29 research outputs found


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    This article reports two experiments, in which the effects of visual information on EFL students’ word-association, comprehension, and hypothesis-forming were examined. In the first experiment, two viewing conditions, i.e., “visual information only” and “visual plus audio (in English) information”, were compared in terms of word-association and comprehension. In the second experiment, a comparison was made in terms of hypothesis-forming between “video plus a short summary” and “video only” conditions. The video in this experiment contained both visual and audio (in English) information. Presenting a short summary (in Japanese) was a pre-viewing activity designed to activate viewers’ schema. The results of these two experiments indicate 1) visual information promotes the process of association-making, while audio information limits the process; and 2) the schema-activating procedure, when used with the video, dose promote the forming of right hypothesis about the contents, though it dose not restrict the forming of wrong ones. Based on these results, some applications are suggested for using visual information effectively in foreign language teaching

    The Course and Perspectives of Media Education in Japan : Based on My Final Lecture at Kansai University, Faculty of Informatics

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    1. During the past half century, audio-visual education and educational broadcasting in Japanese schools have repeatedly undergone radical changes ~ cinema, radio, television, live programs to recorded ones, and so on. The utilization rate of educational television (ETV) increased from 1959 (10%) to 1970 (90%). According to these changes, theories and strategies of ETV utilization in school education have been rapidly shifted, and remodeled. 2. New technology has been introduced to Japanese schools from 1975~85; especially, the computer. We had no previous experience with such kind of rapid, qualitatively different changes from the calculator, word-processor, spread sheet, information retrieval, multimedia, network utilization and so on. They have quite different kinds of functions, but they have been piled up continuously. 3. What can we learn from the history of media education, and how can we create new digital media utilization and media-literacy education? These are our new tasks.高木教典教授・井上宏教授・水越敏行教授定年退職記

    第2章 ニューデリー日本人学校との交流 : 4枚の組写真を使って

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    平成17年度~20年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究 (B)) 「コミュニケーションを重視したデジタル学習環境に関する実証的研究」 (研究課題番号:1730277) 研究成果報告書

    Educational Broadcasting in Japan

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    The Study of "Unit planning, Practice, Evaluation (Plan-Do-See)" for an Integrated Curriculum

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    本論文では,総合的学習のカリキュラム開発について,以下の4つの視点から検討し,最新の事例を踏まえつつ,考察した.1.教科学習との関わり 2.単元における学習活動の構成 3.参与観察による学習活動と教師の意図の把握 4.評価と学力の関連This paper discusses on the school based curriculum development for an Integrated Curriculum. We generalized the current trend of curriculum development with schools\u27 case study reports or publications by examining the following 4 categories : 1.The Relationship between Compulsory Subjects and Integrated Curriculum, 2. The Composition of the Student Activities in the Units, 3. The Study Activities of student activities and teacher intention by Participated Observation in the class, 4.The Relationships between Evaluation and Academic Achievemen