32 research outputs found

    Pengaruh terapi pare (Momordica charantia L) terhadap ekspresi TNF-α dan apoptosis pada mencit balb/C yang di infeksi Plasmodium berghei (studi in vivo untuk mencegah terjadinya gagal ginjal) (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Malaria disebabkan oleh Plasmodium falciparum berdampak pada terjadinya malaria berat seperti komplikasi pada organ ginjal yang menyebabkan gagal ginjal. Komplikasi tersebut disebabkan organ ginjal terdapat parasit yang mengalami cytoadherence di organ tersebut dan organ mengalami obstruksi dampaknya akan mengakibatkan kematian. Cytoadherence eritrosit terinfeksi menyebabkan eritrosit stadium matur menstimulasi sel T Helper-1 untuk memproduksi IFN-γ yang memicu monosit menghasilkan TNF-α yang meningkatkan jumlah reseptor sel endotel yang bertanggungjawab pada perlekatan eritrosit teinfeksi sehingga terjadi reaksi inflamasi dan koagulasi. Eritrosit yang terinfeksi akan pecah dan mengeluarkan toksin seperti GPI (Glycosylphophatidylinositol), hemozoin, asam urat dan DNA parasit. Toksin tersebut dapat merangsang keluarnya sitokin proinflamasi yang memicu pembentukan reactive oxygen species (ROS). Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kondisi stress oksidatif. Stres oksidatif memicu apoptosis. Penggunaan obat anti malaria diperlukan untuk pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit infeksi malaria. Saat ini, obat tradisional dapat menjadi pilihan pengobatan untuk mengatasi malaria. Penggunaan obat anti malaria diperlukan untuk pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit infeksi malaria. Saat ini, obat tradisional dapat menjadi pilihan pengobatan untuk mengatasi malaria. Hal ini dikarenakan sulitnya penduduk daerah terpencil mengakses obat antimalaria. Obat-obatan tradisional telah lama digunakan untuk mengobati malaria selama ribuan tahun. Obat tradisional tersebut merupakan sumber dari dua kelompok utama obat antimalaria modern, yaitu turunan artemisinin dan kina. Salah satu obat tradisional antimalaria yang dapat ditemukan banyak di Indonesia adalah tanaman buah par

    Pengaruh terapi pare (Momordica charantia L) terhadap ekspresi TNF-α dan apoptosis pada mencit balb/C yang di infeksi Plasmodium berghei (studi in vivo untuk mencegah terjadinya gagal ginjal) (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Malaria disebabkan oleh Plasmodium falciparum berdampak pada terjadinya malaria berat seperti komplikasi pada organ ginjal yang menyebabkan gagal ginjal. Komplikasi tersebut disebabkan organ ginjal terdapat parasit yang mengalami cytoadherence di organ tersebut dan organ mengalami obstruksi dampaknya akan mengakibatkan kematian. Cytoadherence eritrosit terinfeksi menyebabkan eritrosit stadium matur menstimulasi sel T Helper-1 untuk memproduksi IFN-γ yang memicu monosit menghasilkan TNF-α yang meningkatkan jumlah reseptor sel endotel yang bertanggungjawab pada perlekatan eritrosit teinfeksi sehingga terjadi reaksi inflamasi dan koagulasi. Eritrosit yang terinfeksi akan pecah dan mengeluarkan toksin seperti GPI (Glycosylphophatidylinositol), hemozoin, asam urat dan DNA parasit. Toksin tersebut dapat merangsang keluarnya sitokin proinflamasi yang memicu pembentukan reactive oxygen species (ROS). Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kondisi stress oksidatif. Stres oksidatif memicu apoptosis. Penggunaan obat anti malaria diperlukan untuk pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit infeksi malaria. Saat ini, obat tradisional dapat menjadi pilihan pengobatan untuk mengatasi malaria. Penggunaan obat anti malaria diperlukan untuk pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit infeksi malaria. Saat ini, obat tradisional dapat menjadi pilihan pengobatan untuk mengatasi malaria. Hal ini dikarenakan sulitnya penduduk daerah terpencil mengakses obat antimalaria. Obat-obatan tradisional telah lama digunakan untuk mengobati malaria selama ribuan tahun. Obat tradisional tersebut merupakan sumber dari dua kelompok utama obat antimalaria modern, yaitu turunan artemisinin dan kina. Salah satu obat tradisional antimalaria yang dapat ditemukan banyak di Indonesia adalah tanaman buah par

    Reaksi antigen-antibodi antara protein sub unit pili 18 KDa Shigella flexneri dengan sub unit outer membran protein (OMP) Shigella dysentriae: Strategi memperoleh vaksin shigellosis berbasis protein pili

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    Bloody diarrhea disease remains a major cause of the high morbidity and mortality of children globally. Diarrhea caused by S. flexneri and S. dysentriae commonly treated with antibiotics seen already started resistant to existing antibiotics varied while the prevention of shigellosis with Shigella vaccines were developed and used today are still of limited use. This study aims to explore the hemagglutinin protein sub units pili and Omp S. dysentriae suspected having similar characteristics. This study uses Dot Blot and Western Blot to determine the antigen-antibody reaction between the antibody protein sub unit pili S. flexneri with sub unit Omp S. dysentriae. The result showed that the protein sub unit 18 kDa S. flexneri is a protein that is able to agglutinate red blood cells of mice at the highest dilution and is able to recognize sub unit Omp S. dysentriae with a molecular weight of 18 kDa; 21 kDa; and 23 kDa. Protein sub units Omp S. dysentriae with a molecular weight of 18 kDa; 21 kDa; and 23 kDa possibility having epitopes that can be recognized by an antibody protein sub unit pili S. flexneri 18 kDa

    Mice Pregnancy Failure Due to Malaria: The Role of TNF-α, Anemia and Low Birth Weight

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    Malaria infection in pregnant women or called placental malaria is characterized by the accumulation of Plasmodium-infected red blood cells in the intervillous space of the placenta. This causes adverse perinatal outcomes such as stillbirth, low birth weight, premature birth, and small neonates of gestational age while in the mother it causes anemia. Inflammatory responses such as TNF-α expression can promote complications in pregnancy. TNF-α plays an important role in the immune response in acute malaria but inhibits erythropoiesis. Objective : This study aims to determine the relationship between malaria infection and TNF-α expression with the incidence of anemia and birth weight in pregnant mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. Methods: Twenty BALB/C pregnant mice were divided into 2 groups, control group (10 pregnant mice without infection) treatment group (10 pregnant mice infected with Plasmodium berghei). TNF-α expression was observed by immunohistochemical method using anti-TNF-α Chip Grade antibody from abcam, anemia examination using Cyanmethemoglobin and all fetuses were weighed using an analytical balance. Statistical analysis using Structural Equation Modeling. Results: Malaria infection causes high expression of TNF-α in the placenta (tcount=2.97≥ ttable = 1.96), causes anemia (tcount=1,97≥ttable = 1.96) and causes low fetal weight tcount=2,16 ≥ ttable =1, 96. Conclusion: Malaria infection can cause high expression of TNF-α in the placenta causing anemia and low birth weight of the fetus

    Derajat Parasitemia Menginduksi Terjadinya Hipoksia dan Fetus dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (Studi Pada Mencit BALB/C yang di Infeksi Plasmodium berghei)

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    Malaria plasenta menyebabkan berat badan fetus rendah yang berhubungan dengan infiltrasi monosit dan parasit di plasenta berdampak terjadinya hipoksia plasenta. Hipoksia di tandai dengan ekspresi HIF. Ekspresi HIF-1α merespons awal terhadap terjadinya hipoksia (24 jam). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek derajat parasitemia terhadap terjadinya hipoksia yang ditandai ekspresi HIF-1α dan HIF-2α yang memicu terjadinya berat badan lahir rendah pada mencit bunting. Penelitian ini terdapat dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol (10 mencit bunting tanpa diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei) dan kelompok perlakuan (10 mencit bunting yang di infeksi Plasmodium berghei). Mencit bunting dibedah pada hari ke-18 pasca kawin. Derajat parasitemia diukur dengan pewarnaan Giemsa. Ekspresi HIF-1α dan HIF-2α di jaringan plasenta diukur dengan imunohistokimia. Uji t berpasangan pada ekspresi HIF-1α di jaringan plasenta pada kelompok perlakuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (p=0,02), uji t berpasangan ekspresi HIF-2α di jaringan plasenta lebih tinggi pada kelompok perlakuan dari pada kelompok kontrol (0,01) pada berat badan janin kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah dari pada kelompok kontrol (p=0,01). Hasil analisis menggunakan struktural ekuivalen modelling (SEM) didapatkan derajat parasitemia menyebabkan tingginya ekspresi HIF-1α (thitung = 4,625 ≥ ttabel=1,96) dan tingginya ekspresi HIF-2α di jaringan plasenta (thitung = 2,672 ≥ ttabel = 1,96). Derajat parasitemia menyebabkan rendahnya berat badan janin (thitung = 27,764 ≥ttabel=1,96), juga HIF-1α menyebabkan fetus dengan berat badan lahir rendah (thitung = 2,376 ≥ ttabel=1,96) juga HIF-2α menyebabkan fetus dengan berat badan janin rendah (thitung = 4,267 ≥1,96). Kesimpulan derajat parasitemia menyebabkan tingginya ekspresi HIF-1α dan HIF-2 α di jaringan plasenta dan fetus lahir rendah

    Mice Pregnancy Failure Due to Malaria: The Role of TNF-α, Anemia and Low Birth Weight

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    Malaria infection in pregnant women or called placental malaria is characterized by the accumulation of Plasmodium-infected red blood cells in the intervillous space of the placenta. This causes adverse perinatal outcomes such as stillbirth, low birth weight, premature birth, and small neonates of gestational age while in the mother it causes anemia. Inflammatory responses such as TNF-α expression can promote complications in pregnancy. TNF-α plays an important role in the immune response in acute malaria but inhibits erythropoiesis. Objective : This study aims to determine the relationship between malaria infection and TNF-α expression with the incidence of anemia and birth weight in pregnant mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. Methods: Twenty BALB/C pregnant mice were divided into 2 groups, control group (10 pregnant mice without infection) treatment group (10 pregnant mice infected with Plasmodium berghei). TNF-α expression was observed by immunohistochemical method using anti-TNF-α Chip Grade antibody from abcam, anemia examination using Cyanmethemoglobin and all fetuses were weighed using an analytical balance. Statistical analysis using Structural Equation Modeling. Results: Malaria infection causes high expression of TNF-α in the placenta (tcount=2.97≥ ttable = 1.96), causes anemia (tcount=1,97≥ttable = 1.96) and causes low fetal weight tcount=2,16 ≥ ttable =1, 96. Conclusion: Malaria infection can cause high expression of TNF-α in the placenta causing anemia and low birth weight of the fetus

    Derajat Parasitemia Menginduksi Terjadinya Hipoksia dan Fetus dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (Studi Pada Mencit BALB/C yang di Infeksi Plasmodium berghei)

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    Malaria plasenta menyebabkan berat badan fetus rendah yang berhubungan dengan infiltrasi monosit dan parasit di plasenta berdampak terjadinya hipoksia plasenta. Hipoksia di tandai dengan ekspresi HIF. Ekspresi HIF-1α merespons awal terhadap terjadinya hipoksia (24 jam). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek derajat parasitemia terhadap terjadinya hipoksia yang ditandai ekspresi HIF-1α dan HIF-2α yang memicu terjadinya berat badan lahir rendah pada mencit bunting. Penelitian ini terdapat dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol (10 mencit bunting tanpa diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei) dan kelompok perlakuan (10 mencit bunting yang di infeksi Plasmodium berghei). Mencit bunting dibedah pada hari ke-18 pasca kawin. Derajat parasitemia diukur dengan pewarnaan Giemsa. Ekspresi HIF-1α dan HIF-2α di jaringan plasenta diukur dengan imunohistokimia. Uji t berpasangan pada ekspresi HIF-1α di jaringan plasenta pada kelompok perlakuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (p=0,02), uji t berpasangan ekspresi HIF-2α di jaringan plasenta lebih tinggi pada kelompok perlakuan dari pada kelompok kontrol (0,01) pada berat badan janin kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah dari pada kelompok kontrol (p=0,01). Hasil analisis menggunakan struktural ekuivalen modelling (SEM) didapatkan derajat parasitemia menyebabkan tingginya ekspresi HIF-1α (thitung = 4,625 ≥ ttabel=1,96) dan tingginya ekspresi HIF-2α di jaringan plasenta (thitung = 2,672 ≥ ttabel = 1,96). Derajat parasitemia menyebabkan rendahnya berat badan janin (thitung = 27,764 ≥ttabel=1,96), juga HIF-1α menyebabkan fetus dengan berat badan lahir rendah (thitung = 2,376 ≥ ttabel=1,96) juga HIF-2α menyebabkan fetus dengan berat badan janin rendah (thitung = 4,267 ≥1,96). Kesimpulan derajat parasitemia menyebabkan tingginya ekspresi HIF-1α dan HIF-2 α di jaringan plasenta dan fetus lahir rendah

    Elucidating the active compound profile and mechanisms of Dendrophthoe pentandra on colorectal cancer: LCMS/MS identification and network pharmacology analysis

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death worldwide, and its incidence has significantly increased over the past decade. Although the herbal plant Dendrophthoe pentandra (DPT) has been reported by previous researchers to possess CRC inhibition activity, the exact active compound profile, and mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the profile of the active compound and systematically explore the pharmacological and molecular mechanisms of DPT on CRC inhibition. The identification of compounds in this study was performed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and the mechanism of action was determined using a network pharmacology approach, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, target gene prediction, network analysis, and gene enrichment analysis. The results showed that 18 active compounds were identified using LC-MS/MS. Network analysis revealed that quercetin and Phyllanthusiin E modulated the target genes MYC, Caspase 3, Jun proto-oncogene, Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1, B-cell lymphoma 2, Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8, Bcl-2-associated X protein, and Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma. Gene enrichment analysis showed that DPT may be beneficial for CRC patients by modulating apoptosis, P53 signalling, Mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling, Wnt signalling, and Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-protein kinase B signalling pathways. This study partially demonstrated and predicted the pharmacological and molecular mechanisms of DPT on CRC from a holistic perspective; therefore, DPT can be recommended for further research in developing anti-CRC drugs

    Prevention of Cytoadherence and Heart Cell Hypoxia of Balb/C Mices Infected with Plasmodium Berghei with Therapy of Pare (Momordica charantia L

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    Background: Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites (P. falciparum, P. ovale, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. knowlesi) infection often caused by the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes which have Plasmodium parasites in their salivary glands. Plasmodium develops in the human liver and then invades red blood cells. This causes the symptoms of malaria. Cytoadherence is the adherence of erythrocytes infected by parasite on the endothelial surface of blood vessels due to mature parasites which causes adhesive molecules on the surface of erythrocytes to adhere with adhesive molecules on the endothelial surface of blood vessels. Causes of hypoxia in malaria include cytoadherence, sequestration, and anemia. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia L), which is a traditional medicine, contains terpenoid and alkaloid substances which have anti-malarial properties. There hasn’t been any study on the relationship between bitter melon and cytoadherence as well as hypoxia in malaria. Objective: To understand the effect of bitter melon therapy on decreasing cytoadherence and hypoxia in hepatocytes of Balb/c mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. Methods: This purely experimental research is conducted in vivo in a lab environment. There are 2 control groups, the positive control group which received anti-malarial therapy, and the negative control group which receives no therapeutic intervention. There are also 3 treatment groups, group 1 received a 4mg/gBW dose of bitter melon extract, group 2 received 8mg/gBW dose of bitter melon extract, and group 3 receive 12mg/gBW dose of bitter melon extract. Each group has 5 Balb/c mice infected with P. berghei. Results: There is a decrease in cytoadherence with a significant relationship (r = -0,917) and the most effective dose is 12mg/gBW. There is also a significant decrease in hypoxia with a significant relationship (r = -0,892) and the most effective dose is 12mg/gBW. Conclusion: Bitter melon therapy has a significant effect on decreasing cytoadherence and hypoxia in hepatocytes of Balb/c mice infected with P.berghei with the most significant dose of 12mg/gB


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    Objective:The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential and mechanisms of compounds in Qusthul Hindi extract in inhibiting proliferation, cell cycle, and inducing cell death in breast cancer through a network pharmacology approach, in silico validation, and in vitro experiments.Methods:This research employed a literature review approach to identify anti-cancer compounds and utilized a network pharmacology approach to predict the mechanisms of action of the compounds. Insilico docking was performed on the HER2 receptor (PDB: 3PP0) using Molegro Virtual Docker 6.0. Furthermore, the MTT method was used to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of Qusthul Hindi extract on T47D cells, and Flow cytometry was employed to determine the effects of the extract on apoptosis and cell cycle.Results:The network pharmacology analysis revealed that Qusthul Hindi interacted with 66 genes related to breast cancer. Pathway analysis showed a close association between Qusthul Hindi and important signaling pathways such as P53, MAPK, PI3K-Akt, and the cell cycle. Molecular docking results showed better affinity of Saussureamine B and C towards the HER2 receptor compared to trastuzumab. In vitro cytotoxicity assays demonstrated the potential activity of Qusthul Hindi extract against T47D cells (IC50: 32.81 μg/ml). Qusthul Hindi also effectively induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells with a high percentage (85.3%), and inhibited the cell cycle by reducing the G2-M and S phases. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the Qusthul Hindi treatment group and the control group in terms of apoptotic cell count (p<0.001).Conclusion:These findings suggest that Qusthul Hindi has potential for development as an anti-cancer agent through the inhibition of proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and cell cycle inhibition in breast cancer