946 research outputs found

    Particles on AdS_{4/7} and Primary Operators on M_{2/5} Brane Worldvolumes

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    1 identify a correspondence between the various spherical harmonic modes of massless 11 dimensional fields propagating on the AdS4/7AdS_{4/7} in an AdS_{4/7} \times S^{7\4} compactification of M theory, and the corresponding operators, primary under the conformal group, on the world volume of M2,M5M_2,M_5 branes. This is achieved by matching representations of the superconformal algebra on the two sides of the correspondence.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac, no figures : v2 changes in presentation, reference added :v3 further changes in presentation, reference adde

    Chern Simons Bosonization along RG Flows

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    It has previously been conjectured that the theory of free fundamental scalars minimally coupled to a Chern Simons gauge field is dual to the theory of critical fundamental fermions minimally coupled to a level rank dual Chern Simons gauge field. In this paper we study RG flows away from these two fixed points by turning on relevant operators. In the t' Hooft large N limit we compute the thermal partition along each of these flows and find a map of parameters under which the two partition functions agree exactly with each other all the way from the UV to the IR. We conjecture that the bosonic and fermionic RG flows are dual to each other under this map of parameters. Our flows can be tuned to end at the gauged critical scalar theory and gauged free fermionic theories respectively. Assuming the validity of our conjecture, this tuned trajectory may be viewed as RG flow from the gauged theory of free bosons to the gauged theory of free fermions.Comment: 21 pages, v2: new subsection 3.3 added, typos corrected, version accepted in JHE

    Human Trafficking in Iraq: Patterns and Practices in Forced Labor and Sexual Exploitation

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    Human trafficking in the form of forced prostitution and labor has long existed in Iraq, as has forced marriage and domestic servitude within the family, tribe and community. Since the 2003 invasion and subsequent civil war, Iraq has increasingly been a source of trafficking victims who are transported to neighboring countries, as well as a destination for foreign workers who are at risk of trafficking and come to Iraq from the Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh and other countries where poverty is widespread. Furthermore, internal conflict and breakdown in law and order has resulted in a rise in kidnapping and trafficking from one location to another within Iraq.The Iraqi Constitution prohibits forced labor, kidnapping, slavery, slave trade, trafficking in women or children, and the sex trade, and the Government of Iraq ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women ("CEDAW"). However Iraqi government officials have overwhelmingly failed to act to prevent abuses and to punish offenders. Iraq has not passed anti-trafficking legislation, allowing traffickers to continue to operate with impunity. Research and preliminary investigations leading to the production of this report indicate that Iraqi women and girls are being subjected to the following types of trafficking: 1) exploitation of prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation; 2) forced labor or services; 3) slavery or practices similar to slavery; and 4) servitude. There are also credible reports of trafficking-related practices such as forced participation in criminal activity. Because of the nature of trafficking, quantitative measurement is inexact even in developed nations with functioning judicial and law enforcement sectors. In Iraq, measuring the scope of trafficking is far more difficult. However, there is ample evidence of established patterns and practices of trafficking, leading to a strong likelihood that hundreds of women have been trafficked over the last five years in the Kurdistan region, and thousands elsewhere in Iraq and in neighboring regions.In accordance with the Iraqi Constitution as well as international treaty obligations, Iraq must develop an effective national and regional counter-trafficking strategy. A comprehensive approach to combating trafficking must include prevention strategies, protection of trafficking victims, and prosecution of traffickers. This is a difficult time for Iraqis as they struggle with ongoing violence and war, as well as ongoing political restructuring in which many issues have yet to be determined. However it is also an opportune time to address trafficking and other serious human rights violations, as Iraq's national and regional governments work to strengthen the rule of law. Addressing problems of trafficking and other forms of gender-motivated violence is integral to this process of reform

    Comments on the IIA NS5-brane

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    We study NN coincident IIA NS5-branes at large NN using supergravity. We show that the absorption cross section for gravitons in this background does not vanish at zero string coupling for energies larger than ms/Nm_s/\sqrt{N} (msm_s is the string scale). Using a holographic description of the intrinsic theory of the IIA NS5-branes, we find an expression for the two point function of the stress energy tensor, and comment on its structure.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac, 2 figures. Interpretation of analytically continued metric qualifie

    Symmetry Restoration and Tachyon Condensation in Open String Theory

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    It has recently been argued that D-branes in bosonic string theory can be described as noncommutative solitons, outside whose core the tachyon is condensed to its ground state. We conjecture that, in addition, the local U(1) gauge symmetry is restored to a U()U(\infty) symmetry in the vacuum outside this core. We present new solutions obeying this boundary condition. The tension of these solitons agrees exactly with the expected D-brane tension for arbitrary noncommutativity parameter \t, which effectively becomes a dynamical variable. The restored U()U(\infty) eliminates unwanted extra modes which might otherwise appear outside the soliton core.Comment: 15 pages, harvma

    Poles in the SS-Matrix of Relativistic Chern-Simons Matter theories from Quantum Mechanics

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    An all orders formula for the SS-matrix for 2 \rightarrow 2 scattering in large N Chern-Simons theory coupled to a fundamental scalar has recently been conjectured. We find a scaling limit of the theory in which the pole in this SS-matrix is near threshold. We argue that the theory must be well described by non-relativistic quantum mechanics in this limit, and determine the relevant Schroedinger equation. We demonstrate that the SS-matrix obtained from this Schroedinger equation agrees perfectly with this scaling limit of the relativistic SS-matrix; in particular the pole structures match exactly. We view this matching as a nontrivial consistency check of the conjectured field theory SS-matrix.Comment: 12 pages, minor correction

    Plasma-balls in large N gauge theories and localized black holes

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    We argue for the existence of plasma-balls - meta-stable, nearly homogeneous lumps of gluon plasma at just above the deconfinement energy density - in a class of large N confining gauge theories that undergo first order deconfinement transitions. Plasma-balls decay over a time scale of order N^2 by thermally radiating hadrons at the deconfinement temperature. In gauge theories that have a dual description that is well approximated by a theory of gravity in a warped geometry, we propose that plasma-balls map to a family of classically stable finite energy black holes localized in the IR. We present a conjecture for the qualitative nature of large mass black holes in such backgrounds, and numerically construct these black holes in a particular class of warped geometries. These black holes have novel properties; in particular their temperature approaches a nonzero constant value at large mass. Black holes dual to plasma-balls shrink as they decay by Hawking radiation; towards the end of this process they resemble ten dimensional Schwarzschild black holes, which we propose are dual to small plasma-balls. Our work may find practical applications in the study of the physics of localized black holes from a dual viewpoint.Comment: harvmac, 33 pages + 7 appendices + 14 figures; program code downloadable from http://schwinger.harvard.edu/~wiseman/IRblackholes ; v2: minor changes ; v3: refs added, minor change