4 research outputs found

    The Application of Generalizability Theory In Constructing Achievement Tests

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    A Journal Article.The Application of Generalizability theory to test construction provides a flexible and practical framework and yet still remains inaccessible to test developers because of its technical and mathematical approach to measurement. Different methods of test construction to measure mastery of a universe in cognitive domain have been proposed. Simple random and stratified t random sampling procedures are two such models. The focus of this study was to examine the application of Generalizability Theory when tests have been constructed using the two models and administered to a group of students. Both coefficients alpha (6) and alphas (ft) as indices of generalizability were computed. The findings indicated that a test constructed using simple random sampling procedure had a better coefficient of generalizability although within the comparison analysis indicated that taking stratification into account increased the generalizability of the test and that generalizability theory could be" applied to the construction of achievement tests

    Maintaining and Comparing Standards of Academic Performance of Learners in an integrated Namibian Senior Secondary School System.

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    A ZJER journal article.Similar to former British colonies, especially in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region of Southern Africa, Namibia inherited an educational system which was very much fragmented on racial and ethnic lines. One major education reform implemented soon after independence and consistent with the constitution and education policy directives, was that all schools were to be desegregated or integrated and were opened to all learners under a unified educational system. One of the goals to be achieved was equity in the distribution of educational resources and services which would result in better performance of learners previously denied enrollment into white schools which have had excellent infrastructures in both human find physical resources to support quality education. One of the concerns of the white principals, teachers, and parents was that the racial integration of schools would bring about lowering of academic standards enjoyed by the white learners before independence. This study compared and discussed academic performance of white and non-white learners, in the current integrated, school system and how educational standards were being maintained since integrated schools wrote their first examinations two years after the policy of integration in Namibian schools was implemented

    The Evaluation Of Teacher Professional Competencies In Former Non-White Namibian Schools

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    A ZJER article on teacher competence.The relationship between teacher competence and learner progress has been a subject of lively debate for several decades, particularly in the first world countries. This subject has also attracted widespread attention in Namibia, especially after independence because it has been suggested that teacher competence, particularly in former black schools is ineffective and encourages rote learning and little thinking. The national examination low pass rates continue to be an area of great concern. With the examination reforms currently under way in the country in which continuous assessment mil play a major role in evaluation, concern has been raised regarding teacher competence in educational assessment of students. The study discusses the integration of theory and practice by teachers in former non-white schools and the impact this has on the evaluation of their professional competencies in teaching and educational assessment of their students

    The Evaluation Of Teacher Professional Competencies In Former Non-White Namibian Schools

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    The relationship between teacher competence and learner progress has been a subject of lively debate for several decades, particularly in the first world countries. This subject has also attracted widespread attention in Namibia, especially after independence because it has been suggested that teacher competence, particularly in former black schools is ineffective and encourages rote learning and little thinking. The national examination low pass rates continue to be an area of great concern. With the examination reforms currently under way in the country in which continuous assessment mil play a major role in evaluation, concern has been raised regarding teacher competence in educational assessment of students. The study discusses the integration of theory and practice by teachers in former non-white schools and the impact this has on the evaluation of their professional competencies in teaching and educational assessment of their students