5 research outputs found

    Land cover changes in Poland in 1990-2012

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    Ostatnie 25 lat w Polsce cechuj膮 du偶e zmiany spo艂eczno-gospodarcze, wyra藕nie widoczne tak偶e w pokryciu i u偶ytkowaniu terenu. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystyk臋 ilo艣ciow膮, jako艣ciow膮 oraz przestrzenn膮 zmian w pokryciu terenu, jakie zasz艂y w Polsce w latach 1990-2012, ze szczeg贸lnym zwr贸ceniem uwagi na okresy: 1990-2000, 2000-2006 oraz 2006-2012. Analizy zosta艂y wykonane na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w bazach CORINE Land Cover. Podstawowym celem bada艅 by艂a ocena zmian pokrycia terenu, kt贸re s膮 nast臋pstwem zmian sposobu u偶ytkowania ziemi w Polsce w okresie transformacji systemowej na prze艂omie XX i XXI wieku. Szczeg贸艂owo przeanalizowano przejmowanie grunt贸w rolnych i le艣nych na budow臋 dr贸g oraz powi臋kszanie teren贸w zabudowanych. Otrzymane wyniki pokazuj膮, 偶e powierzchnia zmian by艂a stosunkowo niewielka i w 偶adnym z analizowanych okres贸w nie przekroczy艂a 1% powierzchni kraju. Zaobserwowano, 偶e od 1990 roku nast臋puje systematyczne zwi臋kszanie teren贸w antropogenicznych g艂贸wnie kosztem teren贸w rolniczych (grunt贸w ornych, sad贸w i plantacji oraz 艂膮k i pastwisk) i zalesionych.The last 25 years in Poland are characterized by large socio-economic changes, clearly visible in the land cover. The article presents quantitative, qualitative and spatial characteristics of land cover changes in Poland in the years 1990-2012, with special attention paid to the periods 1990-2000, 2000-2006 and 2006-2012. The analyses base on CORINE land Cover data. The main objective of the study was to analyze the urbanization and accompanying land take of agricultural lands and forest for the construction of roads and the spread of built-up areas. The results show that the area of land cover changes was relatively small and it does not exceeded 1% of the country's territory. Since 1990 a systematic increase in anthropogenic areas is observed which is accompanying with afforestation, and decrease of arable lands

    On Solar Radiation Prediction for the East–Central European Region

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model of solar radiation for moderate climatic zones. This analysis covered the area of northeastern Germany. Due to very unfavorable solar energy conditions in this region for at least 1/3 of the year, we decided to select the dates with the most representative conditions: passing warm fronts, cold fronts, and occluded fronts (two cases each). As the reference, two cloudless conditions during high-pressure situations were chosen. Two different shortwave radiation schemes—Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for general circulation model (RRTMG) and Dudhia—were tested. The obtained results were compared with in situ data measured at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) stations and then with European Medium-Range Weather Forecast reanalysis (ERA5) data. The results showed that for high-pressure situations, the mean correlations with measured data were above 90%. The Dudhia scheme, in addition to the expected good results for the high-pressure situation, showed better results than RRTMG for the warm and cold fronts as well. The forecast using the RRTMG scheme gave the best results for the occluded front, which were also better than those of the ERA5 model

    On Solar Radiation Prediction for the East鈥揅entral European Region

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model of solar radiation for moderate climatic zones. This analysis covered the area of northeastern Germany. Due to very unfavorable solar energy conditions in this region for at least 1/3 of the year, we decided to select the dates with the most representative conditions: passing warm fronts, cold fronts, and occluded fronts (two cases each). As the reference, two cloudless conditions during high-pressure situations were chosen. Two different shortwave radiation schemes鈥擱apid Radiative Transfer Model for general circulation model (RRTMG) and Dudhia鈥攚ere tested. The obtained results were compared with in situ data measured at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) stations and then with European Medium-Range Weather Forecast reanalysis (ERA5) data. The results showed that for high-pressure situations, the mean correlations with measured data were above 90%. The Dudhia scheme, in addition to the expected good results for the high-pressure situation, showed better results than RRTMG for the warm and cold fronts as well. The forecast using the RRTMG scheme gave the best results for the occluded front, which were also better than those of the ERA5 model

    GPS-Based Multi-Temporal Variation in Precipitable Water over the Territory of Poland

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    An increase in temperature causes higher evaporation of water from water bodies; consequently, the water content in the atmosphere also increases. The precipitable water (PW), as the water content in the atmospheric air column, is therefore an important parameter to consider when studying climate change. The aim of this study was to analyse multi-annual precipitable water data derived from a dense Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) network. Twelve years of observations from over a hundred ASG-EUPOS stations were used to estimate changes in precipitation water values over Poland. The data were validated by comparison with the available radio-sounding data. The analysis of the GPS-based PW values showed an upward trend in the PW value of 0.078 mm/year. The spatio-temporal distribution of the mean PW values and their fluctuations over the years were studied and visualised in the form of maps. The results are congruent with the fact that Poland lies on the border of influence of both continental and oceanic climates. Our results are also consistent with other climate research concerning this region

    Geoportal of the GNSS Data Research Infrastructure Center

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    Artyku艂 przedstawia stworzenie portalu internetowego zapewniaj膮cego dost臋p do polskich danych z Globalnego Systemu Nawigacji Satelitarnej (GNSS). Opracowane rozwi膮zanie jest jednym z element贸w Centrum Infrastruktury Badawczej, zbudowanego w ramach polskiej odpowiedzi na program European Plate Observing System. W ramach projektu EPOS-PL utworzono Repozytorium Danych GNSS oraz Centrum Analiz Danych GNSS. Dost臋p do danych i wynik贸w ich przetwarzania zapewnia dedykowany geoportal. Prace obejmowa艂y trzy etapy cyklu 偶ycia rozwoju systemu: projektowanie, implementacj臋 i testowanie. Portal ma za zadanie wspiera膰 prac臋 zarz膮dc贸w infrastruktury GNSS, a przede wszystkim zaspokaja膰 potrzeby 艣rodowiska naukowego zajmuj膮cego si臋 badaniami sta艂ej Ziemi.The paper presents the development of a web portal providing access to Polish Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data. Developed solution is one of the Center of Research Infrastructure, built within the Polish response to the European Plate Observing System program. Within the EPOS-PL project, the GNSS Data Repository and GNSS Data Analysis Centre were created. Access to data and results of their processing is provided by a dedicated geoportal. The work included the following stages of the system development life cycle: design, implementation and testing. The portal is designed to support the work of GNSS infrastructu1re managers and, above all, to meet the needs of the scientific community involved in solid Earth research