223 research outputs found

    Paul Arthur Politics of the Troubles Part 1

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    Grace Fraser Integrated Education in Practice

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    Education researcher Grace Fraser talks about her research on the founding and operation of integrated schools and the challenges of running them. She distinguishes between schools that were called integrated but did little in terms of programs, schools that were integrated and ran educational programs but did little to affect interaction, and those that intensively worked to teach children about tolerance and to involve principles of integration into all aspects of their programs. Integrated schools began as non-funded, parent initiated efforts to create an alternative style of education. Parent involvement took enormous work and this process a major focus of this talk.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Alex Bradley

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    Bradley is a psychotherapist based in a religious NGO. His talk primarily involves general comments and observations about the events of Bloody Sunday, sectarian conflicts in general, and values statements from Bradley offered in response to student questions about the conflict in Northern Ireland. He continues to talk about the White Oak Center in Donegal, which is a residential treatment center that in this account it heavily concerned with treating alcohol abuse. The tape shifts to talk about Bradley\u27s work treating trauma experiences related to the Troubles. He began working in the Catholic community but then was asked to work as well with Protestant congregations and then much of his work became cross-community work including people from both sides of the sectarian conflict.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Tom Fraser Intro to the Issues

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    Fraser gives a history of Northern Ireland, the geopolitics of Northern Ireland\u27s geographic and political relationship to the United Kingdom, and the historic relationships between Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and England and also the historic relationship between Catholics and Protestants. This lecture is meant to take students up to the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and the period of the Troubles, which began in 1968. History from that time point forward is given on the Paul Arthur tapes available elsewhere in this archive.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1059/thumbnail.jp

    Dominic Bryan

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    Dominic Bryan is an anthropologist and a research partner of Neil Jarman. Bryan discusses how physical space is related to the conflict between the Republicans and Loyalists. He discusses divided communities and how people from one town do NOT go into another town with a different religion. He talked about how this started through the Civil Rights movement. Bryan discussed public order difficulties and how parades were banned and got out of hand at times. The changing from the Protestants controlling everything to everyone having a fair share was mentioned, as well as the difficulty in transitioning to that. He then asks if the conflict will really every be solved.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Civil Rights

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    A panel including significant leaders of the Civil Rights movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s including individuals who led the march that ended in the killings of Bloody Sunday. Moderator is an important, centrist, Catholic peace leader, Eamonn Deane. Panelists Ivan Cooper, Eamonn McCann, and Bernadette McAlisky give personal histories, tell recollections of the civil rights movement, and actively debate together the meanings of events.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Chris Gilligan

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    Gilligan has an intellectual position that is critical of the idea of identity. He thinks identities are generally fragmented. For many people sectarian identity is less important than other issues and commitments in their lives. In this lecture Chris goes over stress, PTSD, and other disorders that lead to counseling, but where he believes objective symptoms are not the reason children are given counseling. He discusses counseling itself and the issue of identity. Storytelling is also a key topic.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Bishops 2005

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    This is the third time the two retired Bishops visited our classes. In the first 15 minutes of each tape Edward Daly, the Catholic Bishop, and James Mehaffey, the Anglican Bishop, briefly tell their life histories. This tape has two significant substantive aspects. First, there is discussion of integrated education in Northern Ireland and how the Bishops view this educational innovation. Bishop Daly is critical of what he considers mechanical procedures to force integration. He thinks to achieve peace in Northern Ireland root political problems must be addressed. The second important content on this tape is Bishop Daly\u27s account of working with and being pastors to hunger strikers in 1980 and 1981. This part of the tape runs about 20 minutes and it is very effective.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Bishops 2004

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    This is the second time the two retired bishops of the Catholic and Anglican churches of Derry/Londonderry visited the Bucknell class. The beginning gives personal histories of each man. Then they give an important account of the Inner City Trust, a project they jointly worked on with local business leaders, especially Paddy Doherty. The project used youth apprenticeships to re-build the walled city in central Derry. Then follow a variety of personal reflections on playing important roles as religious leaders and ministering to parishioners during the Troubles.https://digitalcommons.bucknell.edu/northernirelandarchive/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Re-Building Coal Country: A Church/University Partnership

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    This paper describes a developing partnership between a church-based service learning center and a university initiative to build a field station in a low-income community in the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. It is a case study of how secular and religious institutions have been collaborating to achieve the shared goal of improving social conditions in specific communities. The theoretical focus of the paper is on how a change from a “glass is half empty” to a “glass is half full” perception of the community opens new possibilities for change. This paper concentrates on the story of one partnership as a case study demonstrating current trends in service learning both within universities and within the Catholic Church in America. Analysis centers on the basic question of why the project had symbolic power for both partners and on the institutional processes within both organizations that helped the partnership grow. We use the framework of Assets-Based Community Development (ABCD), also known as the “strengths perspective”, to conceptualize the contrast. Field Station Coal Region Field Statio