12,159 research outputs found

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    Boundary detection in disease mapping studies

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    In disease mapping, the aim is to estimate the spatial pattern in disease risk over an extended geographical region, so that areas with elevated risks can be identified. A Bayesian hierarchical approach is typically used to produce such maps, which models the risk surface with a set of spatially smooth random effects. However, in complex urban settings there are likely to be boundaries in the risk surface, which separate populations that are geographically adjacent but have very different risk profiles. Therefore this paper proposes an approach for detecting such risk boundaries, and tests its effectiveness by simulation. Finally, the model is applied to lung cancer incidence data in Greater Glasgow, Scotland, between 2001 and 2005

    Orientals and cubes, inductively

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    We provide direct inductive constructions of the orientals and the cubes, exhibiting them as the iterated cones, respectively, the iterated cylinders, of the terminal strict globular omega-category.Comment: 19 page

    Disabled parents' involvement in their children's education: an examination of good practice

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    This report comes at the end of an 11 month study exploring disabled parents' experiences of involvement in their children's education. Supporting parents' participation in their children's schooling has been a government goal for decades. However, previous research has shown that some groups of parents face particular barriers to involvement. This includes disabled parents - although few studies (Joseph Rowntree Foundation 20031, Wates 20042, Morris 20043, Robinson et al4) have focused on their experiences. The focus of this research is very much on identifying and exploring examples of good practice in involving disabled parents within schools and local education authorities. These case studies of individuals' positive experiences are set alongside a review of relevant literature, a critical analysis of wider policy and practice frameworks across the UK, and an analysis of key informant interviews. The report begins with a brief resumé of the project aims and methods. It goes on to present the key findings of the research and finishes with a conclusion which draws out implications for policy and practice

    The Catalan simplicial set

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    The Catalan numbers are well-known to be the answer to many different counting problems, and so there are many different families of sets whose cardinalities are the Catalan numbers. We show how such a family can be given the structure of a simplicial set. We show how the low-dimensional parts of this simplicial set classify, in a precise sense, the structures of monoid and of monoidal category. This involves aspects of combinatorics, algebraic topology, quantum groups, logic, and category theory.Comment: 15 pages. Replaces and expands upon parts of arXiv:1307.0265; remaining parts of arXiv:1307.0265 will be incorporated into a sequel. Version 2: minor revision; to appear in Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. So

    Supporting disabled parents' involvement in their children's education. Good practice guidance for schools

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    In this guidance you will find the voices of a range of disabled parents describing how good practice in schools has helped them to be involved in their children's education. The guidance is based on the findings of a research project. It is intended for people working in schools, especially heads and teachers seeking to improve parental participation and inclusion. Education policy makers and Inspectorates may find it helpful for informing their reviews of policy and practice. It may also be of interest to disabled parents and the disability voluntary sector. The document contains information about current UK policies on parental involvement and describes the research project which investigated the perceptions of disabled parents. It looks at five different aspects of parental involvement, giving examples of good practice and highlighting suggestions as these emerged from the research project. Key points are summarised in the conclusion, while the appendices include useful resources and contacts

    Disabled parents' involvement in their children's education : an examination of good practice. Summary for parents

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    This leaflet sets out the main findings from research about disabled parents' involvement in their children's education. The research, completed in August 2009, was conducted by a team from Strathclyde University

    Neighbourhood deprivation and biomarkers of health in Britain: the mediating role of the physical environment

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    Background: Neighborhood deprivation has been consistently linked to poor individual health outcomes; however, studies exploring the mechanisms involved in this association are scarce. The objective of this study was to investigate whether objective measures of the physical environment mediate the association between neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation and biomarkers of health in Britain. Methods: We linked individual-level biomarker data from Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Survey (2010–2012) to neighborhood-level data from different governmental sources. Our outcome variables were forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1%; n=16,347), systolic blood pressure (SBP; n=16,846), body mass index (BMI; n=19,417), and levels of C-reactive protein (CRP; n=11,825). Our measure of neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation was the Carstairs index, and the neighborhood-level mediators were levels of air pollutants (sulphur dioxide [SO2], particulate matter [PM10], nitrogen dioxide [NO2], and carbon monoxide [CO]), green space, and proximity to waste and industrial facilities. We fitted a multilevel mediation model following a multilevel structural equation framework in MPlus v7.4, adjusting for age, gender, and income. Results: Residents of poor neighborhoods and those exposed to higher pollution and less green space had worse health outcomes. However, only SO2 exposure significantly and partially mediated the association between neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation and SBP, BMI, and CRP. Conclusion: Reducing air pollution exposure and increasing access to green space may improve population health but may not decrease health inequalities in Britain
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