18 research outputs found
Reindustijalizacija Srbije u cilju jačanja srpske privrede
Reindustrijalizacija je ekonomski, društveni i politički proces upravljanja resursima u cilju povećanja nivoa industrijske proizvodnje jedne zemlje. Glavni cilj je podsticanje ekonomskog rasta i da se uz pomoć kreatora olitika modernizuju i revitalizuju stare, i podstakne razvoj novih grana industrije. Industrijska proizvodnja predstavlja značajnu oblast ukupnog ekonomskog sistema i ekonomske politike svake zemlje od koje zavisi stabilnost ekonomskog rasta, zaposlenost, održavanje spoljnoekonomske ravnoteže u izvozu i uvozu. U ovom radu će biti analizirana trenutna situacija u Srbiji i stepen industrijalizacije koji je
postignut trenutnim modelom, kao i mogućnosti primenjivanja drugih modela industrijalizacije na privredu i konkurentnost Republike Srbije
Bilateral trade flows between Western Balkans countries
The development of trade relations between Western Balkan countries represents very complicated and long-term process, including regional and trade integration. In this chapter we analysed foreign trade performances and various
factors that used to affect on trade results between Western Balkan countries. Also, we gave preview of bilateral trade flows between each country in this
region. Factors such as CEFTA agreement signing and creation of free trade area gave results and slight improvement of situation in this field. However, there
still remained many unsolved issues and problems. Countries of this region need to continue mutual cooperation and dialogue on all levels in order to avoid
complications in trade relations and economic development
Uticaj deindustrijalizacije na savremeni regionalni, ekonomski i socijalni razvoj
Industrija je dugi niz godina u ekonomskom razvoju Republike Srbije zauzimala važnu ulogu. Kreirala je zna čajan deo bruto domaćeg proizvoda, zapošljavala veliki broj ljudi, ostvarivala impozan tan doprinos izvozu i sveukupnom ekonomskom i socijalnom razvoju zemlje. Međutim, neadekvatna ekonomska i društvena politika 90ih̒godina 20. vek a, pogrešni prioriteti i sankcije koje su pogodile privredu naše zemlje uticale su na pogoršanje makroekonomske stabilnosti i usporavanje privrednog rasta i razvoja. Kao i druge zemlje u razvoju i privredu Srbije pogodio je proces deindustrijalizacije - zakonsko smanjenje učeš ća industrije u BDP i ukupnoj zaposlenosti. Iako se njen udeo smanjuje, to ne potcenjuje značaj industrije za privredni napredak. Naučno-tehnološka dostignu ća omogućile su primenu novih metoda i standarda u industrijskoj proizvodnji, što povećava njenu produktivnost i utiče na smanjenje cene industrijskih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže kako je pokretanjem in dustrijskog sektora Šumadijske oblasti, osobito u gradu Kragujevac, došlo do pobol jšanja kvaliteta životnog standarda, ekonomskih performansi, unapređenju i zadovoljavanju socijalnih i društvenih potreba stanovnika ali i smanjenju regio nalne nejednakosti
Ageing of population and demographic consequences in future labour market trends
Ageing of population in Serbia will lead to considerable decrease in labour force in the next fifty years. Such demographic transition will cause certain economic effects.
The shift in working age population structure will lead to reduced activity rates and increased dependency ratios. Furthermore, as a consequence of demographic changes, the pressure on public finances will become more intensive in years to come. Moreover, the economic development and future employment rate during the intensive ageing, would very much depend on needed structural economic changes
towards the industrial production. In order to strengthen and enhance the labour force, government will have to promote life-long learning programmes and active
policy measures, combining them with reforms in several vital economic sectors
The Western Balkans countries relations with the EU: development and perspectives
The development of relations between Western Balkan countries and European Union represents very complicated and long-term process. During past few decades, Western Balkan countries made significant progress in that process, and as their primary goal defined common future with EU. Membership in the EU is a great incentive to the reforms, economic growth, democracy development, institutional frame constitution and stabilization in the whole region. Still there are lots of barriers and problems which obstruct those countries in their way of euro-integrations. To continue successful cooperation WB countries need to make effort in reforms implementation and approaching to European Union standards and values. In return, EU need to give full support and build appropriate capacities for preparation of Western Balkan countries for future membership. It is obvious that the association process will take a few more years. Countries of this region need to continue mutual cooperation and dialogue on all levels in order to avoid complications in relations and enlargement fatigue
Reforma penzijskog sistema sa aspekta intenzivnog starenja stanovništva Srbije
Penzija predstavlja sredstvo socijalne zaštite u vidu novčane naknade koja štiti od rizika starosti,
dok starenje stanovništva dovodi do dugoročnog uvećanja
broja penzionera, što značajno utiče na stepen održivosti penzijskih sistema, dodatno opterećenih efektima
svetske ekonomske krize, koja se polako transformiše, te
iz dužničke prelazi u penzijsku krizu. Kao posledica takve tendencije predviđaju se veliki problemi u održavanju
postojećih penzijskih sistema širom Evrope i drastično
smanjivanje primanja najstarijih u narednim godinama. U
Srbiji je, poslednjih decenija, prisutan trend intenzivnog starenja stanovništva, što veoma negativno utiče na održivost penzijskih sistema koji su finansirani po principu međugeneracijske solidarnosti. Shodno tome, predmet ovog rada je analiza održivosti i davanje preporuka koje će olakšati reformu penzionog sistema jer on predstavlja važan faktor ekonomske i socijalne stabilnosti
Impact of the economic crisis on the Serbian economy with the special reference to banking sector performances and external stability
This paper studies the impact of the world economic crisis on the Serbian economy with a special reference to banking sector and external economic (in)stability. Primary goal of the paper was to test to how much extent was Serbian external economic stability jeopardized by the global economic meltdown and what might be consequences of the apparent external imbalance. Additionally, we tried to examine what are the effects of the crisis on banking sector in the context of potential future instability. Our analysis brought us to conclude that the external imbalances have just become more visible in the crisis period. The real reason for these imbalances was actually inadequate growth model led by the policy makers, based on consumption and unstable inflows of foreign capital. On the other hand, during the crisis period, banking sector have shown quite solid performances while its stagnation was just a consequence of the real sector slowdown. Our conclusion is that banking sector was professionally led, highly capitalized and shall not be a trigger for some future crisis. According to the performed analysis, Serbia needs dramatically different economic growth model in the future, mainly export oriented and with a more strict external borrowing policy
Vrednovanje kompanija na tržištima u razvoju metodom diskontovanja novčanih tokova
Značaj adekvatne procene vrednosti na tržištima u razvoju je veoma veliki. Ova tržišta se po
definiciji karakterišu brzim rastom, liberalizovanom trgovinom, privlačenjem stranih
direktnih investicija i razvojem finansijskih tržišta. Za svaku investiciju koja treba da se
realizuje, mora se prethodno izvršiti procena vrednosti kako bi se utvrdila njena isplativost.
U ovom radu, prezentovaćemo osnovne faze metode vrednovanja diskontovanjem novčanih
tokova, kao i neophodne modifikacije koje njena primena na tržištima u razvoju. Okolnosti
koje se javljaju na tržištima u razvoju predstavljaju dodatni problem za analitičare, imajući u
vidu primena ovog metoda mora uvažiti nekoliko specifičnih razlika. Na primer, moramo
računati na nedostatak transparentnosti, loše korporativno upravljanje, nerazvijena i
neefikasna finansijska tržišta i s tim u vezi nepouzdane tržišne indikatore kao i nedostatak
sličnih transakcija koje bi mogle biti korišćene kao standard poređenja. Takođe, odabrani
metod procene vrednosti morao bi da uključi inflaciju i pretpostavljenu volatilnost domaće
valute kao posledicu činjenice da se ovi problemi tipični za tržišta u razvoju. Metod
diskontovanja novčanih tokova predstavlja jedan od najpopularnijih metoda procene. Veliki
broj autora sugerišu primenu ovog metoda kao bazičnog između ostalog i zbog toga što je on
jedini koji može da vrednuje sinergiju dve kompanije nakon što je transakcija izvršena
The importance of operational risk management in insurance industry
In previous years we have witnessed the globalization of the financial structure of the international economy. Mentioned process has led to the appearance of serious risks of the insurance companies and the world's economy as well. In order to stable development of its business and equal participation in a large competitive market, primarily for the protection of its customers and preserving the system stability and liquidity, insurance companies have to build in their strategic goals into risk management strategies. Until recently, attention was mainly focused on the security risks and the risks of investing. However, more complex operational functioning of insurance companies has led to a greater sensitivity to other risks that could jeopardize the business of insurance companies, one such risk is operational risk. Operational risk is one of the most difficult business risks for both the insurance company and for its customers. Operational risk management is not a new concept for financial institutions. The stability of information systems, customer requirements, or errors in internal control was followed for years. Yet, all of these elements are previously treated separately. Turning point in the consolidation and standardization of operational risk has brought Solvency II. Bearing in mind the fact that operational risk arises from imperfection of business processes and technology systems, it is difficult, and in many cases impossible to do prediction based on historical data, it is necessary to pay special attention on this topic. The aim of this chapter is to explain the concept of operational risk, and operational risk management processes with regard to the framework provided by Solvency II
Burnout syndrome among healthcare workers employed in intensive care units: Experiences from three large university hospitals in the Southeast Balkans: Burnout syndrome among healthcare workers of intensive care units in the Southeast Balkans
Summary Introduction: Burnout syndrome at work is a response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors associated with the workplace, and occurs in workers without previous psychopathological illnesses or organic diseases. Aim: The aim of the research was to examine the prevalence of stress and burnout syndrome, among physicians and nurses working in the intensive care units (MICU) of 3 regional centers (Banja Luka, Novi Sad and Ljubljana), and to determine the differences between the centers and the causes of these differences. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study conducted during August and September 2020 (at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic) by surveying healthcare workers (doctors and nurses/technicians) from three intensive care units of the former Yugoslavia. The participantsfulfilled the Questionnaire for self-assessment of stress levels and the Maslach burnout inventory, which were supplemented with sociodemographic parameters. The obtained data were statistically processed using the SPSS 21 program. Results: 91 participantsfrom all 3 regional centers were included in th study. A statistically significant difference was found in terms of age, degree of professional education, length of service, gender, marital and parental status, where respondents from Ljubljana show the greatest deviations comparedto subjects from the other two centers. The sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents only showed that gender had a statistically significant influence on the degree of personal achievement. Conclusion: The attributes of healthcare professionals who work in MICUs with the same level of life support (level III) may be influenced by the development level and length of tradition of intensive care units. Additionally, factors such as legislation and other external and internal elements unique to each organizational unit can also play a role