39 research outputs found
Pediatric Patient with Achondroplasia Who Underwent Foramen Magnum Decompression
A 1-year-and-1-month-old female patient diagnosed with achondroplasia (ACH), underwent foramen magnum decompression under general anesthesia. Difficult airway management was predicted at the induction of general anesthesia, and Airway ScopeTM was successfully used in tracheal intubation. Heat retention was observed during the anesthetic management, supposedly due to the congenital shortness of her four limbs. General anesthesia, including airway management and strict control of body temperature, should be carefully planned in pediatric patients with ACH
Efficacy of Late Steroid Pulse Therapy for ARDS Following Influenza Pneumonia: A Case Report
The patient was a 15-year-old girl who received laryngotracheal separation. Influenza A was detected upon examination due to fever (41°C) and dyspnea; the patient was admitted, and it was suspected that the onset of ARDS occurred subsequently. The patient was admitted to the ICU of our hospital for respiratory management. However, because an amelioration of respiratory organ symptoms was not noted, steroid pulse therapy was performed for three days from hospital day 14. P/F ratio was subsequently maintained at 200 or higher from hospital day 23. The patient was discharged from the ICU on hospital day 76
Early support for university students with ADHD tendencies
近年,注意欠如/ 多動性障害(ADHD)の大学生の存在が注目されるようになってきている。ADHD の主症状には,不注意,多動性,衝動性があるが,多動性は成長とともに軽減するため,成人例は小児例と比較して不注意が目立つ傾向が多く,大学生においては,学業不振が顕著となりやすい。ADHD に関する社会的な認知度も少しずつ高まりつつあるが,学生生活に困難さを感じながらも,相談に至らない学生は少なくない。われわれは,大学生を対象にADHD の症状に関するアンケート調査を実施した。不注意さや集中力の困難さ,落ち着きのなさにより,大学生活で困る頻度が高いと回答した学生も多く,ADHD の症状を有する学生の存在も考えられる。ADHD に関する知識を得ることで,ADHD の学生が自分自身の特性の気づきにつながることもあり,学生や教職員に対してADHD の知識や情報の提供,早期の相談を呼びかけていくことが必要であると思われる。Recently, problems in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been an attention-getting topic in campus mental health. ADHD is characterized by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms. Adult ADHD is especially characterized by inattention. Poor academic performance is significant in university students with ADHD. Comorbidities with other psychiatric disorders are common and can lead to further impairments. Social recognition about ADHD is increasing little by little, but there is little consultation from students who are troubled with inattention. In this study, a questionnaire about ADHD was conducted to university students. Many students were troubled by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity which made their lives difficult. On campus, it would be important to provide the students with appropriate information about ADHD, and to offer them with early support
Adjustment process of reasonable accommodation for students with disability
Relationship between developmental disabilities and school avoidance tendencies in university students <Original Article>
本研究は大学生の発達障害の特性と不登校傾向との関連について検討することを目的とした。無記名自記式の質問紙調査を行い,分析対象者は284名であった。クラスタ分析の結果,全ての尺度において困難を頻繁に感じている群の学生は,登校回避傾向が最も高かった。重回帰分析の結果,「不注意」が「登校回避行動」に影響を与え,「不安・抑うつ」「不注意」が「登校回避感情」に影響を与えることが示された。対人関係や心理的問題に限らず,学生の自己管理能力にも注目して関わることが,不登校の学生支援において有効である可能性が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to disclose the relationship between developmental disabilities and school avoidance tendencies in university students. Data of 284 university students who answered questionnaires anonymously were analyzed. As a result of the cluster analysis, students who frequently feel difficulty in all measures had the highest school avoidance tendencies. As a result of the multi-regression analysis, it was indicated that “carelessness” had influence on “attitudes of school avoidance tendency”, and that “anxiety and depression” and “carelessness” had influence on “feelings of school avoidance tendency”. Focusing on the students’ self-management abilities as well as interpersonal relationships and psychological problems is suggested to be effective when supporting students with school avoidance tendencies
Inward-oriented Japanese students and studying abroad <Original Articles>
グローバル人材育成の一環として留学生の派遣が推進されているが,海外留学する日本人学生数は,2004年をピークに減少し続けている。留学を阻害する要因として,留学費用や留学時期以外に,若者の「内向き志向」が問題視されている。そこで,本研究では,「内向き志向」と留学の関係について検討した。「内向き志向」を「内向性」と捉え,留学に関して,内向群と外向群の差について検討した。外向群に比べ,内向群に留学意思はなく,海外での生活や対人関係,語学力不足,留学先の教育レベルの高さなどをより問題視していた。「内向き」な学生の不安を軽減するような留学に関する情報提供により,海外留学は促進されると考えられた。The number of Japanese university students who study abroad has been decreasing since 2004. Other than the cost and time of studying abroad, Japanese students being inward-oriented is said to be influencing the decrease of students studying abroad. In this study, the relationship between inward-oriented students and studying abroad is discussed. Compared to outward-oriented students, inward-oriented students did not want to study abroad. They were anxious about living abroad, relationships abroad, language barrier, and the level of education abroad. It was thought that the number of Japanese students studying abroad would increase by giving inward-oriented students information which will relieve their anxiousness
Inward-oriented Japanese students and international exchange <Original Article>
グローバル人材育成の一環として,日本人大学生の海外留学を促進させるべく多くの留学プログラムが高等教育機関では提供されている。しかし,国内での国際交流も,グローバル人材育成において重要な役割を担っている。本研究では,「内向き志向」と国際交流について検討した。国際交流における問題や利点について検討し,「内向き」と「外向き」な大学生を比較検討した。その結果,国際交流の意思と経験には差がなかった。しかし,「内向き」な大学生は,留学生との文化の違いや留学生とかかわることに対する不安が高く,その一方で,「外向き」な大学生は,国際感覚や就職に役立つ経験を,国際交流を通して得ることができると感じていた。国際交流を促す際,国際交流の良さや注意点について十分に情報提供し,特に「内向き」な大学生の不安を和らげることの重要性が示唆された。Higher education institutions are offering many study abroad programs for Japanese university students for them to build their global talents. However, international exchange programs with international students in Japan are also thought to play an important role in building Japanese students’ global talents. In this study, the relationship between inward-oriented students and international exchange was discussed. The problems and merits of international exchange were examined, and inward-oriented students and outward-oriented students were compared. There were no differences in their willingness or in their experiences of international exchange. However, inward-oriented students felt more anxious about the difference in cultures and about having relationships with international students. On the other hand, outward-oriented students thought that they will be able to build their international sensibility through international exchange and that it will be an experience which will help them with their career. The importance of presenting the students with enough information about the good aspects and cautions of international exchange is emphasized especially to decrease the anxiousness of inward-oriented students