25 research outputs found

    Cappella Sistina: racconto pittorico

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    Monumento della genialità dell’arte rinascimentale, la Cappella Sistina è un racconto pittorico delle varie tappe della storia dell’Umanità in prospettiva cristiana. Un progetto che prende slancio dall’atto della Creazione, attraversa narrazioni e passioni delle Storie di Mosè e di Cristo, e giunge fino all’anticipazione del Giudizio Universale. Sia per la meraviglia che si prova nel fare i primi concitati passi tra stuoli di turisti, sia per quel senso di straniante familiarità generato dagli innumerevoli riadattamenti contemporanei dei suoi capolavori, la Cappella Sistina non smette di stupire. Prendendo le mosse da una prospettiva assai diversa rispetto a queste riletture creative e a quelle più tradizionali della storia dell’arte, "Ebrei e cristiani nella Cappella Sistina" di Giovanni Careri (Quodlibet) propone un’inedita ipotesi interpretativa dei capolavori contenuti nella Cappella del palazzo apostolico.Masterpiece of the genius of Renaissance art, the Sistine Chapel is a pictorial account of the various stages of the history of humanity from a Christian perspective. A project that is gaining momentum from the act of Creation, it crosses the narratives and passions of the Stories of Moses and Christ, and reaches the anticipation of the Last Judgment. Both for the wonder you feel in making the first courses excited steps between crowds of tourists, both for that sense of alienating familiarity generated by the countless contemporary readjustments of his masterpieces, the Sistine Chapel never ceases to amaze. Starting from a very different perspective with respect to these creative reinterpretations and the more traditional ones of the history of art, "Jews and Christians in the Sistine Chapel" by Giovanni Careri (Quodlibet) proposes an unprecedented interpretative hypothesis of the masterpieces contained in the chapel of the building apostolic

    Colmi elementali. Sulla smaniera contemporanea di Nicola Samorì

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    Direct engagement with the theoretical problems of painting characterizes contemporary art. As Louis Marin (1986) points out, the idea of “artistic practice” and its emphasis on thinking about the difference between the material support and the painted surface of the work is central to contemporary art. This type of investigation deserves to be linked to reflections on the “factual power” of the materials used in contemporary art (Magli 2003) and on the enunciative role of the artist’s gestural expressiveness in the production of the artwork (Damisch 1981; Corrain 2016). This paper will focus on the work of Nicola Samorì and the material dimension of his artistic practice. It will reflect on the status of the visual material as a generative element of representation and on the relationship between the manipulative power of the materials and tools used by the artist. Taking into account Barthes’ doctrine (1982) of a not yet written history of the tools and materials of art, I will question Samorì’s work, starting from the way these works of art are realised, with the attempt to show the various sensitive relationships that can arise between surfaces, materials and the gestures of the artist

    Lo sguardo dell’altro: artivismo, ideologia e rappresentazione

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    In a global context in which society has become spectacle, everything turns into representation (Debord 1967). The phenomenon of nation-states fortification emerges in a problematic way with respect to the neoliberal capital-work relationship (Mezzadra e Nielson 2013). The need to build walls, in fact, is a mode of representation that is exploited for a strategic construction of alterity. The aim of this research is to highlight the “naturalization” of stereotyped imagery, prompted by mediatic and political discourses concerning the migratory phenomenon.Starting from a recognition of the critical thinking of scholars such as Michel Foucault and Louis Marin, the goal of this paper is to take stock of the relationship between the concepts of ideology, representation and power in a border crossing context. By combining the theory of arts with a semiotic approach, I will focus on the specific case of the practice of artivism as counter-narratives, realized by the street artist JR on the border between Mexico and the United States. This case study is recognizable as a syncretic work developed in two phases. The first is attributable to the piece Giants. Kikito - Border Mexico (2017) that JR created after the executive order signed by Donald Trump to complete the construction of the wall; the second consists of an artistic practice which is rather recognizable as an ongoing performance: Migrants. Picnic across the border (2017). The importance of reading these two works in dialogue with each other lies in the intrinsic power of the images (Bredekamp 2010). In fact, the effects of meaning underlying the project, want to undermine the idea of the wall as a self-legitimizing object of the “natural world”. The issue of the critical construction of the gaze, that is to say of a point of view, is the key to understand the semiotic efficacy of artistic work in analyzing social discourses. Thanks to JR’s work it will be possible to reveal the construction and remodulation of the concept of otherness. The latter is in fact based on a specular principle (Stoichita 2014) whereby the encounter between two entities is both proof of the other and strengthening of the same

    Immagini da un seminario: dialogo con Francesco Marsciani

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    This interview took place on the occasion of the seminars organised by the PhD in Semiotics at the University of Palermo, at the "Paolo Fabbri" library, where Francesco Marsciani held a week of meetings entitled "Foundations of Ethnosemiotics" from 5 to 9 February 2024. The interview was conducted in Palermo on 9 February 2024

    Esercizi decoloniali: il contributo di una pratica curatoriale situata

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    This paper chronichles a curatorial experience based in Naples: the intercultural workshop of urban photography entitled Crossing Sights, started in November 2019 and still active. Rather than analysing the phases of the laboratory in a punctual and exhaustive fashion, the paper aims at commenting on the criticalities, limits and possibilities I have detected as a co-curator. My “enunciation” is situated in the interiority of an unperfect West (Cazzato 2019) and it employs the concept of curating as a practice of hospitality. In addition, it argues that the “decolonial curating” is an anti-racist practice of “listening” (Bayer, Kazeem-Kamiński, Sternfeld 2018) that is open to the "epistemic diversity" and to the "pluriversality" (Mignolo Tlostanova 2006).The premise of my investigation is that we need to move beyond decolonization, towards "decolonialisation" (Borghi 2020). Born into the modern-western thought, curating can reply to this call by proposing itself as an exercise of deconstruction of "whiteness". The goal of curating should be to consider art as something different from modernist notions; therefore trying to work curatorially means to activate such work in terms of contents, opening the colonial archives, epistemics "de-linking" from modernity and “epistemic disobedience”, and ethics, positioning oneself and practicing self-critique. Central to the investigation is the main theme of Crossing Sights: "Neapolitanity", a label which serves the predatory objectives of capitalism and globalization. A trap that the laboratory has tried to criticize by adopting/embracing/employing the point of view of "others", and by shifting the attention from aesthetics to "aesthesis" (Mignolo 2019). Finally, while commenting on the strategy adopted in order to overcome the "coloniality", I suggest curating as a decolonial exercise generating gestures of anti-racist hospitality, that may help to think decolonially

    Attraverso i segni

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    Questo libro presenta una raccolte di interviste che Louis Marin ha rilasciato tra il novembre e il dicembre del 1991. Si potrebbe definire una cartografia fatta di digressioni, asintoti e attraversamenti dei vari ambiti del sapere che Marin ha spesso valicato con la propria ricerca - i cui assi centrali sono, fra gli altri, la questione della rappresentazione, l'utopia, il rapporto fra immagine e parola, la questione del potere. Nel variegato ritratto degli interessi di uno studioso così enciclopedico, traspaiono al contempo l'effervescenza di un pensiero critico mai scontato e il rigore di un metodo di lavoro in grado di travalicare le frontiere disciplinari senza semplificazioni. Così, seguendo in queste pagine i sorprendenti "passi di lato" di Marin, ci si ritrova a camminare fra storia, religione, letteratura, arte, saltando dall'Utopia di Thomas More alla Disneyland californiana, in compagnia di Caravaggio, Cartesio, Racine, Pascal e Perrault

    La s-maniera di Nicola Samorì. Riscritture e cancellazioni contemporanee

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    L’obiettivo principale di questo contributo è indagare il rapporto tra produzione artistica e operazioni di riscrittura e cancellazione in riferimento al lavoro di Nicola Samorì. Partendo infatti da una puntuale riproduzione di opere del passato, l’artista esprime il suo fare concettuale attraverso specifiche manomissioni della materia pittorica, che confluiscono in una resa tridimensionale – quasi scultorea – delle sue opere. Si tratta di azioni distruttive, operate sul supporto pittorico, leggibili come veri e propri meccanismi enunciazionali che caratterizzano il fare concettuale dell’artista. In questo contributo, l’opera “Valle umana (Malafonte)” esposta alla galleria EIGEN + ART di Berlino consentirà, come «objet théorique», una riflessione puntuale su tali strategie enunciative che articolano il senso dell’opera. In questo grande affresco (515 x 380 cm) vengono riproposte, su un’unica superficie, le opere di Agnolo Bronzino realizzate per la Cappella Eleonora di Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze. Una peculiare sintassi visiva, un rimontaggio, che avviene per condensazione delle varie narrazioni e dei vari tempi delle Storie di Mosè e risultante in un’opera che richiama anacronisticamente il manierismo del Giudizio Universale di Michelangelo Buonarroti. Una s-maniera, sarebbe però più corretto dire, per quanto riguarda l’opera di Samorì. L’artista contemporaneo opera, infatti, sia una cancellazione dei volti delle rappresentazioni del Bronzino, sia un’erosione del “motore” della macchina michelangiolesca, la figura serpentinata del Cristo, al posto del quale troviamo una macchia nera al centro del dipinto. Con un approccio che si propone di tenere insieme semiotica della cultura e teoria dell’arte, rifletteremo sulla tensione tra riscrittura di opere del passato e la loro parziale cancellazione, sulle modalità che cooperano alla messa in forma dell’universo semantico e sugli effetti di senso che vengono implicati da tali operazioni

    Premessa all'edizione italiana

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    Nota introduttiva al volume Attraverso i segni di Louis Marin