36 research outputs found

    Prva iskustva s trodimenzijskom konformalnom radioterapijom u liječenju raka prostate u Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu

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    Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy is a standard of care in prostate cancer patients. It is delivered in either adjuvant or salvage setting, and only occasionally as palliative treatment. The University Hospital for Tumors in Zagreb, Croatia introduced the technique in November 2005. During the introductory period of six months, 3D-conformal radiotherapy was given to 86 prostate cancer patients, the majority of them with primary prostate cancer (60.47%). Only 4 patients received palliative treatment, and the remaining 30 were administered post-surgical (adjuvant or salvage) radiotherapy. The paper presents characteristics of patients and their treatment. The median duration of irradiation planning was 17.5, 15 and 13 days for primary, adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy, respectively. A radiation dose exceeding 70 Gy was delivered to 48 (92.31%) of primary irradiated patients with the median dose of 76 Gy. The median dose in both adjuvant and salvage irradiated patients was 10 Gy lower. The standard box technique was applied in 98.91% of patients. Treatment took longer than anticipated for the median of 10 days at primary and adjuvant radiotherapy, and for 15 days at salvage radiotherapy. Acute urinary and rectal side effects of radiation were reported in 22.54% and 23.94% of patients, respectively. The first experiences show the feasibility of 3D-conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients at the University Hospital for Tumors. The complexity of the procedure, non-existence of a unique algorithm, and also heavy linac workload are the reasons for the relatively long irradiation planning. Longer treatment is less a result of side effects than of occasional problems with linear accelerators. The low rate of early side effects primarily results from a retrospective study and incomplete records of radiotherapy side effects.Trodimenzijska konformalna radioterapija predstavlja standard u primarnom liječenju bolesnika s rakom prostate. Primjenjuje se i pri adjuvantnoj i tzv. radioterapiji \u27spasa\u27 (engl. salvage), a u palijativnom zračenju tek sporadično. U Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu ova je tehnika uvedena u studenom 2005. godine. Tijekom prvog šestomjesečnog razdoblja trodimenzijska konformalna radioterapija započela je u 86 bolesnika s rakom prostate. Većinom se radilo o primarnom liječenju raka prostate (60,47%). Tek je u 4 bolesnika provedeno palijativno liječenje, dok je u ostalih 30 bolesnika provedena poslijeoperacijska radioterapija (adjuvantna ili terapija \u27spasa\u27). Prikazane su osobine bolesnika i provedenog liječenja. Medijan trajanja pripreme zračenja iznosio je 17,5 dana pri primarnoj, 15 dana pri adjuvantnoj te 13 dana pri radioterapiji \u27spasa\u27. Dozu zračenja veću od 70 Gy primilo je 48 (92,31%) primarno zračenih bolesnika uz medijan doze od 76 Gy. Medijan doze adjuvantno zračenih bolesnika i onih koji su primali radioterapiju \u27spasa\u27 bio je za 10 Gy niži. Standardna \u27box\u27 tehnika zračenja primijenjena je u 98,91% bolesnika. Liječenje je trajalo duže od predvi|enog za medijan 10 dana pri primarnoj i adjuvantnoj te 15 dana pri radioterapiji \u27spasa\u27. Akutne urinarne nuspojave zračenja zabilježene su u 22,54%, a od strane rektuma u 23,94% bolesnika. Prva iskustva upućuju na provedivost trodimenzijske konformalne radioterapije u bolesnika s rakom prostate u Klinici za tumore. Složenost postupka, nepostojanje jedinstvenog algoritma, no i opterećenost ure|aja za zračenje razlozi su relativno dugog trajanja pripreme za zračenje. Duže trajanje liječenja od predvi|enog manje je posljedica nuspojavanego povremenih kvarova linearnih akceleratora. Zabilježena mala pojavnost ranih nuspojava temeljno je posljedica retrospektivne studije i nepotpunog bilježenja nuspojava u kartone zračenja

    Prva iskustva s trodimenzijskom konformalnom radioterapijom u liječenju raka prostate u Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu

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    Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy is a standard of care in prostate cancer patients. It is delivered in either adjuvant or salvage setting, and only occasionally as palliative treatment. The University Hospital for Tumors in Zagreb, Croatia introduced the technique in November 2005. During the introductory period of six months, 3D-conformal radiotherapy was given to 86 prostate cancer patients, the majority of them with primary prostate cancer (60.47%). Only 4 patients received palliative treatment, and the remaining 30 were administered post-surgical (adjuvant or salvage) radiotherapy. The paper presents characteristics of patients and their treatment. The median duration of irradiation planning was 17.5, 15 and 13 days for primary, adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy, respectively. A radiation dose exceeding 70 Gy was delivered to 48 (92.31%) of primary irradiated patients with the median dose of 76 Gy. The median dose in both adjuvant and salvage irradiated patients was 10 Gy lower. The standard box technique was applied in 98.91% of patients. Treatment took longer than anticipated for the median of 10 days at primary and adjuvant radiotherapy, and for 15 days at salvage radiotherapy. Acute urinary and rectal side effects of radiation were reported in 22.54% and 23.94% of patients, respectively. The first experiences show the feasibility of 3D-conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients at the University Hospital for Tumors. The complexity of the procedure, non-existence of a unique algorithm, and also heavy linac workload are the reasons for the relatively long irradiation planning. Longer treatment is less a result of side effects than of occasional problems with linear accelerators. The low rate of early side effects primarily results from a retrospective study and incomplete records of radiotherapy side effects.Trodimenzijska konformalna radioterapija predstavlja standard u primarnom liječenju bolesnika s rakom prostate. Primjenjuje se i pri adjuvantnoj i tzv. radioterapiji \u27spasa\u27 (engl. salvage), a u palijativnom zračenju tek sporadično. U Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu ova je tehnika uvedena u studenom 2005. godine. Tijekom prvog šestomjesečnog razdoblja trodimenzijska konformalna radioterapija započela je u 86 bolesnika s rakom prostate. Većinom se radilo o primarnom liječenju raka prostate (60,47%). Tek je u 4 bolesnika provedeno palijativno liječenje, dok je u ostalih 30 bolesnika provedena poslijeoperacijska radioterapija (adjuvantna ili terapija \u27spasa\u27). Prikazane su osobine bolesnika i provedenog liječenja. Medijan trajanja pripreme zračenja iznosio je 17,5 dana pri primarnoj, 15 dana pri adjuvantnoj te 13 dana pri radioterapiji \u27spasa\u27. Dozu zračenja veću od 70 Gy primilo je 48 (92,31%) primarno zračenih bolesnika uz medijan doze od 76 Gy. Medijan doze adjuvantno zračenih bolesnika i onih koji su primali radioterapiju \u27spasa\u27 bio je za 10 Gy niži. Standardna \u27box\u27 tehnika zračenja primijenjena je u 98,91% bolesnika. Liječenje je trajalo duže od predvi|enog za medijan 10 dana pri primarnoj i adjuvantnoj te 15 dana pri radioterapiji \u27spasa\u27. Akutne urinarne nuspojave zračenja zabilježene su u 22,54%, a od strane rektuma u 23,94% bolesnika. Prva iskustva upućuju na provedivost trodimenzijske konformalne radioterapije u bolesnika s rakom prostate u Klinici za tumore. Složenost postupka, nepostojanje jedinstvenog algoritma, no i opterećenost ure|aja za zračenje razlozi su relativno dugog trajanja pripreme za zračenje. Duže trajanje liječenja od predvi|enog manje je posljedica nuspojavanego povremenih kvarova linearnih akceleratora. Zabilježena mala pojavnost ranih nuspojava temeljno je posljedica retrospektivne studije i nepotpunog bilježenja nuspojava u kartone zračenja

    GPS-antenna Zephyr Geodetic

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    U radu su opisana fizikalna svojstva i poboljšanja GPS-antene Zephyr Geodetic. Ta antena omogućava vrlo precizna mjerenja, s vrlo malim smetnjama, jer umanjuje utjecaj multipath efekta. Osim toga, ima više pobudnih mjesta tako da su u njoj manja zaostajanja signala. Iz usporedbe te antene s poznatom Choke ring antenom, vidi se, da se sa Zephyr Geodetic antenom postižu rezultati usporedivi s Choke ring antenom, a djelomično i bolji na malim elevacijskim kutovima satelita (Krantz i dr. 2001b). Stoga ne čudi da su mjerenjima koja su izvedena sa Zephyr Geodetic antenom na kalibracijskoj bazi Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu postignuti izvrsni rezultati (Solarić i dr. 2008).The paper describes physical properties and improvements of the GPS-antenna Zephyr Geodetic. It enables very precise measurements, with very small disturbances because it reduced the influence of multiple effects. Apart from that, the antenna has got more enhancing items so that there are lees signal delays present. From the comparison the antenna with well known Choke ring antenna it can be seen that there are results obtained with Zephyr Geodetic antenna comparable with the results obtained with Choke ring antenna, and they are partly even better at smaller elevation angles of the satellite (Krantz et al. 2001b). It is therefore no wonder that the results obtained with the measurements performed with Zephyr Geodetic antenna at the calibration base of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, are excellent (Solarić et al. 2008)

    Primjena 3D-konformalne radioterapija jednim ciljnim volumenom u bolesnika s dva primarna tumora – prikaz slučaja

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    A male patient, aged 54, was admitted to the University Hospital for Tumors for primary radiotherapy of neoplasms in the hypopharynx and mid-esophagus, by biopsy both shown as planocellular carcinoma. Prior to initial radiation, the patient underwent 3 cycles of chemotherapy (cisplatin + 5-FU). The main problem occurring during the radiation planning was that the target volumes of the above mentioned primary tumors were detached, making together a unique, very big volume. In addition, part of that volume was to be irradiated only electively in order to prevent microscopic disease expansion, and another smaller part required an application of the full radical tumor dose. During radiotherapy, the continuation of chemotherapy was indicated (2 cycles of cisplatin and 5-FU). Despite the large target volumes irradiated and concomitant application of chemotherapy, the patient took the entire course of primary radiochemotherapy well and without a necessary recess. The patient was discharged with his general condition improved, and at the control visit three months after the completion of radiotherapy, the diagnostic evaluation showed no signs of residual disease.Bolesnik u dobi 54 godine zaprimljen je u našu Kliniku zbog provođenja primarne radioterapije neoplazme hipofarinksa i neoplazme srednjeg dijela jednjaka. Biopsijom obje promjene dobije se planocelularni karcinom. S obzirom na isti histološki tip oba tumora, prije početka zračenja bolesnik je primio 3 ciklusa kemoterapije cisplatinom i 5-fluorouracilom. U pripremi i planiranju zračenja temeljni problem je bio što su se ciljni volumeni odvojenih primarnih tumora doticali te su činili jedinstveni veliki volumen. Uz to, dio tog volumena valjalo je zračiti samo elektivno sa ciljem suzbijanja mikroskopske bolesti, a tek u dijelu je bilo nužno aplicirati radikalnu dozu. Tijekom zračenja određen je nastavak kemoterapije i to 2 ciklusa s cisplatinom i 5 fluorouracilom. Unatoč velikim ciljnim volumenima zračenja i konkomitantno primijenjene kemoterapije, bolesnik je dobro i u cijelosti, bez stanke u zračenju, podnio primarnu radiokemoterapiju. Otpušten je u poboljšanom općem stanju, a na prvom kontrolnom pregledu, tri mjeseca po završenoj terapiji nije bilo znakova povrata bolesti

    Primjena 3D-konformalne radioterapija jednim ciljnim volumenom u bolesnika s dva primarna tumora – prikaz slučaja

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    A male patient, aged 54, was admitted to the University Hospital for Tumors for primary radiotherapy of neoplasms in the hypopharynx and mid-esophagus, by biopsy both shown as planocellular carcinoma. Prior to initial radiation, the patient underwent 3 cycles of chemotherapy (cisplatin + 5-FU). The main problem occurring during the radiation planning was that the target volumes of the above mentioned primary tumors were detached, making together a unique, very big volume. In addition, part of that volume was to be irradiated only electively in order to prevent microscopic disease expansion, and another smaller part required an application of the full radical tumor dose. During radiotherapy, the continuation of chemotherapy was indicated (2 cycles of cisplatin and 5-FU). Despite the large target volumes irradiated and concomitant application of chemotherapy, the patient took the entire course of primary radiochemotherapy well and without a necessary recess. The patient was discharged with his general condition improved, and at the control visit three months after the completion of radiotherapy, the diagnostic evaluation showed no signs of residual disease.Bolesnik u dobi 54 godine zaprimljen je u našu Kliniku zbog provođenja primarne radioterapije neoplazme hipofarinksa i neoplazme srednjeg dijela jednjaka. Biopsijom obje promjene dobije se planocelularni karcinom. S obzirom na isti histološki tip oba tumora, prije početka zračenja bolesnik je primio 3 ciklusa kemoterapije cisplatinom i 5-fluorouracilom. U pripremi i planiranju zračenja temeljni problem je bio što su se ciljni volumeni odvojenih primarnih tumora doticali te su činili jedinstveni veliki volumen. Uz to, dio tog volumena valjalo je zračiti samo elektivno sa ciljem suzbijanja mikroskopske bolesti, a tek u dijelu je bilo nužno aplicirati radikalnu dozu. Tijekom zračenja određen je nastavak kemoterapije i to 2 ciklusa s cisplatinom i 5 fluorouracilom. Unatoč velikim ciljnim volumenima zračenja i konkomitantno primijenjene kemoterapije, bolesnik je dobro i u cijelosti, bez stanke u zračenju, podnio primarnu radiokemoterapiju. Otpušten je u poboljšanom općem stanju, a na prvom kontrolnom pregledu, tri mjeseca po završenoj terapiji nije bilo znakova povrata bolesti

    Automation of the Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters in Precise Distance Measurement

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    U radu je prikazano automatizirano mjerenje atmosferskih parametara pomoću dva senzora Väisälä WXT510 i notebook računala, u svrhu preciznih mjerenja duljina na kalibracijskoj bazi Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Za vrijeme preciznih mjerenja duljina vrlo je važno što točnije izmjeriti atmosferske parametre: temperaturu, tlak i relativnu vlažnost zraka. Pogreška u mjerenju temperature od 1 °C uzrokuje pogrešku u mjerenoj duljini od 1 mm na 1000 m. Stoga je za precizno mjerenje duljina temperaturu potrebno mjeriti s točnošću od ±0,1 °C. U tu je svrhu, da bi se što točnije mogli izmjeriti atmosferski parametri, razvijena automatizacija zapisa atmosferskih parametara, izmjerenih s pomoću senzora Väisälä. Ispitivanjima u Laboratoriju za mjerenja i mjernu tehniku Geodetskog fakulteta utvrđeno je da nakon priključivanja električnog napona na senzor Väisälä treba pričekati približno 70 minuta da se on stabilizira. Na kalibracijskoj bazi Geodetskog fakulteta utvrđeno je da radi točnijeg mjerenja temperature senzore Väisälä treba postaviti na pet ravnomjerno raspoređenih mjesta kalibracijske baze, na duljini od 1000 m. Nakon automatskog prikupljanja atmosferskih parametara te njihove automatizirane obrade, dobivaju se rezultati za prosječnu temperaturu, tlak i relativnu vlažnost zraka, koji su potrebni pri daljnjoj automatiziranoj obradi i izjednačenju duljina izmjerenih preciznim elektrooptičkim daljinomjerom.This paper presents the developed automated measurement of atmospheric parameters by means of two sensors Väisälä WXT510 and the notebook for the purpose of precise distance measurements at the calibration baseline of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. During the precise distance measurements, it is very important to measure the atmospheric parameters as precisely as possible: temperature, pressure and relative air humidity. The error in temperature measurement of 1 °C causes the error in the measured distance of 1 mm at 1000 m. For precise distance measurements it is therefore necessary to measure the temperature with the accuracy of ±0.1 °C. For this purpose, in order to measure the atmospheric parameters as accurately as possible, the automation of recording the atmospheric parameters measured by means of the sensors Väisälä has been developed. The testing in the Laboratory for Measurements and Measuring Techniques of the Faculty of Geodesy has shown that after the connection to the voltage one should wait approximately 70 minutes for it to be stabilized. At the calibration baseline of the Faculty of Geodesy it has been found out, that the sensors Väisälä need to be set on 5 equally arranged places at the calibration baseline at the distance of 1000 m for the purpose more accurate temperature measurement. After the automatic gathering of atmospheric parameters and their automated processing, we obtain the results for average temperature, pressure and relative air humidity needed in further automated processing and adjustment of distances measured with precise electro-optical distance meter

    Analiza parametara kvalitete prijema GPS-signala na kalibracijskoj bazi Geodetskog fakulteta

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    Objašnjen je utjecaj multipath efekta na GPS-mjerenja te su dani matematički izrazi za računanje MP1 i MP2. U svrhu ispitivanja i analize parametara kvalitete prijema GPS-signala na kalibracijskoj bazi Geodetskog fakulteta, obavljena su GPS-mjerenja relativnom statičkom metodom u 8 sesija po 24 sata. Ispitivanja utjecaja multipath efekta MP1 i MP2 na GPS-mjerenja i broja registriranih opažanja od ukupnoga broja mogućih opažanja sa svih GPS-satelita provedeni su za svih osam sesija mjerenja na sedam točaka kalibracijske baze Geodetskog fakulteta primjenom softvera TEQC. Dobivene su srednje vrijednosti za MP1=0,2333 m i MP2=0,2390 m, i u dostupnoj literaturi nisu pronađeni bolji rezultati. Broj registriranih opažanja u svim sesijama mjerenja, osim u drugoj, bio je veći od 99,5%. U drugoj sesiji mjerenja broj registriranih opažanja bio je približno 96,5%, zbog toga što je s GPS-satelita G18 registrirano prosječno samo 19,7% opažanja. Kalibracijska baza Geodetskog fakulteta nalazi se na lokaciji vrlo pogodnoj za izvođenje GPS-mjerenja jer u neposrednoj blizini nema nikakvih prirodnih ili umjetnih objekata koji bi mogli uzrokovati multipath efekt ili onemogućiti prijem signala sa satelita