9 research outputs found


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    Although it is not commonly accepted within healthcare services industry, the importance of marketing is more and more recognized nowadays by the organizations activating in the field. Current perception resides in a series of factors as: ethical aspects involved in the delivery process; special characteristics of the market; particular profile and behavior of the consumers of healthcare services and probably because of the inadequate understanding of the marketing role in the life of an organization. A deep analysis in the field of healthcare services will emphasize not only its complexity, but also its interdisciplinary feature under many aspects, as it is an area where many fields of interest are intersecting, both economic and social. It also reveals a particular field of study with many particular features - considered a sensitive field (Popa and Vladoi 2010: 232). Generated using the SERVQUAL model, the data presented in the paper are the result of a quantitative research designed to measure and compare the patient/client satisfaction degree for public and private medical services provided by the Romanian hospitals. The aim of the research is to identify and to measure the gap that appears between the patient/clientâ€(tm) expectations and perceptions regarding the delivered services; to identify the potential profile of the private Romanian hospitalsâ€(tm) clients regarding the demographic features and also to pin-point correlations between the image created in the mind of the Romanian patients/clients and the type of medical services (public or private) they were using. We consider that the results of this research are valuable for the managers of the medical units in order to initiate series of actions aiming to improve the quality of their services and, as a result the patient/clientsâ€(tm) satisfaction degree. Later being one of the most important performance indicators of an organization that activates in a highly competitive business environment. We also consider this research may be useful in the process of improving the quality of the medical services in Romania, which must be a priority for any medical unitsâ€(tm) management and for the society as a whole. Present paper intends to lay foundation for future research, tailored to correlate the quality culture for the Romanian hospitals and the satisfaction degree of their patients/clients.relationship marketing, patientsâ€(tm) satisfaction, public and private medical services, Oradea, Romania


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    On the basis of increased complexity of the exchange mechanism, at the beginning of the third millennium the contemporary marketing suffers some physiognomic changes. Holistic orientation of the contemporary marketing is imposed by the new dimensions therelationship marketing, holistic marketing, luxury marketing, residential complex, research on perception of luxury


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    Introduction Contemporary relationship marketing approach is in direct relation with customer satisfaction, in today's economy where most companies focus on building sustainable competitive advantages by developing close and cooperative relationships with a limited set of suppliers, customers and various channel members. Through these relationships firms create value by differentiating their offering and/or lowering their costs 512 . This new relationship marketing paradigm consists of placing emphasis of marketing activities on establishing, developing, and maintaining cooperative, long-term relationships 513 and thus using this approach to generate competitive advantage for the company. Relationship marketing has implications on all marketing activities from research, to marketing programs and campaigns and to selling activities, as Gumesson vividly describes new marketing concept consists of an interaction of networks and relationships 514 . This paper focuses on its research implications vis-à-vis customer satisfaction in relationship with personal sales and sales force management

    Using web technologies and online databases to develop research methodology for determining level of integration of effective sales management and marketing from a relational approach point of view

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    In today’s complex environment, every organisation has to cope with a multi-facets and dynamic environment. In order to maintain effective relationships with its stakeholders and develop long term relationship, organisations are to better organise, store and value their key data about those. These relationships can be nurtured and capitalised maximising customer lifetime value through professional sales management that uses relational databases. Most of local SMEs companies have a vague notion of marketing and operate sales as a total distinct activity. Traditionally sales is arguing that marketing is only interested in sophisticated budgeting, new product development, market findings and setting the prices too high, while short term sales are neglected. On the other hand marketing points out that sales department tend to have a myopia, being focused only on short-term goals, neglecting market signals and even not seizing long term advantages. Too often, these realities lead to poor coordination, reduced control, higher costs, lengthens sales cycles and increase total costs of sales. Developing an integrative model of work between marketing and sales departments and teams improves overall company performance by sharing their performance metrics, and also results in reduced internal misuse of energies and focus, enabling former combatants to aim towards same goals. The aim of this paper, which represents a work in progress, is to develop a research model based on web technologies and online databases for determining correlations between relationship marketing approach and effective sales management withing SMEs located in western region of Romania


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    Although it is not commonly accepted within healthcare services industry, the importance of marketing is more and more recognized nowadays by the organizations activating in the field. Current perception resides in a series of factors as: ethical aspects involved in the delivery process; special characteristics of the market; particular profile and behavior of the consumers of healthcare services and probably because of the inadequate understanding of the marketing role in the life of an organization. A deep analysis in the field of healthcare services will emphasize not only its complexity, but also its interdisciplinary feature under many aspects, as it is an area where many fields of interest are intersecting, both economic and social. It also reveals a particular field of study with many particular features - considered a sensitive field (Popa and Vladoi 2010: 232). Generated using the SERVQUAL model, the data presented in the paper are the result of a quantitative research designed to measure and compare the patient/client satisfaction degree for public and private medical services provided by the Romanian hospitals. The aim of the research is to identify and to measure the gap that appears between the patient/client’ expectations and perceptions regarding the delivered services; to identify the potential profile of the private Romanian hospitals’ clients regarding the demographic features and also to pin-point correlations between the image created in the mind of the Romanian patients/clients and the type of medical services (public or private) they were using. We consider that the results of this research are valuable for the managers of the medical units in order to initiate series of actions aiming to improve the quality of their services and, as a result the patient/clients’ satisfaction degree. Later being one of the most important performance indicators of an organization that activates in a highly competitive business environment. We also consider this research may be useful in the process of improving the quality of the medical services in Romania, which must be a priority for any medical units’ management and for the society as a whole. Present paper intends to lay foundation for future research, tailored to correlate the quality culture for the Romanian hospitals and the satisfaction degree of their patients/clients


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    Within current economy context, complexities and particularities most companies are constantly seeking to maximize effectiveness and efficiency of their business. As sales force represents for most organizations their “spearheds”and direct contact with the market, its management can be a source for customer satisfaction and overall efficiency. Relationship marketing research with all its particularities and dimensions, if tailored appropriately can explicitly pinpoint major sources of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Focus of contemporary relationship marketing is the customer viewed across lifetime as a profit source and partner rather than on short term for singular transactions. Research findings help the organization better manage its sales force and generate customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty and maximize profits while achieving superior efficiency