3,258 research outputs found

    Teledermatology and COVID-19

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    Hand sanitation and the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Dynamics of grain ejection by sphere impact on a granular bed

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    The dynamics of grain ejection consecutive to a sphere impacting a granular material is investigated experimentally and the variations of the characteristics of grain ejection with the control parameters are quantitatively studied. The time evolution of the corona formed by the ejected grains is reported, mainly in terms of its diameter and height, and favourably compared with a simple ballistic model. A key characteristic of the granular corona is that the angle formed by its edge with the horizontal granular surface remains constant during the ejection process, which again can be reproduced by the ballistic model. The number and the kinetic energy of the ejected grains is evaluated and allows for the calculation of an effective restitution coefficient characterizing the complex collision process between the impacting sphere and the fine granular target. The effective restitution coefficient is found to be constant when varying the control parameters.Comment: 9 page

    X-ray tomography data of compression tested unidirectional fibre composites with different off-axis angles

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    This data article contains lab-based micro-computed tomography (ÎĽCT) data of unidirectional (UD) non-crimp fabric (NCF) carbon fibre reinforced composite specimens that have been deformed by compression. The specimens contain UD fibres with off-axis angles of 0\ub0, 5\ub0, 10\ub0, 15\ub0 and 20\ub0 and the compression testing induces kink-band formation. This data formed the basis for the analysis of the influence of in-plane shear on kink-plane orientation as reported in Wilhelmsson et al. (Wilhelmsson et al., 2019)

    Den danske dyrkningsjords tilstand og kvalitet - konsekvenser af trafik og jordbearbejdning

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    Et alsidigt sædskifte og/eller tilførsel af organisk stof til jorden giver en god jordkvalitet (her defineret som en gunstig jordstruktur). Ensidige driftsformer kan i sig selv give anledning til en dårlig jordkvalitet. Jordpakning via trafik på jorden kan eliminere de gode effekter af et godt sædskifte og tilførsel af organisk stof. Trafik på jorden og i endnu højere grad intensiv jordbearbejdning øger risikoen for, at jordens lermineraler dispergeres til vandfasen. Dette kan give tilslemning og skorpedannelse på jorden og indebærer endvidere en risiko for nedvaskning af de vigtige lermineraler fra dyrkningslaget. Der bør foretages undersøgelser af omfanget af denne proces med de i dag anvendte bearbejdningsteknikker. Komprimering af jorden under normal bearbejdningsdybde via pløjning med hjulet i furebunden og via kørsel med meget tunge maskiner er i dag en realitet for stort set hele den danske landbrugsjord. Det anbefales stærkt, at landbruget overgår til pløjesystemer med alle fire hjul ’på land’ (’on-land’ pløjning). Det anbefales ligeledes, at belastningen (vægten) ved kørsel på forårs- og efterårsvåd jord ikke overstiger 6 tons på enkelt-aksel og 8-10 tons på boogi-aksel. Anvendelse af bæltekøretøjer er muligvis en løsning på pakningsproblemet. Det forudsætter dog, at de anvendte maskiner giver anledning til reelt meget lave marktryk (<50 kPa) over hele trædefladen. Der bør gennemføres flere undersøgelser af, hvorvidt de i dag tilgængelige bæltekøretøjer opfylder disse kriterier ved alle arbejdsoperationer

    Experimental investigation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in low-Z targets

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    In the CERN NA63 collaboration we have addressed the question of the potential inadequacy of the commonly used Migdal formulation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect by measuring the photon emission by 20 and 178 GeV electrons in the range 100 MeV - 4 GeV, in targets of LowDensityPolyEthylene (LDPE), C, Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Mo and, as a reference target, Ta. For each target and energy, a comparison between simulated values based on the LPM suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung is shown, taking multi-photon effects into account. For these targets and energies, we find that Migdal's theoretical formulation is adequate to a precision of better than about 5%, irrespective of the target substance.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure
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