109 research outputs found

    Belgrade's Urban Transport CO2 Emissions from an International Perspective

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    Focusing on the implementation of increasingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of air pollution and energy consumption is completely neglected. All recent technological improvements and changes in the transport sector: substitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharging, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffic, combined with significantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel-consuming vehicles. Hence, in this paper we focused on the carbon emissions and energy consumption of urban transport in Belgrade from an international perspective. Although the level of automobile CO2 emissions in Belgrade is still very low at 228 CO2 kg/per capita, due to the low volume of automobile passenger kilometres (1,502 pkm), the fact must not be overlooked that automobile mobility is of major importance to the total level of energy consumption in urban transport, and this can change surprisingly quickly. Only if Belgrade adopts transport and spatial development strategies similar to those applied by wealthy Asian metropolises at a similar stage of development is there high probability that its total urban transport CO2 emissions will stop at a reasonable level of around 700-800 kg CO2/per capita. Belgrade can prevent a dramatic increase in CO2 emissions and energy consumption (and mitigate the negative local environmental effects of traffic congestion, traffic accidents, and air pollution), only if it: 1. Implements a more decisive strategy to limit private vehicle use while its level of car passenger km (PKT) is still relatively low. 2. Does not try to solve its transport problems only by trying to build urban road infrastructure (bridges and ring roads). 3. Concentrates on more CO2 and energy-efficient urban transport systems, while at the same time.. 4. Developing urban rail systems (metro or LRT) with exclusive tracks that are immune to traffic congestion on urban streets

    Urban transport energy consumption Belgrade case study

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    More than half of the global population now lives in towns and cities. At the same time, transport has become the highest single energy-consuming human activity. Hence, one of the major topics today is the reduction of urban transport demand and of energy consumption in cities. In this article we focused on the whole package of instruments that can reduce energy consumption and transport demand in Belgrade, a city that is currently at a major crossroad. Belgrade can prevent a dramatic increase in energy consumption and CO2 emissions (and mitigate the negative local environmental effects of traffic congestion, traffic accidents, and air pollution), only if it: (1) implements a more decisive strategy to limit private vehicles use while its level of car passenger km travelled is still relatively low, (2) does not try to solve its transport problems only by hying to build urban road infrastructure (bridges and ring roads), and (3) if it continues to provide priority movement for buses (a dominant form of public transport), while (4) at the same time developing urban rail systems (metro or light raid transit) with exclusive tracks, immune to the traffic congestion on urban streets

    Izazovi primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

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    All recent technological improvements and changes in transport sector: substitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharging, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffic, combined with significantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel consuming vehicles. Increasingly stringent standards, related to fuel quality and technology of vehicle engines, prove not to be a life-saving solution either to problems of energy consumption, nor to CO2 emission. Focusing on the implementation of increasingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of energy consumption and air pollution is completely neglected. Hence, in this article we focused on the market-driven instruments that can reduce transport demand, especially on the challenges of tradable permits use in transport.Sva skoraÅ”nja tehnoloÅ”ka poboljÅ”anja u sferi saobraćaja: koriŔćenje energetski efikasnijih goriva, porast učeŔća dizel-vozila, poboljÅ”ano (direktno) ubrizgavanje goriva, uvođenje električnih i hibridnih vozila itd., nisu u stanju da poniÅ”te efekat dramatičnog porasta obima putničkih kilometara, niti sve većeg koriŔćenja znatno težih, komfornijih, energetski sve zahtevnijih motornih vozila. Sve oÅ”triji standardi vezani za kvalitet goriva i tehnologiju motora, ne predstavljaju spasonosno reÅ”enje ni za probleme potroÅ”nje energije, niti za emisiju CO2. Fokusiranjem isključivo na standarde se, u stvari, samo zanemaruje uticaj naglog porasta koriŔćenja motornih vozila na potroÅ”nju energije i zagađenje vazduha. Stoga smo se u ovom radu orijentisali na tržiÅ”ne ekonomske instrumente koji mogu da smanje obim tražnje za saobraćajem - posebno na izazove primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

    Izazovi primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

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    All recent technological improvements and changes in transport sector: substitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharging, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffic, combined with significantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel consuming vehicles. Increasingly stringent standards, related to fuel quality and technology of vehicle engines, prove not to be a life-saving solution either to problems of energy consumption, nor to CO2 emission. Focusing on the implementation of increasingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of energy consumption and air pollution is completely neglected. Hence, in this article we focused on the market-driven instruments that can reduce transport demand, especially on the challenges of tradable permits use in transport.Sva skoraÅ”nja tehnoloÅ”ka poboljÅ”anja u sferi saobraćaja: koriŔćenje energetski efikasnijih goriva, porast učeŔća dizel-vozila, poboljÅ”ano (direktno) ubrizgavanje goriva, uvođenje električnih i hibridnih vozila itd., nisu u stanju da poniÅ”te efekat dramatičnog porasta obima putničkih kilometara, niti sve većeg koriŔćenja znatno težih, komfornijih, energetski sve zahtevnijih motornih vozila. Sve oÅ”triji standardi vezani za kvalitet goriva i tehnologiju motora, ne predstavljaju spasonosno reÅ”enje ni za probleme potroÅ”nje energije, niti za emisiju CO2. Fokusiranjem isključivo na standarde se, u stvari, samo zanemaruje uticaj naglog porasta koriŔćenja motornih vozila na potroÅ”nju energije i zagađenje vazduha. Stoga smo se u ovom radu orijentisali na tržiÅ”ne ekonomske instrumente koji mogu da smanje obim tražnje za saobraćajem - posebno na izazove primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

    Challenges Ahead: Mitigating Air Transport Carbon Emissions

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    In this paper we confront widely accepted global climate stabilization goals (70% reduction of CO2 emissions) with the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) forecasts of future commercial aviation growth, in order to explore the real possibilities of realizing these climate stabilization goals. By using ICAO forecasts, we clearly show that, instead of the proclaimed 70% reduction of CO2 emissions, air transport's CO2 emissions are going to rise five-fold (4.9 times) in the 2005-40 period. But even if a 70% increase of aviation's energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions could be somehow (miraculously) achieved, CO2 emissions of air transport would be higher by 50% in 2040 (than in 2005), due to the sudden increase in the volume of air-transport tourist trips. So, if the aim is to achieve ambitious energy consumption and GHG reduction for air transport within the next few decades, policies should aim at reducing total consumption, which means reducing VKT not just vehicle-specific consumption. Due to the extremely high growth rates in the volume of air traffic, it is highly unlikely that technical progress of engines will be sufficient to reduce overall emissions or even keep them at today's levels. Hence, the policy focus should shift to more rigorous and efficient implementation of market-driven instruments, which, apart from creating incentives to develop and use low-emission technologies, can also reduce the demand for travel

    Bogate azijske metropole - planski razvoj gradskog saobraćaja i urbane forme

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    The main characteristics of Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo spatial development are very high population densities, well coordinated development of 'new towns' and rail extensions, and efficient automobile restraint policies. Hence, their innovative planning practices are completely compatible with the concept of sustainable urban development.Razvoj Hong Konga, Singapura i Tokija karakteriÅ”u ogromne gustine naseljenosti, izuzetno efikasna restriktivna politika koriŔćenja automobila i sjajno koordinisan planski razvoj "novih gradova" i gradske i prigradske železnica. Njihova izuzetno inventivna, praktična planerska reÅ”enja, sjajno se uklapaju u (poslednjih godina sve viÅ”e promovisani) koncept održivog urbanog razvoja

    Koncept kritičnog održivog razvoja i potroÅ”nja energije u saobraćaju metropola

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    Industrialized countries are exploiting the world energy resources very quickly (although they do not have enough of their own energy reserves). On the other hand, population of the Third world simply exploded during the last few decades. Hence, the real problem may occur if the Third world metropolises follow the example of the auto-dependent, low density suburban development of American cities. The effects will be disastrous: 14 times more energy consumption and 9 times higher emissions of CO2 (in the sphere of urban transportation).Razvijene zemlje zahvataju najviÅ”e svetskih energetskih resursa, dok su njihove sopstvene rezerve na izdisaju, a potroÅ”nja energije im se i dalje nezadrživo povećava. Pravi problem će nastati tek kada siromaÅ”ni svet (koji za sada ima zanemarljivu potroÅ”nju energije, ali i eksplozivno narastajući broj stanovnika) ostvari znatno bržu stopu ekonomskog razvoja. Ukoliko u narednim decenijama i metropole Trećeg sveta prihvate pro-automobilski obrazac urbanog razvoja niskih gustina naseljenosti - to će doneti stvarno nesagledive posledice - 14 puta veću ukupnu potroÅ”nju energije i 9 puta veću ukupnu emisiju CO2

    Održivi urbani razvoj - mobilnost versus pristupnost

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    Different types of spatial development, levels of mobility, accessibility, energy consumption, and emissions of CO2 in the sphere of urban transport of American Australian, European and Asian metropolises are analyzed in this article from the viewpoint of sustainable urban development. .U ovom radu su, na primeru američkih, australijskih, evropskih i azijskih metropola, polazeći od koncepta održivog urbanog razvoja, analizirani različiti tipovi prostornog razvoja i različiti stepeni mobilnosti, pristupnosti, potroÅ”nje energije i emisije CO2 u sferi gradskog saobraćaja.

    Gradski saobraćaj i održivi urbani razvoj - tržiÅ”ni versus planski pristup

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    Pro-automobile transport strategy has been (for decades) focused on technical improvements of cars, highway development, low urban densities and motorized mobility. This approach is in sharp contrast with (recently more and more popular) concept of sustainable urban development, which promotes compact urban development, higher urban densities, urban public transport and better accessibility.Poslednjih godina se sve viÅ”e favorizuje koncept održivog urbanog razvoja, koji promoviÅ”e kompaktne urbane forme, veće gustine naseljenosti, odlučniju orijentaciju na koriŔćenje javnog gradskog saobraćaja (uz peÅ”ačenje i bicikl) i koncept pristupnosti. Ovaj je koncept u dramatično] koliziji sa pro-automobilskom saobraćajnom strategijom koja već decenijama promoviÅ”e izuzetno niske gustine naseljenosti, tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ka poboljÅ”anja performansi automobila, izgradnju autoputeva, i nagli porast mobilnosti

    Koncept novih gradova i demografsko-prostorni razvoj Pariza

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    In this paper we analysed successful application of the 'new town' concept in the spatial development of Paris region, which helped Paris survive demographic pressure on its central zone, after the WWII.U radu je analizirana uspeŔna primena koncepta 'novog grada' u razvoju metropolitenskog područja Pariza, kojom su francuski planeri uspeli da smanje demografski pritisak, koji je u periodu nakon Drugog svetskog rata doživela centralna zona ove metropole
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