5 research outputs found

    Phenotype variability and inheritance of plant height and branching in f1 generation of sunflower

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    Highly variable populations of wild sunflower species were crossed with CMS cultivated lines. Variability was determined by measuring plant height and evaluating the type of branching. Mode of inheritance was tested by comparing the 27 hybrid populations against parents. Differences among parents in the observed traits were significant. All modes of inheritance for plant height were present in the F1 generation. Heterosis was most frequent, followed in decreasing order by partial dominance, dominance and intermediacy. More than one mode of inheritance for plant height occurred because of the large variability in wild species and poligenic inheritance of the characteristic. All F1 populations were fully branched, with or without the central head. The wild type of branching was found in F1 because the wild parent dominated in genetic control of that trait over the cultivated one

    Gene actions affecting sunflower resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum measured by sclerotia infections of roots, stems and capitula

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    Five sunflower inbred lines were crossed with one restorer line and F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 progenies were produced. Generation means analysis was done for all six generations, as well as the scaling test. The additive-dominance model was adequate for the analysis of the variation in three cases. Relative value of dominant gene effect (h) was higher than relative value of additive gene effect (d) and in two cases (h) was negative indicating that dominance had a negative effect on resistance to sclerotia tests on different organs. All other crosses showed significant deviation from zero for A, B, or C in all other tests indicating that the additive-dominance model was inadequate for those sets of data. In the cross PH-BC1-40A x RUS-RF-OL-168 in root and stem inoculation the dominance component (h) was positive and the dominance x dominance component (l) negative, indicating the presence of duplicate epistasis between dominant increasers. In the cross Ha-48A x RUS-RF-OL-168 in stem inoculation and crosses PR-ST-3A x RUSRF-OL-168, CMS3-8A x RUS-RF-OL-168 and PH-BC1-40A x RUS-RF-OL-168 in capitulum inoculation, (h) was negative and l positive meaning that duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers was present. The results of our study showed that epistasis has an effect on the inheritance of sunflower resistance to sclerotia tests, and that this gene effect should be taken in account by breeders working on Sclerotinia resistance

    Uticaj spoljaŔnje sredine na prinos uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    Rapeseed seed is highly valuable raw material in oil and food industry. The main goals of rapeseed breeding are oil as the product with the highest commercial value, oil quality, and yield. Different winter and spring rapeseed cultivars and hybrids were tested at different locations in order to test their value. The environment had significant effect on seed yield.Seme uljane repice je visoko vredna sirovina u uljarskoj i prehrambenoj industriji. Osnovni ciljevi oplemenjivanja jesu ulje kao proizvod sa najvećom komercijalnom vrednoŔću, njegov kvalitet i visina prinosa. Da bi se ispitala vrednost sorti i hibrida ozime i jare uljane repice izvrÅ”eno je njihovo testiranje u različitim lokalitetima. Utvrđen je značajan uticaj spoljaÅ”nje sredine na prinos semena

    Dostignuća u oplemenjivanju suncokreta

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    Over the four decades of sunflower breeding at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (IFVCNS), significant results have been achieved. In the area of genetic resources, over 7,000 inbred lines originating from genetically divergent materials have been developed and a rich collection of wild species of the genus Helianthus has been assembled. During the past 40 years, sunflower researchers from the IFVCNS have also developed methods and defined directions of sunflower breeding and created models of ideal hybrids for the local and other agroecological conditions. A large number of sunflower hybrids have been developed at the IFVCNS that have dominated the domestic sunflower production in the last 25 years. Internationally, the IFVCNS has released more than 100 of its own sunflower hybrids as well as over 50 joint hybrids developed in collaboration with various foreign companies and organizations. The IFVCNS has done a great deal on collecting maintaining, studying and using the wild species of the genus Helianthus in sunflower breding using interspecific hybridization.. Cytogenetic studies have played an important role in this process. Modern biotechnology methods such as haploid production, protoplast fusion, in vitro screening, embryo culture and others have all been incorporated into the sunflower breeding program of the IFVCNS. Particularly notable has been the development and practical application of molecular markers in breeding for resistance to downy mildew. Breeding for resistance to diseases has been a major part of the Institute s sunflower program. Significant results have been achieved in selection for resistance to downy mildew, Phomopsis, rust, verticillium wilt, black spot and charcoal rot of root and stem. Genes for resistance to these pathogens have been discovered Helianthus in wild species and incorporated into cultivated sunflower genotypes by interspecific hybridization. The development of hybrids resistant to broomrape race E has had an important part in the Novi Sad sunflower breeding program. Great success has been achieved in developing hybrids tolerant of imidazolinone based herbicides. This effort has produced the hybrids RIMI (RIMISOL) and Vitalko. Hybrids tolerant of sulfonyl-urea herbicides should also be developed soon based on wild sunflower species. Significant results have been achieved in developing hybrids with different oil quality as well. In 2005 sunflower hybrids developed either by the IFVCNS alone or jointly with foreign partners were grown on a total of over two million hectares worldwide.Tokom 4 decenije rada na oplemenjivanju suncokreta u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo su postignuti značajni rezultati. U okviru genetičkih resursa stvoreno je preko 7000 inbred linija koje potiču iz genetski divergentnog materijala i sakupljena je bogata kolekcija divljih vrsta roda Heltanthus. Zatim, razrađene su metode i pravci oplemenjivanja i osmiÅ”ljen je model hibrida za naÅ”e i druge agroekoloÅ”ke uslove. Stvoren je velik broj hibrida koji su dominantni već 25 godina u proizvodnji suncokreta u naÅ”oj zemlji. Preko 100 novosadskih i preko 50 zajedničkih hibrida je priznato u svetu. Veoma mnogo je urađeno na sakupljanju, održavanju, ispitivanju i koriŔćenju divljih vrsta u oplemenjivanju suncokreta putem interspecies hibridizacije. U ovom poslu značajno mesto su imala i citogenetska istraživanja. KoriŔćenje savremenih metoda biotehnologije (proizvodnja haploida, fuzija protoplasta, in vitro skrining, kultura embriona i dr) je uvedeno u novosadski program oplemenjivanja suncokreta. Posebno treba istaći razradu i praktično koriŔćenje molekularnih markera u oplemenjivanju na otpornost prema plamenjači. Vidno mesto u oplemenjivanju bilo je posvećeno otpornosti prema bolestima. Postignuti su značajni rezultati u selekciji na otpornost prema plamenjači, Phomopsts-u, rđi, verticioznom uvenuću, crnoj pegavosti i ugljenastoj truleži korena i stabla. Geni za otpornost prema dotičnim patogenima su pronađeni u divljim vrstama i ugrađeni putem interspecies hibridizacije u genotipove gajenog suncokreta. Značajno mesto u novosadskom oplemenjivačkom programu je bilo posvećeno stvaranju hibrida otpornih prema rasi E volovoda. Izuzetan uspeh je ostvaren u stvaranju tolerantnih hibrida prema grupi herbicida imidazolinona. Stvoreni su hibridi RIMI (RIMISOL) i Vitalko. Za očekivati je brzo stvaranje tolerantnih hibrida prema sulfonil-urea na bazi divljih vrsta suncokreta. Postignuti su značajni rezultati u stvaranju hibrida sa različitim kvalitetom ulja. Novosadski i zajednički hibridi stvoreni sa stranim partnerima su gajeni u 2005. godini kod nas i u svetu na preko 2 miliona hektara

    Testiranje na otpornost prema sclerotinia različitih genotipova suncokreta

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    Resistance of F1, F2, and BC1 generations from crosses between cultivated sunflower inbreds with different tolerance towards Sclerotinia, as well as the inbred lines themselves to different forms and methods of infection with Sclerotinia in order to find out the genotypes of interest for breeding was tested. All tested genotypes showed a high level of tolerance toward artificial root inoculation with sclerotia, where three out of five tested hybrids were more resistant than their respective mother line. All tested genotypes, except for PR-ST-3A, were more susceptible to stem inoculation with sclerotia than stem infection with mycelium. All hybrids and all progeny from back crosses with the mother line were more resistant to stem infection with mycelium than parental lines, and progeny from back crosses was more resistant than or equally resistant as hybrids. In artificial inoculation of heads with mycelium and sclerotia, some tested genotypes were more susceptible to mycelium test, while others were more susceptible to sclerotia lest. There was no regularity in susceptibility of hybrids to sclerotia test regarding parental lines. All hybrids, except for Ha-48A x RUS-RF-OL-168, were significantly more susceptible to sclerotia test on stem than both parents. Hybrid Ha-48A x RUS-RF-OL-168 had the similar level of resistance as better parent.Ispitivana je otpornost F1, F2, i BC1 generacija nastalih ukrŔtanjem inbred linija gajenog suncokreta različite tolerantnosti prema Sclerotinia, kao i samih inbred linija na različite forme i metode infekcije sa Sclerotinia u cilju pronalaženja genotipova interesantnih za proces oplemenjivanja. Svi ispitivani genotipovi su pokazali visok stepen tolerancije prema veŔtačkoj zarazi korena sklerocijama, pri čemu je tri od pet testiranih hibrida bilo otpornije od linije majke. Svi ispitivani genotipovi, osim PR-ST-3A, su bili osetljiviji na veŔtačko zaražavanje stabla sklerocijama u odnosu na veŔtačku inokulaciju micelijom. Svi hibridi kao i svo potomstvo iz povratnih ukrŔtanja sa linijom majke su bili otporniji na veŔtačku inokulaciju stabla micelijom od roditelja, s tim Ŕto je potomstvo iz tih povratnih ukrŔtanja bilo otpornije ili u nivou sa hibridima. Prilikom veŔtačke inokulacije glava micelijom i sklerocijama, pojedini ispitivani genotipovi su bili osetljiviji na metod veŔtačke inokulacije sa micelijom, dok su drugi bili osetljiviji na veŔtaču zarazu sklerocijama. Nije uočena pravilnost u osetljivosti hibrida na veŔtačku zarazu sklerocijama u odnosu na roditeljske komponente. Svi hibridi osim Ha-48A x RUS-RF-OL-168, su bili značajno osetljiviji na test sklerocijom na stablu od oba roditelja. Hibrid Ha-48Ax RUS-RF-OL-168 je bio u nivou boljeg roditelja