6 research outputs found

    Modelling post-critical deformation processes of flat reinforced concrete elements under biaxial stresses

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    This paper examines the issue of mathematical modelling of local destruction processes of flat reinforced concrete structures beyond design basis impacts. Analysis of the peculiarities of the local failure mechanisms, which are formed in wall concrete structures, was conducted. The paper shows that the processes of post-critical deformation of flat concrete structures occur through several mechanisms with the relevant strength criteria. The method of post-critical deformation modelling of reinforced concrete structures under biaxial stresses is proposed and justified. The modelling is conducted by the gradual change of the analysis model in the areas of failure using finite elements with stiffness parameters, which corresponds to the conditions of interaction between structure parts separated by a crack

    Modelling post-critical deformation processes of flat reinforced concrete elements under biaxial stresses

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    This paper examines the issue of mathematical modelling of local destruction processes of flat reinforced concrete structures beyond design basis impacts. Analysis of the peculiarities of the local failure mechanisms, which are formed in wall concrete structures, was conducted. The paper shows that the processes of post-critical deformation of flat concrete structures occur through several mechanisms with the relevant strength criteria. The method of post-critical deformation modelling of reinforced concrete structures under biaxial stresses is proposed and justified. The modelling is conducted by the gradual change of the analysis model in the areas of failure using finite elements with stiffness parameters, which corresponds to the conditions of interaction between structure parts separated by a crack

    Deformation and power characteristics monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems in the mode of progressive collapse

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    The paper considers the question of substantiating the choice of criteria for limiting states of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems for the regime of progressive collapse. Based on the results of computational and theoretical studies, structural elements and structural units of monolithic reinforced concrete buildings are determined, the destruction of which occurs first of all in the event of a failure of the vertical bearing structure. It is established that the destruction of such structural units and structural elements leads to the initialization of the process of progressive collapse. A computational and theoretical analysis has been performed to determine the ultimate deformation effects or load values according to the criteria for the bearing capacity of crutial units of monolithic reinforced concrete systems with different span sizes. It is established that as a basic criterion for estimating the stress-and-strain state of monolithic reinforced concrete structures for the mode of failure of a vertical bearing structure, the relative deformation amount corresponding to the formation of the “fracture” zone of the retaining section of the overlap under the action of transverse forces can be adopted


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    The presence of two genital tumors at the same time is a relatively unknown fact. They are rare and account for 0,63% of all genital malignancies. If endometrial carcinoma has affected only endometrium, then this is called stage (IA), if endometrial carcinoma has affected only one half of the miometrium, this is (IB), while (IIIA) tumor spreads to serosa or adnexa. In carcinoma localized on the ovary, without rupture of the capsule, the stage is (IA), while ovary carcinoma that affected the oviduct or uterus is (IIA).A female, 55 years old, was hospitalized in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic Kragujevac, Clinical Center Kragujevac because of the surgical operation, and the tumor that filled the whole of the small pelvis. Immunohistochemically, the expressions of ER, PR and HER 2 receptors were determined.Women with independent primary endometrial uterus and ovary tumors have the prognosis similar to those of women with a separate form of this disease.Risk factors and clinical indicators of results in women with synchronized tumors are different from those based on histological division. Women with synchronized tumors are mostly younger, obese, premenopausal and barren. Patients with serious endometrial carcinomas look like patients with ovary carcinomas. In the future, it will be necessary to provide better evaluation of etiology of these diseases. In addition, the molecular diagnoses of tumor in endometrium and ovary will provide us with real confirmation