obtained effects of the treatment. The variety of forms of lower limb prosthesis depends primarily on the location of the prosthesis. Material and methods: Analysis of available literature, articles in the Google Scholar and PubMed database using keywords: Prosthesis, Lower limb, Amputation Results: The lower limb prosthesis is built from a funnel that matches the stump, the mechanism of the knee joint, shin and the foot. Pours that are used at the lower extremities include: a quadrangular funnel, an ICS longitudinal oval or a CAD-CAM, a full-contact hip funnel, a residual femoral funnel or vacuum syphilis used in people with neoplastic amputations. In the case of knee joints, the distinction is made based on the number of axes around which the movement takes place. So we distinguish uniaxial and multi-axis joints. As important as the other parts is the construction of the prosthetic foot, because it is responsible for supporting the limb stabilizers through passive control of the ankle bending. Conclusions: With the new generation of lower limbs prostheses, the patient can lead an active professional life, as well as practice various sports disciplines. However, this does not change the fact that there is still a great need for research, and holistic cooperation to increase the efficiency and satisfaction of life of amputees in the lower limbs

    A holistic approach to the problem of Rheumatoid Arthritis in geriatric patients

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease and belongs to the group of systemic connective tissue diseases having an autoimmune basis. The most commonly reported symptoms by patients are pain, swelling and difficulty moving the affected joints. The course of rheumatoid arthritis is different in the elderly, the onset of the disease in the elderly is more severe than in the young, and large proximal joints are primarily involved. Make a diagnosis as soon as possible and start treatment, the greater the chance of delaying disease progression and even remission, which will minimize disability. In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly, who often have co-morbidities and often mobility difficulties, the role of physiotherapist and nursing care is extremely important next to medical treatment. The use of kinesitherapy allows you to increase the range of motion of the joints and maintain them in good functional condition. Physiotherapy, on the other hand, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This effect is enhanced by properly selected pharmacological treatment, carried out with the help of disease-modifying drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids and biological drugs

    Rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia - a review of the diversity of forms

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    Abstract: Background: Damage to the spinal cord most often occurs as a result of spine injury, often causing the disability. In every patient with paraplegia, complications may occur in the form of: sensory disorders, bedsores, contractures, urinary and stool incontinence, paresis or limb paralysis, as well as sexual problems. Material and methods: Analysis of available literature, articles in the Google Scholar and PubMed database using keywords: Rehabilitation, Paraplegia, Neurology Results: Losing the function of locomotion and self-care in everyday activities is a great psychological burden, both for the sick person and his family. Rehabilitation proceeding should include physical, psychological and social aspects. For paraplegics, the introduction of early and appropriately targeted treatment may reduce the risk of onerous complications and allow for maximum self-empowerment in basic activities. For a person with disability, it is a chance to achieve self-acceptance and return to a dignified life in society. Conclusions: Problems of patients with paraplegia, despite the fact that they were described in many books and articles, should still be considered in studies that would use the latest news from the world of science. Patients struggling with this problem still expect further measures to improve their quality of life

    Complications associated with hospitalization after spinal cord injury

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    Abstract: Background: Spinal cord injuries are a traumatic phenomenon not only for the physical sphere, but equally affect the human psyche. The patient ceases to be independent in his actions, he must face a completely new situation for himself and the environment. Particularly difficult is the first period after injury, associated with hospitalization. That is why it is so important to prevent the most common complications of spinal injuries during this period. Material and methods: Analysis of available literature, articles in the Google Scholar and PubMed database using keywords: Spinal Cord, Injury, Trauma, Complications Results: The most common complications associated with the hospital stay of patients with spinal cord injury include: complications in the respiratory system (including pneumonia, atelectasis and respiratory failure), decubitus ulcers, periarticular neurogenic ossification, autonomic dysreflexia, spasticity or disorders in the functioning of the urinary tract. Decubitus ulcers due to their nature are a huge problem for hospitalized patients, in epidemiological studies it was estimated to occur at nearly 20 per cent. Spasticity is one of the most serious complications hindering the effective rehabilitation process of post-traumatic persons. In the case of disorders associated with the urinary system, it is important to classify dysfunctions based on the neurogenic evaluation of the sphincter muscles and detrusor. Conclusions: Due to the increasing number of spinal cord and spinal cord injuries and the serious nature of their complications, this topic should continue to be an area of very intensive scientific research, both theoretical and clinical. The given issues should be familiar not only to the medical community but also to the family and the patient's environment

    Dysfunctions of the immune system associated with age

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    Abstract Background: The human immune system consists of innate and adaptive responses. Innate immune response is the first line of the body's defense, while the adaptive response eliminates pathogens in later stages of infection. Cooperation between innate and adaptive immune response is important to effectively eliminate pathogens. An integral part of the aging of the human body is the aging of the immune system, which results in functional disorders directly affecting the deterioration of health. Abnormal functioning of the immune system is a predisposing factor to the occurrence of old-age diseases, as well as reduces the effectiveness of protective vaccination especially recommended to geriatric patients. Material and Methods: The current state of knowledge on age-related immune dysfunctions has been reviewed. The analysis concerned publications in English and Polish language published in the years 2003-2018, which were collected in the PubMed and Google Scholar database. Particular attention was paid to publications presenting the results of research conducted on a group of geriatric people in order to analyze the facts from the research. The publications were searched on the basis of key phrases, among others: the immune system of the elderly, chronic inflammation, innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Results: A review of current knowledge showed the seriousness of the problem of the aging of the immune system. In addition to reducing the efficiency of the immune system, special attention should be paid to chronic inflammation that predisposes to old-age diseases, as well as to reduce the effectiveness of immunization, which is a serious threat. Conclusion: Analyzing the sources of chronic inflammation in the elderly, particular attention was paid to the phenotype of aging cells, changes in the intestinal microflora of the elderly, the role of adipose tissue in the process of inflammation and changes in the levels of steroid hormones. Public awareness of the etiology of the problem is an excellent method of counteracting the negative effects of immunodeficiency. One of the recommendations is physical activity as part of the elimination of adipose tissue capable of securing an infinite number of pro-inflammatory cytokines

    A person with diabetes as a patient - basic rules of conduct

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes is very widespread disease. More and more patients suffer from hyperglycaemia and low levels of insulin because of obesity, aging and wrong diet. The most important in treatment based on health condition is to normalize glucose level. It is recommended to treat patients to avoid many complications of hyperglycaemia, e.g. cardiovascular diseases, stroke episodes, neuropathy or nephropathy. The most common cause of death are cardiovascular problems and renal failure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A proper review of published literature provide to define laboratory indexes, risk factors, complications to precise methods of treatment among patients with diabetes. RESULTS: The problem of growing number of people suffering from diabetes is an important issue to find solutions to conduct their treatment. Basic method is a change of diet and body loss. The most important medicament in treatment is metformin. To achieve the best results of conducting therapy should be extended by pioglitazone or liraglutide. Also addition of aspirin lower dyslipidemia problems. Such a combination provides to minimise side effects of sickness. CONCLUSIONS: Number of people suffering from DM is still and will be growing over the next years. It is significant to diagnose these people because untreated diabetes provides to many complications e.g. stroke or acute coronary syndrome. It is important to examine patients correctly what allows to turn on correct treatment. Basic standards in treatment should contain lower glucose levels, avoid complications to enhance life quality. . Expanded therapy is also concentrated on hypertension, acidosis and ketoacidosis coma to obtain beneficial effects

    Assessing the risk of falls of older people using specialized diagnostic tests

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    Background: The phenomenon of population aging, resulting in an increase in the number of elderly people in need of medical assistance, necessitated the development of geriatric medicine. Its key assumption is to improve the quality of life of older people through early recognition, prevention and treatment of diseases of old age. Material and methods: Analysis of available literature, articles in the Google Scholar and PubMed database using keywords: geriatrics, aging process, falls Results: The fall belongs to a group of great geriatric problems contributing to the phenomenon of senile disability. The result of disturbances in the balance and problems associated with the weakening of the musculoskeletal system is a fall, which has very serious consequences for the health and functioning of an older person. The most important diagnostic tests related to falls of older people include: Timed Up & Go Test (TUG), Dynamic Gait Index (DGI), The Step Test, Stop Walking When Talking (SWWT), Four Square Step Test (FSST) Conclusions: Falling older people is statistically one of the biggest problems of this age group, and at the same time causing a huge number of complications in the lives of geriatric patients, which is why their prevention is so important. There is a further need for research and discussion on the effectiveness of forms of diagnostic to prevent the falls of older peopl