191 research outputs found

    Iron chlorosis of the pears in south hill-sides of Zagrebačka gora

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    Provedena su istraživanja uzroka kloroze krušaka sorti Pastorčica, Jakovka, Gellertova i Viljamovka na podlozi sjemenjaka Pyrus communis u voćnjacima na obroncima Zagrebačke gore (lokaliteti: Šestine, Šestinski kraljevac, Gračani, Pustike i Dolje). Kruške su uzgojene u području humidne klime na antropogeniziranom smeđe karbonatnom tllu koje je razvijeno na podlozi lapora miocenske geološke formacije. Ustanovljeno je da se fero-kloroza javlja zbog poremećaja u primanju željeza na tlu koje sadrži više od 20 do 22% aktivnog vapna, a ima alkalnu reakciju tla s pH od 8,0 do 8,5. Zdrava stabla istih sorti postižu dobru vegetativnu razvijenost na tlu alkalne reakcije s pH od 7,5 do 7,9 i količinu aktivnog vapna od 15 do 18%. Lišće klorotičnih stabala sadržavalo je znatno niže koncentracije Fe ili imalo nepovoljan omjer P/Fe od klorotičnog lišća. Osim toga klorotično lišće je sadržavalo signifikantno više P, K i imalo nepovoljniji omjer K/Ca od zdravog lišća. Koncentracija N, Mg i Mn bila je podjednaka u zdravom i klorotičnom lišću.The research was carried out on the cause of chlorosis of pears of the varieties Vicar of Wingfield, Jacobs, Beurre Hardy and Williams on rootstock seedling Pyrus communis in the orchards on the hillsides of Zagrebačka gora (localities: Šestine, Šestinski kraljevac, Gračani, Pustike and Dolje). The pears were grown in an area of humid climate on anthropogenised brown calcareus soil developed on marly soil of the Miocene geological formation. It was found that iron chlorosis occurred due to disturbance in getting iron in the soil containing over 20 to 22% of active lime and having alkaline soil reaction with pH from 8.0 to 8.5. Healthy trees of the same varieties achived good vegetative development in the soil of alkaline reaction with pH from 7.5 to 7.9 and the amount of active lime from 15 to 18%. Leaves of the chlorotic trees contained significantly lower Fe concentrations and had unfavourable P/Fe ratio of chlorotic leaves. Besides, chlorotic leaves contained significantly higher P and k and had more unfavourable K/Ca ratio than the healthy leaves. The N, Mg and Mn concenttration was equal in healthy and chlorotic leaves

    Research on growth dynamics of fruit, shoots and mineral elements in olive leaves in ecological conditions of Istria

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    Istraživana je dinamika rasta mladice, ploda i biogenih elemenata tijekom razdoblja vegetacije u lišću na četiri godine starim stablima maslina sorti Leccino i Picholine. Masline su uzgojene na crvenici u masliniku Červar kraj Poreča. Istraživanjima je ustanovljeno da rast mladice slijedi izduženu sigmoidnu krivulju. Intenzivan rast mladice odvija se do kraja kolovoza a potpuno završava krajem rujna. Obje sorte postigle su dobar prosječan prirast jednogodišnjih izbojaka. Rast ploda slijedi dvostruku izduženu sigmoidnu krivulju. Najveći je i jednoličan u prvoj i drugoj fazi rasta do 15 rujna kada postigne 50% od volumena u vrijeme dozrelosti. Od 1. do 15. listopada rast je usporen kada dolazi do odrvenjavanja endokarpa, nakon čega je opet intenzivan i jednoličan. Vjerojatno jednoličnom rastu ploda u vrijeme najvećeg nakupljanja ulja, pored ostalog, treba pripisati visoku kvalitetu maslinova ulja u Istri. Naime, uz takav rast postupno se u plodu nakupljaju hranjiva, a posebice ulje i njegovi sastojci. Dinamika biogenih elemenata pokazuje da se koncentracija dušika i kalcija od početka do kraja vegetacije postupno povećava dok koncentracija kalija opada. Koncentracija fosfora, magnezija i bora u lišću obiju sorti je jednolična tijekom vegetacije. Opskrbljenost dušikom, fosforom, kalijem, kalcijem i borom je dobra a magnezijem slaba do umjerena.Research on the growth dynamics of shoots, fruit and mineral elements in leaves during vegetation was carried out on four year old olive trees of the Leccino and Picholine varieties. The trees were grown in red soil in the olive grove Červar near Poreč. It was established that the shoot growth followed an elongated sigmoidal curve. The intensive shoot growth continued to the end of August and comp¬letely finished at the end of September. Both varieties achieved good average growth of one year old shoots. The fruit growth followed a double elongated sigmoidal curve. It was the biggest and uniform in the first and second phase of growth until September 15, when 50% of the mature volume was achieved. From October 1 to 15 the growth slowed down when the endocarp lignified after which the growth was intensive and uniform. The high quality of olive oil in Istria should probably, among others, be attributed to uniform fruit growth in the time of most intensive oil accumulation. With such growth nutrients, particularly oil and its ingredients, gradually accumulate in the fruit. The dynamics of mineral elements shows that the concentration of nitrogen and calcium gradually increases from the beginning to the end of vegetation while that of potassium falls. The concentration of phosphorus, magnesium and boron in the leaves of both varieties is uniform, during vegetation. The supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and boron is good while that of magnesium is poor to moderate

    Pear yield prediction on the basis of fruit diameter at he early phases of fruit growing

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    U pokusu, tijekom dvije godine, u ekologijskim uvjetima istočne Hrvatske ustanovljeno je da se dosta vjerno može procijeniti prirod na osnovi promjera u pojedinim fazama rasta ploda počevši od 60. dana nakon pune cvatnje u sorata: Precoce de Trevoux, Williams i Beurre Bosc, cijepljenih na podlozi dunja MA i uzgajanih u obliku palmete

    Genetic specificity of mineral nurition apple cultivars in orchard Borinci

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    Višegodišnjim istraživanjima biljno-hranidbenog kapaciteta tla metodom folijarne dijagnoze u plantaži jabuka Borinci na antropogenom eutričnom smeđem tlu na karbonatnom lesu u semiaridnom području istočne Slavonije utvrđene su genetske, odnosno sortne specifičnosti, mineralne ishrane. Istraživanja su obavljena u plantaži Borinci kraj Vinkovaca na 5 do 11 godina starim stablima sorata: Golden Delicious, Gloster, Melrous, Idared, Red Boskoop, Jonagold i Jonathan, cijepljenim na podlozi M9. Jabuke su dostatno opskrbljene dušikom i kalijem, a optimalno fosforom,kalcijem i magnezijem. Veće variranje utvrđeno je u koncentraciji dušika i kalija. Genetske, odnosno sortne specifičnosti odrazile su utjecaj na koncentraciju dušika, kalija i kalcija, dok je razina fosfora i magnezija uglavnom podjednaka u lišću svih istraživanih sorti. Najveću koncentraciju dušika sadrži lišće sorte Gloster, a najmanju sorte Golden Deliciou. Signifikantna je razlika između ove dvije sorte i u njihovu odnosu na ostale sorte. Podjednaku koncentraciju dušika sadrži lišće skupine sorti Melrous, Jonagold i Jonathan, kao i u skupine sorti Idared i Melrous. Utvrđena je signifikantna razlika između dvije skupine sorti. Veću koncentraciju kalija ima lišće sorte Melrous od ostalih sorti. Razlika je signifikantna. Manju koncentraciju kalija sadrži lišće sorti Gloster, Idared i Jonathan od sorti Golden Delicious i Jonagold. Razlika je statistički opravdana. Signifikantno nižu koncentraciju kalcija sadrži lišće sorte Melrous od ostalih soreti. Signifikantno veću koncentraciju kalcija sadrži lišće sorata Golden Delicious, Gloster, i Idared od sorata Jonagold i Jonathan.Investigations of the plant feeding capacity of the soil using foliar diagnosis method on apple plantation on antropogenous brown soil on calcareous loess were carried out over the period of six years in the eastern Croatia for determination of genetic, i.e. cultivar features of mineral nutrition. The investigations were carried out on the plantation of the Borinci near Vinkovci on 5 to 11 year old trees in the cultivars: Golden Delicious, Gloster, Melrous, Idared, Red Boskoop, Jonagold and Jonathan grafted on rootstock M9. Apples are sufficiently supplied with nitrogen and potassium, and optimal supply of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Greater variations were determined in concentrations of nitrogen and potassium. Genetic and variety specificity has reflected its influence to concentration of nitrogen, potassium and calcium while levels of phosphorus and magnesium are rather equal in leafs of investigated cultivars. The level of nitrogen was the highest in the leaves of cv. Gloster and the lowest in cv. Golden Delicious. There is a significant difference between these two cultivars and in their relation to other cultivars. Equal concentrations of nitrogen are determined in leafs of cultivars Melrous, Jonagold and Jonathan, as well as in cultivars Idared and Melrous. Significant difference is determined between two groups of cultivars. The concentration of potassium was higher in leafs of cultivar Melrous than in leafs of other cultivars. The difference is significant. The concentration of potassium was lower in leafs of cultivars Gloster, Idared and Jonathan than in leafs of cultivars Golden Delicious and Jonagold. The difference is statistically justified. Significantly lower concentration of potassium was found in leafs of cultivars Gloster, Idared and Jonathan than in cultivars Golden Delicious and Jinagold. The difference is statistically justified. Leafs of cultivar Melrous have significantly lower concentration of calcium than other cultivars. Significantly higher concentration of calcium was found in leafs of cultivars Golden Delicious, Gloster and Idared than in cultivars Jonagold and Jonathan

    Klijanje zrnaca peludi divlje smokve (Ficus carica L.var.caprificus)

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    The aim of this study is to determine pollen germination and germination energy of selected types of wild fig in the region of Herzegovina. Pollen from wild fig was collected during anthers cracking from the end of June to the beginning of July. The pollen germination and germination energy for 12 types of wild fig were found. The pollen germination was researched by Lindler’s method of hanging cap. The germination energy was established on substrate with 1% agar-agar and 10% solution of sucrose in Petri dishes on the temperature of 21°C. The pollen fixation in Petri dishes was carried out with formaldehyde. The results in percents were obtained after counting germinated pollen grains under a microscope binocular and after analysing the situations on 5 observations for places germination and germination energy. It was established that the best conditions in researching pollen germination of wild fig were in 3% solution of sucrose and 0.01% solution of boric acid on temperature of 30 ºC and the best conditions in researching on germination energy were in 3% solution of sucrose + 1% agar-agar + 0.01% of boric acid on temperature of 30 ºC. The best pollen germination and germination energy was established for types 4 and 2.Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti klijanje peludi i snagu klijanja izabranih vrsta divlje smokve na području Hercegovine. Pelud divlje smokve sakupljena je za vrijeme pucanja prašnika od kraja lipnja do početka srpnja. Klijanje peludi i snaga klijanja određeni su za 12 vrsta divlje smokve. Klijanje peludi određivano je Lindlerovom metodom viseće kapice. Snaga klijanja utvrđena je na supstratu od 1% agar-agara i 10% otopine saharoze u Petrijevim zdjelicama na temperaturi od 21 °C. Učvršćivanje peludi u petrijevim zdjelicama učinjeno je s formaldehidom. Rezultati u postocima dobiveni su nakon brojanja izniklih zrnaca peludi pod povećalom i nakon analiziranja stanja klijanja peludi i snage klijanja.Utvrđeno je da su najbolji uvjeti za istraživanje klijanja peludi divlje smokve bili u 3% otopini saharoze i 0,01% otopini + 1% agar.agara + 0,01% borne kiseline na temperaturi od 30 °C. Najbolje klijanje peludi i snaga klijanja utvrđeni su za vrste 4 i 2

    Utjecaj vegetativnih podloga različite bujnosti na kvalitetu ploda trešnje sorte Lapins

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    In the experiment, the \u27Lapins\u27 cherry variety was grafted on six rootstocks of different vigour (F12 / 1, Maxma 14, PiKu 1, Gisela 5, Weiroot 13 and Weiroot 158). The orchard was in full production (8 years after planting) and was planted at a distance of 5 x 3.5 m. The orchard was not irrigated. Samples were analyzed at full maturity. The study showed a significant impact on almost all parameters of fruit quality. The largest fruits were on the rootstock F12 / 1 and Gisela 5. The color indicators of the skin and flesh depended relatively little on the rootstocks. In the chemical composition, greater differences were manifested in the soluble dry matter, on W13 and PiKu 1 being highest, in which the vitamin C content was also higher. The largest differences were found in the content of phenol (199.0 mg / kg on the rootstock PiKu 1, and 68.3 on the rootstock W158) and in the content of neflavanoids (231.7 mg / kg on the rootstock PiKu 1, and 119.5 mg / kg on F12 / 1).U pokusu je bila trešnja sorte Lapins cijepljena na šest podloga različite bujnosti (: F12/1, Maxma 14, PiKu 1, Gisela 5, Weiroot 13 and Weiroot 158). Voćnjak je bio u punoj rodnosti (8 godina nakon sadnje) a posađen je na razmaku 5 x 3,5 m. Voćnjak nije navodnjavan. Uzorci su analizirani u punoj zrelosti. Istraživanje je pokazalo značajan utjecaj na gotovo sve parametre kakvoće ploda. Najkrupniji plodovi su bili na podlozi F12/1 i Gisela 5. Pokazatelji boje kožice i mesa su relativno malo ovisili o podlozi. U kemijskom sastavu veće razlike očitovale su se u topivoj suhoj tvari, pri čemu je veća bila W13 i PiKu 1 kod kojih je i sadržaj C vitamina bio veći. Najveće razlike očitovale su se u sadržaju fenola (199,0 mg/kg na podlozi PiKu 1, a 68,3 na podlozi W158) te u sadržaju neflavanoida (231,7 mg/kg na podlozi PiKu 1, a 119,5 mg/kg na podlozi F12/1)