105 research outputs found

    A cognitive-linguistic investigation of English phrasal verbs related to plants

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    The focus of the paper is on the semantics of English phrasal verbs whose constituent verb is related to the concept of PLANTS. The investigated set of verbs includes twenty-two phrasal verbs featuring the particles OUT, OFF, UP, THROUGH, IN and AWAY. The analysis is conducted in the framework of cognitive semantics, which states that the meaning of phrasal verbs can be analysed in view of their constituent particles and the interplay between the verb meaning and the particle senses. It is concluded that the general meaning of the examined phrasal verbs is a result of different spatial configurations underlying the conceptual-semantic structure of the constituent particles, while their specific meanings are motivated by different conceptual metonymies stemming from the constituent verb. Numerous abstract meanings are additionally derived via various submetaphors of the basic metaphor COMPLEX ABSTRACT SYSTEMS ARE PLANTS embedded in the conceptual framework of the constituent verbs.U radu se razmatra značenje engleskih fraznih glagola čiji se sastavni glagol odnosi na BILJKE. Analizirana je značenjska struktura 22 frazna glagola sa partikulama OUT, OFF, UP, THROUGH, IN i AWAY. Analiza je izvrÅ”ena u okviru teorijskih postavki kognitivne lingvistike u kojoj se značenje fraznih glagola posmatra u kontekstu sastavnih partikula i semantičke interakcije između sastavnog glagola i partikule. Zaključuje se da opÅ”ta značenja razmatranih fraznih glagola izviru iz različitih prostornih konfiguracija koje leže u osnovi pojmovno-značenjske strukture sastavnih partikula, dok su specifična značenja motivisana različitim pojmovnim metonimijama koje potiču od sastavnog glagola. Brojna apstraktna značenja dodatno proističu iz različitih podmetafora osnovne pojmovne metafore APSTRAKTNI SLOŽENI SISTEMI SU BILJKE, koja se nalazi u osnovi pojmovne strukture sastavnih glagola

    Shematska struktura prostornih značenja fraznih glagola engleskog jezika sa partikulom out i glagola srpskog jezika sa prefiksom iz-

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    Predmet rada je motivisanost prostornih značenja srpskih glagola sa prefiksom iz- posmatrana iz ugla metodoloÅ”kog aparata razvijenog za ispitivanje značenja engleskih fraznih glagola sa partikulom out. Cilj rada je da utvrdimo da li se i u kojim aspektima shematske strukture koje leže u osnovi prostornih značenja glagola sa prefiksom iz- poklapaju sa strukturama koje motiviÅ”u prostorna značenja fraznih glagola koji sadrže partikulu out. Na osnovu sprovedene analize, doÅ”li smo do zaključka da je stepen poklapanja slikovnoshematske strukure koja motiviÅ”e prostorna značenja posmatranih glagola u oba jezika visok i da primarno izvire iz pojmovno-semantičkog okvira njihovih sastavnih komponenti ā€“ partikule out u engleskom jeziku i prefiksa iz- u srpskom jeziku.The paper deals with the semantic motivation of the concrete meanings of Serbian verbs with the prefix iz-, observed from the viewpoint of the methodological framework developed for analysing the meaning of English phrasal verbs with the particle out. We aim at determining whether and in what aspects the schematic structures that underlie the concrete meanings of the verbs with the prefix iz- overlap with the structures that motivate the concrete meanings of phrasal verbs containing the particle out. Based on the conducted analysis, it may be concluded that the extent of overlap of the image-schematic structure that motivates the concrete meanings of the observed verbs in both languages is high and that it primarily stems from the conceptual-semantic framework of their constituent components ā€“ the particle out in English and the prefix iz- in Serbian

    The semantic motivation of plant-related idiomatic expressions in English and Serbian

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate the semantic motivation of a set of English and Serbian plant-related idiomatic expressions, to ascertain the cognitive mechanisms that motivate their semantic structure and, ultimately, to contrast them, using the cognitive semantic view of idioms. Our analysis shows that in both languages the conceptual metaphors based on the source domain of plants play a very important role in the semantics of the analysed idiomatic expressions, accompanied by the conventional knowledge, the conceptual metonymy and image schemas. The concluding part discusses the observed similarities in the cognitive mechanisms which motivate the semantics of the analysed expressions, but also reflects upon certain differences between the two languages in terms of the idiomatic expression constituents

    Synonymous relations between some phrasal verbs containing particles away, out and off: A cognitive-semantic analysis

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    The paper focuses on the synonymous relations established between a certain number of English phrasal verbs containing the same constituent verb and the particles away, out and off. The research is carried out within the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics, which enables us to view the semantic motivation of the linguistic units under examination in the light of their conceptual structure. This semantic analysis includes 124 phrasal verbs with the particle away, 406 phrasal verbs with the particle out and 260 phrasal verbs with the particle off, with the total of 1,620 different meanings. It is shown that a considerable number of the investigated phrasal verbs exhibit a high level of synonymous relations. We argue that such a semantic phenomenon is a result of the closely comparable conceptual scenes motivating their semantic structure, which stem from different spatial configurations underlying the conceptual framework of the constituent particles. The final part discusses the obtained findings and their possible implications for enhancing the understanding of the nature of phrasal verbs in general, as well as for further investigations of the semantic relations established among English phrasal verbs

    The role of conceptual metonymy in the semantic motivation of English phrasal verbs

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    In cognitive linguistic literature, metonymy has been posited as one of the vital mechanisms in studying the extension of meaning. Kƶvecses and Radden (1998) put forth the idea of viewing the relationships within idealized cognitive models (ICMs) as instances of metonymy, i.e. part-and-part configurations, providing a classification of several ICMs to this respect (action, causation, perception, production, control, possession etc.). This paper is aimed at exploring the role of the conceptual metonymies belonging to different types of ICMs in the semantic motivation of English phrasal verbs featuring the particles in, out, on and off. It is shown that the instances featuring the action ICM are the most prominent in the analysed examples. In several cases, phrasal verb meaning was motivated by the causation ICM. The established metonymies stem from the conceptual-semantic framework of the verb, motivating the semantic interaction between the verb and the particle, and thus contribute to the specific meaning of the overall phrasal verb. It may be concluded as a result that the classification of ICMs proposed by Kƶvecses and Radden will prove to be valuable when exploring the semantics of English phrasal verbs.U okviru teorijskog pravca kognitivne lingvistike metonimija se smatra jednim od najvažnijih mehanizama u proučavanju proÅ”irenja značenja. KevečeÅ” i Raden (Kƶvecses & Radden 1998) razvili su tezu o posmatranju odnosa unutar idealizovanih kognitivnih modela kao primera za realizaciju metonimije, i, u skladu s tim, ponudili klasifikaciju idealizovanih kognitivnih modela koja obuhvata IKM radnje, IKM uzročnosti, IKM percepcije, IKM produkcije, IKM kontrole, IKM posedovanja itd. U ovom radu razmatra se uloga pojmovnih metonimija koje pripadaju različitim tipovima idealizovanih kognitivnih modela u semantičkoj motivisanosti engleskih fraznih glagola sa partikulama in, out, on i off. Pokazuje se da u analiziranim primerima najveću ulogu imaju metonimije koje pripadaju IKM radnje. U jednom broju primera, značenje fraznih glagola motivisano je i metonimijama koje spadaju u IKM uzročnosti. Ustanovljene metonimije izviru iz pojmovno-semantičkog okvira glagola i motiviÅ”u semantičku interakciju između glagola i partikule, čime doprinose specifičnom značenju fraznog glagola. Zaključuje se da klasifikacija idealizovanih kognitivnih modela i metonimija u okviru njih, koju su razvili KevečeÅ” i Raden, može biti veoma korisna u istraživanjima semantičke motivisanosti engleskih fraznih glagola

    MikrobioloÅ”ka svojstva zemljiÅ”ta pod povrćem - osnova za kontrolu plodnosti

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    Microorganisms are important elements in the soil-plant system. They are indicators of fertility and/or degradation processes taking place in the soil. Dominance of beneficial groups of microorganisms control the processes of synthesis and decomposition and determine soil quality for production of organic food. Reduced diversity of microorganisms is an indication of soil degradation and its low usefulness as a habitat for fauna, microbes and plants. Microbiological analyses of soil under peas, string beans, tomato pepper and cabbage in different locations (Bečej, Dala, Futog) showed that the number and biodiversity of microorganisms may be used to assess soil applicability for production of organic food. Biological activity of the soil was evaluated on the basis of the following parameters: total number of microorganisms, numbers of diazotrophs (Azotobacter and free N-fixing bacteria), ammonifiers, actinomycetes, fungi and the activity of dehydrogenase enzymes. Dehydrogenases (oxidoreductases) are fundamental in the enzymatic systems of all microorganisms. The dehydrogenase activity is an indicator of the microbiological redox system in the soil and it may serve as a measure of the microbial oxidative activity. The microbiological properties of the analyzed soils (average results) showed their high biological value. The total numbers of bacteria and ammonifiers ranged up to xlO8, of Azotobacter up to xlO3, free N-fixing bacteria up to xlO6, of fungi up to xlO4, and of actinomycetes up to xlO5.Mikroorganizmi su značajna karika u sistemu zemljiÅ”te-biljka. Dominantnost korisnih grupa mikroorganizama usmeravaju procese sinteze i razgradnje i određuje kvalitet zemljiÅ”ta za proizvodnju zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Smanjena raznovrsnost mikroorganizama je indikacija degradacije i plodnosti zemljiÅ”ta, kao staniÅ”ta za faunu, mikrobe i biljke. MikrobioloÅ”ka istraživanja zemljiÅ”ta pod graÅ”kom boranijom, paradajzom, paprikom kupusom na različitim lokalitetima (Bečej, Dala, Futog) pokazuju da se na osnovu zastupljenosti mikroorganizama i njihove bioraznovrsnosti delimično može izvrÅ”iti karakterizacija zemljiÅ”ta za proizvodnju zdrave hrane. BioloÅ”ka aktivnost zemljiÅ”ta (biogenost) praćena je na osnovu sledećih parametara ukupnog broj mikroorganizama, zastupljenosti diazotrofa (Azotobacter-a i oligonitrofila), amonifikatora, aktinomiceta, gljiva i aktivnosti enzima dehidrogenaze. Dehidrogenaze su fundament u enzimatskim sistemima svih organizama. Aktivnost dehidrogenaze je indikator mikrobioloÅ”kog redoks sistema u zemljiÅ”tu i mogu biti dobra mera oksidativne aktivnosti. MikrobioloÅ”ka svojstva ispitivanih zemljiÅ”ta (prosečni rezultati) pokazuju visoku biogenost zemljiÅ”ta. Zastupljenost ukupnog broja bakterija, i amonifikatora kreće se čak do x IO8, Azotobacter-a do xlO, oligonitrofila do xlO6, brojnost gljiva xlO4, a aktinomiceta do xlO5. Velika zastupljenost korisnih mikroorganizama koji učestvuju u procesima azotofiksacije i usvajanja fosfora omogućavaju biljci lakÅ”e usvajanje hraniva potrebnog za rast i razviće

    PovrÅ”inski epitel jajnika hipotireoidnih novorođenih i neonatalnih pacova - iz perspektive PCNA i kaspaze-3

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    Introduction. The ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) undergoes intensive regeneration and remodelling after each ovulation during the whole reproductive period. This process increases the risk of one of the most common ovarian tumors in women and the female dog. Considering the fact that maternal hypothyroidism highly impacts cell proliferation and cell death during folliculogenesis in the early neonatal period, we aimed to analyze its effect on OSE morphology and dynamics. Materials and Methods. The study was performed on newborn (24-h-old) and neonatal (4-day-old) female rats, a randomized trial between the control and hypothyroid groups, born under controlled circumstances and hypothyroid mothers, respectively. Their ovaries were analyzed histologically and processed to determine the OSE cell height as an average value of four measurement points. Also, the immunopositivity of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and caspase-3 were assessed semiquantitatively. Results and Conclusions. No major structural differences of OSE were found between groups within the given ages except for a slight increment of OSE cell height and incompleteness of apical cell membrane with cytoplasmic projections in hypothyroid animals. PCNA immunopositivity of the OSE cells was higher in ovaries of hypothyroid animals of both ages in comparison to the controls. Moreover, only scarce OSE cells were caspase-3 positive in both groups and ages, with no difference in immunopositivity. Our study confirms the impact of hypothyroidism in the early postnatal period on morphology and proliferation rate of OSE cells, with no effect on caspase-3 dependent cell removal, which may serve as a premise for future investigation of potential carcinogenesis, in terms of prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer.Uvod. Tokom reproduktivnog perioda, nakon svake ovulacije, povrÅ”inski epitel (PE) jajnika se intenzivno regeneriÅ”e i remodelira. Ovaj proces povećava rizik od nastajanja jednog od najčeŔćih tumora jajnika kod žena i kuja. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da hipotireoidizam majki u velikoj meri utiče na proliferaciju i ćelijsku smrt u toku folikulogeneze u ranom postnatalnom periodu, cilj rada je bio da analiziramo efekat hipotireoidizma majki na morfologiju i dinamiku PE jajnika potomaka. Materijal i metode. U eksperimentu su koriŔćeni tek rođeni (24 časa stari) i neonatalni (4 dana stari) mladunci koji potiču od kontrolnih i hipotireoidnih majki. Morfometrijskom analizom određivana je prosečna visina ćelija PE, izmerena na četiri mesta na svakom ispitivanom preseku jajnika. Takođe, imunopozitivnost proliferativnivnog ćelijskog nuklearnog antigena (PCNA) i kaspaze 3 je određivana semikvantitativno. Rezultati i zaključci. Veće promene u strukturi PE jajnika nisu zapažene između grupa, osim blagog povećanja visine ćelija i nepotpune apikalne membrane sa projekcijama citoplazme kod hipotireoidnih životinja. Imunopozitivnost PCNA je značajno povećana u jajnicima hipotireoidnih životinja obe starosne grupe u odnosu na kontrole, dok je imunopozitivnost na kaspazu 3 slabo izražena kod svih životinja. NaÅ”e istraživanje je pokazalo da hipotireoidizam u ranom postnatalnom periodu dovodi do promena u morfologiji i proliferaciji ćelija PE, bez efekta na uklanjanje ćelija delovanjem kaspaze 3. Ovaj model može da posluži u budućim istraživanjima potencijalne karcinogeneze u cilju prevencije i tretmana kancera jajnika

    Z-cells and oogonia/oocytes in the advanced process of autophagy are the dominant altered cells in the ovaries of hypothyroid newborn rats

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    Induced prenatal hypothyroidism in rat pups leads to accelerated primordial follicle assembly and premature follicular atresia with ovary failure. This work investigates the influence of maternal hypothyroidism induced with 6-n-propyl-2-thyouracil (PTU) on the number and morphology of oogonia/oocytes in newborn rat pups with light and transmission electron microscopy. Expression of apoptosis and autophagy markers in oogonia/oocytes were examined using immunohistochemistry. Hypothyroid newborn pups had a decreased number of mitotic and resting oogonia, while the number of altered oogonia/oocytes was increased. Ultrastructural observations revealed the increased presence of degenerated pachytene oocytes (Z-cells) and oogonia/oocytes undergoing autophagy, apoptosis and combined apoptosis and autophagy, in this group. The most abundant altered oogonia/oocytes in the hypothyroid group were those with morphological features of advanced autophagy and Z-cells. The percentage of TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) positive oogonia/ oocytes was significantly lower in the hypothyroid group. No significant difference was recorded in the expression of caspase-3, ATG7 and LC3 possibly reflecting that these proteins were not involved in the oogonia/ oocyte alteration process during prenatal rat hypothyroidism. The obtained results indicate that developmental hypothyroidism in the offspring enhances the number of Z-cells and oogonia/ oocytes altered with the advanced process of autophagy
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