23 research outputs found

    Cellular Players in Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

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    Skeletal muscle, a tissue endowed with remarkable endogenous regeneration potential, is still under focused experimental investigation mainly due to treatment potential for muscle trauma and muscular dystrophies. Resident satellite cells with stem cell features were enthusiastically described quite a long time ago, but activation of these cells is not yet controlled by any medical interventions. However, after thorough reports of their existence, survival, activation, and differentiation there are still many questions to be answered regarding the intimate mechanism of tissue regeneration. This review delivers an up-to-date inventory of the main known key players in skeletal muscle repair, revealed by various models of tissue injuries in mechanical trauma, toxic lesions, and muscular dystrophy. A better understanding of the spatial and temporal relationships between various cell populations, with different physical or paracrine interactions and phenotype changes induced by local or systemic signalling, might lead to a more efficient approach for future therapies

    Blood-Based MicroRNAs in Psychotic Disorders—A Systematic Review

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    Psychotic disorders are a heterogenous class of mental illness, with an intricate pathophysiology, involving genetics and environmental factors, and their interaction. The identification of accessible biomarkers in bodily systems such as blood may lead to more accurate diagnosis, and more effective treatments targeting dysfunctional pathways, and could assist in monitoring the disease evolution. This systematic review aims to highlight the dysregulated microRNAs (miRNAs) in the peripheral blood of patients with psychotic disorders. Using the PRISMA protocol, PubMed and Science Direct databases were investigated and 22 articles were included. Fifty-five different miRNAs were found differentially expressed in the blood of psychotic patients compared to controls. Seventeen miRNAs (miR-34a, miR-181b, miR-432, miR-30e, miR-21, miR-137, miR-134, miR-7, miR-92a, miR-1273d, miR-1303, miR-3064-5p, miR-3131, miR-3687, miR-4428, miR-4725-3p, and miR-5096) were dysregulated with the same trend (up- or down-regulation) in at least two studies. Of note, miR-34a and miR-181b were up-regulated in the blood of psychotic patients in seven and six studies, respectively. Moreover, the level of miR-181b in plasma was found to be positively correlated with the amelioration of negative symptoms. The panel of miRNAs identified in this review could be validated in future studies in large and well-characterized cohorts of psychotic patients

    Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in Aging: Asymmetric/Symmetric Division Switching

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    In aged muscle, satellite cells’ symmetric and asymmetric divisions are impaired, and intrinsic and extrinsic complex mechanisms govern these processes. This review presents many updated aspects regarding muscle stem cells’ fate in normal and aging conditions. The balance between self-renewal and commitment divisions contributes to muscle regeneration, muscle homeostasis, aging, and disease. Stimulating muscle regeneration in aging could be a therapeutic target, but there is still a need to understand the many mechanisms that influence each other in satellite cells and their niche. We highlight here the general outlines regarding satellite cell divisions, the primary markers present in muscle stem cells, the aging aspects concerning signaling pathways involved in symmetric/asymmetric divisions, the regenerative capacity of satellite cells and their niche alteration in senescent muscle, genetics and epigenetics mechanisms implied in satellite cells aging and exercise effect on muscle regeneration in the elderly

    Redox Signaling in Diabetic Nephropathy: Hypertrophy versus Death Choices in Mesangial Cells and Podocytes

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    This review emphasizes the role of oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy, acting as trigger, modulator, and linker within the complex network of pathologic events. It highlights key molecular pathways and new hypothesis in diabetic nephropathy, related to the interferences of metabolic, oxidative, and inflammatory stresses. Main topics this review is addressing are biomarkers of oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy, the sources of reactive oxygen species (mitochondria, NADPH-oxidases, hyperglycemia, and inflammation), and the redox-sensitive signaling networks (protein kinases, transcription factors, and epigenetic regulators). Molecular switches deciding on the renal cells fate in diabetic nephropathy are presented, such as hypertrophy versus death choices in mesangial cells and podocytes. Finally, the antioxidant response of renal cells in diabetic nephropathy is tackled, with emphasis on targeted therapy. An integrative approach is needed for identifying key molecular networks which control cellular responses triggered by the array of stressors in diabetic nephropathy. This will foster the discovery of reliable biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis, and will guide the discovery of new therapeutic approaches for personalized medicine in diabetic nephropathy

    Targeting CD36 as Biomarker for Metastasis Prognostic: How Far from Translation into Clinical Practice?

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    Metastasis requires cellular changes related to cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix adhesion, immune surveillance, activation of growth and survival signalling pathways, and epigenetic modifications. In addition to tumour cells, tumour stroma is also modified in relationship to the primary tumour as well as to distant metastatic sites (forming a metastatic niche). A common denominator of most stromal partners in tumour progression is CD36, a scavenger receptor for fatty acid uptake that modulates cell-to-extracellular matrix attachment, stromal cell fate (for adipocytes, endothelial cells), TGFβ activation, and immune signalling. CD36 has been repeatedly proposed as a prognostic marker in various cancers, mostly of epithelial origin (breast, prostate, ovary, and colon) and also for hepatic carcinoma and gliomas. Data gathered in preclinical models of various cancers have shown that blocking CD36 might prove beneficial in stopping metastasis spread. However, targeting the receptor in clinical trials with thrombospondin mimetic peptides has proven ineffective, and monoclonal antibodies are not yet available for patient use. This review presents data to support CD36 as a potential prognostic biomarker in cancer, its current stage towards achieving bona fide biomarker status, and knowledge gaps that must be filled before further advancement towards clinical practice

    Redox Signaling in Diabetic Nephropathy: Hypertrophy versus Death Choices in Mesangial Cells and Podocytes

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    This review emphasizes the role of oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy, acting as trigger, modulator, and linker within the complex network of pathologic events. It highlights key molecular pathways and new hypothesis in diabetic nephropathy, related to the interferences of metabolic, oxidative, and inflammatory stresses. Main topics this review is addressing are biomarkers of oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy, the sources of reactive oxygen species (mitochondria, NADPH-oxidases, hyperglycemia, and inflammation), and the redox-sensitive signaling networks (protein kinases, transcription factors, and epigenetic regulators). Molecular switches deciding on the renal cells fate in diabetic nephropathy are presented, such as hypertrophy versus death choices in mesangial cells and podocytes. Finally, the antioxidant response of renal cells in diabetic nephropathy is tackled, with emphasis on targeted therapy. An integrative approach is needed for identifying key molecular networks which control cellular responses triggered by the array of stressors in diabetic nephropathy. This will foster the discovery of reliable biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis, and will guide the discovery of new therapeutic approaches for personalized medicine in diabetic nephropathy

    Let-7 microRNAs Are Possibly Associated with Perineural Invasion in Colorectal Cancer by Targeting IGF Axis

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    Increased insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis activity is associated with the development and progression of different types of malignancies, including colorectal cancer (CRC). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) belonging to the let-7 family have been reported to target genes involved in this axis and are known as tumor suppressors. In this study, in silico bioinformatic analysis was performed to assess miRNA–mRNA interactions between eight miRNAs belonging to the let-7 family and genes involved in the IGF signaling pathway, coding for receptors and substrates. miRNAs’ expression analysis revealed that hsa-let-7a-5p, hsa-let-7b-5p, hsa-let-7c-5p, hsa-let- 97 7d-5p, hsa-let-7e-5p, hsa-let-7f-5p, and hsa-let-7g-5p were significantly down-regulated in 25 CRC tumoral tissues (T) compared to the corresponding adjacent peritumoral tissues (PT). Moreover, our results showed an upregulation of miR-let-7e-5p in CRC tissues with mutations in KRAS codon 12 or 13, and, for the first time, found a specific dysregulation of let-7a-5p, let-7b-5p, let-7c-5p, let-7d-5p, and let-7i-5p in CRC with perineural invasion. Our results sustain the relationship between the IGF axis, let-7 miRNAs, and CRC and suggest an association between the expression of these miRNAs and perineural invasion