18 research outputs found

    Overcoming Erroneous Confirmation Bias

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    This paper will explore strategy for overcoming erroneous confirmation bias within the context of generalist versus specialist function as described in the paper entitled “Information Fusion and Quantum Logic in Family Medicine”

    Experimental evidence supportive of the quantum DNA model

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    The DNA molecule can be modeled as a quantum logic processor in which electron spin qubits are held coherently in each nucleotide in a logically and thermodynamically reversible enantiomeric symmetry, and can be coherently conducted along the pi-stacking interactions of aromatic nucleotide bases, while simultaneously being spin-filtered via the helicity of the DNA molecule. Entangled electron pairs can be separated by that spin-filtering, held coherently at biological temperatures in the topologically insulated nucleotide quantum gates, and incorporated into separate DNA strands during DNA replication. Two separate DNA strands that share quantum entangled electrons can be mitotically divided into individual cells, and thus into two individual cell cultures. Initial experiments to validate the quantum DNA model have shown correlations in the depolarizations between separated cloned neuronal cell cultures, and additional investigations are indicated for further validation

    Szilard Engine Reversibility as Quantum Gate Function

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    A quantum gate is a logically and thermodynamically reversible situation that effects a unitary transformation of qubits of superimposed information, and essentially constitutes a situation for a reversible quantum decision. A quantum decision is a symmetry break, and the effect of the function of a Szilard engine is a symmetry break. A quantum gate is a situation in which a reversible quantum decision can be made, and so if a logically and thermodynamically reversible Szilard engine can be theoretically constructed then it would function as a quantum gate. While the traditionally theorized Szilard engine is not thermodynamically reversible, if one of the bounding walls of a Szilard engine were to be constructed out of the physical information by which it functions in such a manner as to make that information available to both sides of the wall simultaneously, then such a Szilard engine would be both logically and thermodynamically reversible, and thus capable of function as a quantum gate. A theoretical model of the special case of a reversible Szilard engine functioning as a quantum gate is presented and discussed, and since a quantum decision is made when the shutter of a Szilard engine closes, the coherence of linked reversible Szilard engines should be considered as a state during which all of the shutters of linked Szilard engines are open simultaneously

    Implications of the quantum DNA model for information sciences

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    The DNA molecule can be modeled as a quantum logic processor, and this model has been supported by pilot research that experimentally demonstrated non-local communication between cells in separated cell cultures. This modeling and pilot research have important implications for information sciences, providing a potential architecture for quantum computing that operates at room temperature and is scalable to millions of qubits, and including the potential for an entanglement communication system based upon the quantum DNA architecture. Such a system could be used to provide non-local quantum key distribution that could not be blocked by any shielding or water depth, would be simultaneous over any distance, and could not be electromagnetically interfered with or eavesdropped upon. The quantum DNA model also has implications for artificial neural networks and can provide architecture for a system of quantum random number generation

    Back of the Envelope Calculations Regarding Alexandrov, et al. 2009

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    The paper entitled “DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field” written by Alexandrov, Gelev, Bishop, Usheva, and Rasmussen that was posted on the Physics ArXiv on October 28, 2009, dealt with the effects of terahertz electromagnetic radiation on the DNA molecule. Figure 4 of the paper indicates that a segment of DNA that is between 60 and 70 base pairs in length will develop a “bubble” (i.e. separation of the hydrogen bonds between base pairs) at a location of about 45 base pairs, when exposed to 2 THz electromagnetic radiation for a time period of at least 40 picoseconds. Based upon assumptions regarding the model of biological quantum logic in DNA, some rapid calculations might provide insight into why such a specific change in the conformation of DNA occurs

    Development of a New US Currency for the Post-Pandemic Remote Culture

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    The contemporary dollar currency was already under significant pressure prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the economic pressures resulting from the national and world “lockdown” have very significantly exacerbated the vulnerabilities of those Federal Reserve Notes. The ostensible nationalization of the Federal Reserve by the United States federal government in April 2020 is a harbinger of a need to restructure the US currency. Today’s developing remote culture necessitates a new form of electronic currency. Herein is a conceptual blueprint for the development of such a restructured US currency that would function in the post-pandemic remote culture

    Information Fusion and Quantum Logic in Family Medicine

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    A time-tested model for information fusion and analysis is provided by Family Medicine. Family Medicine is a discipline that operates in the realms of botJ1 technical and social sciences to analyze massive amounts of information from mulriple sources in order to make decisions that bring about tJie integration and coordination of interdisciplinary interventions involving scientific, psychological, and social aspects of medical care. This generalist function serves to lower the organizational entropy of complex systems and thereby improve efficiency while reducing ilie risk of catastrophic failure. Simply bringing a group of specialists together in one place does not bring about the integration and coordination that can only be accomplished by a single interdisciplinary individual functioning as a generalist rather than as a specialist. The type of thought process and decision-making involved in the generalist function of Family Medicine differs from that of medical specialties because it is a quantum logic function, and understanding such generalist function can provide insight to improve complex system design and information fusion function

    Magnetic vector potential manipulation of Majorana fermions in DNA quantum logic

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    In the quantum logic of the DNA molecule, electrons are held and conducted coherently as spinless Cooper pairs and are shielded from electromagnetic energy by a Faraday cage effect of the double lipid bilayer of the nuclear membrane. The magnetic vector potential generated by cellular depolarization can synchronize logical activity in portions of the DNA molecule by affecting spin directions of appropriately oriented spinless electrons via the Aharonov-Bohm effect, but is not blocked by that Faraday cage effect. Within the logically and thermodynamically reversible chiral enantiomeric symmetry of the deoxyribose moieties the decoherent transition of Cooper pair to Dirac pair in a p-orbital of the C2-C3 covalent bond effects chiral selection between the C2-endo and C3-endo conformations. Such a spin-1/2 chiral collective movement of particles can be considered as a quasiparticle excitation that is its own antiparticle (C2-endo vs. C3-endo), meeting the definition of a Majorana fermion

    Implications of the Landauer limit for quantum logic

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    The design of any system of quantum logic must take into account the implications of the Landauer limit for logical bits. Useful computation implies a deterministic outcome, and so any system of quantum computation must produce a final deterministic outcome, which in a quantum computer requires a quantum decision that produces a deterministic qubit. All information is physical, and any bit of information can be considered to exist in a physicality represented as a decision between the two wells of a double well potential in which the energy barrier between the two wells must be greater than kT·ln2. Any proposed system of quantum computation that does not result in such a deterministic outcome can only be considered stochastically as a probability distribution (i.e. a wave function). An example of such determinism in a quantum logic system is theorized to exist in the DNA molecule, where the decoherence of quantum decision results in an enantiomeric shift in the deoxyribose moiety that is appropriate to the Landauer limit