3 research outputs found


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    U Zagrebu je 12. prosinca 2009. održan simpozij Ā»Dijete u suvremenome hrvatskom druÅ”tvuĀ«, koji su organizirali Hrvatsko pedijatrijsko druÅ”tvo, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi i UNICEF za Hrvatsku. Predavači su prikazali važne podatke o teÅ”koćama kojima su izložena djeca u Hrvatskoj. Naime, nove bolesti, koje su u suvremenom svijetu sve čeŔće u djece, zahtijevaju od svih koji su uključeni u zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu djece nove pristupe radu, Å”to podrazumijeva i dodatnu edukaciju. To nisu bolesti uobičajene u svakodnevnoj liječničkoj praksi. Pristup druÅ”tva, zbog raznolikosti teÅ”koća s kojima se djeca suočavaju, može biti samo multidisciplinaran. Temeljni nacionalni interes druÅ”tva je usmjeriti viÅ”e pozornosti i financijska sredstva na zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu djece, jer to osigurava opstanak i zdravu budućnost druÅ”tva. Taj pristup zahtijeva nacionalni konsenzus i jasnu političku odluku svih odgovornih službi.The symposium on the topic Ā»Child in contemporary Croatian societyĀ«, organized by Croatian Pediatric Society, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ministry of health and social welfare and UNICEF Croatia Office, was held in Zagreb on December 12, 2009. The lecturers have shown important information on difficulties the children in Croatia are exposed to. Namely, diseases of the so called Ā»new morbidityĀ«, which are becoming more and more frequent in the contemporary world, demand a new approach of work from all who participate in healthcare for children, including additional education. These diseases are not part of a practitionerā€™s routine activity. Due to variety of problems children are exposed to, the approach can be only multidisciplinary. Basic national interest of every country (basic interest of every human society) should be to direct more attention and financial resources to the healthcare of children, which would ensure the existence and healthy future of the society. This approach requires a national consensus and clear political decision of all responsible official services


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    U Zagrebu je 12. prosinca 2009. održan simpozij Ā»Dijete u suvremenome hrvatskom druÅ”tvuĀ«, koji su organizirali Hrvatsko pedijatrijsko druÅ”tvo, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi i UNICEF za Hrvatsku. Predavači su prikazali važne podatke o teÅ”koćama kojima su izložena djeca u Hrvatskoj. Naime, nove bolesti, koje su u suvremenom svijetu sve čeŔće u djece, zahtijevaju od svih koji su uključeni u zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu djece nove pristupe radu, Å”to podrazumijeva i dodatnu edukaciju. To nisu bolesti uobičajene u svakodnevnoj liječničkoj praksi. Pristup druÅ”tva, zbog raznolikosti teÅ”koća s kojima se djeca suočavaju, može biti samo multidisciplinaran. Temeljni nacionalni interes druÅ”tva je usmjeriti viÅ”e pozornosti i financijska sredstva na zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu djece, jer to osigurava opstanak i zdravu budućnost druÅ”tva. Taj pristup zahtijeva nacionalni konsenzus i jasnu političku odluku svih odgovornih službi.The symposium on the topic Ā»Child in contemporary Croatian societyĀ«, organized by Croatian Pediatric Society, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ministry of health and social welfare and UNICEF Croatia Office, was held in Zagreb on December 12, 2009. The lecturers have shown important information on difficulties the children in Croatia are exposed to. Namely, diseases of the so called Ā»new morbidityĀ«, which are becoming more and more frequent in the contemporary world, demand a new approach of work from all who participate in healthcare for children, including additional education. These diseases are not part of a practitionerā€™s routine activity. Due to variety of problems children are exposed to, the approach can be only multidisciplinary. Basic national interest of every country (basic interest of every human society) should be to direct more attention and financial resources to the healthcare of children, which would ensure the existence and healthy future of the society. This approach requires a national consensus and clear political decision of all responsible official services