1 research outputs found

    Maple River dam removal project.

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    LimnologyGiven the lack of empirical studies on dam systems before and after dam removal, our study aims to fill this gap by researching the physical and biological compositions of the East, West, and Main Branches of the Maple River. By examining sites at varying distances upstream and downstream of the Maple River dam, we are creating an inventory of pre-dam removal conditions that will serve as a reference for ecological scientists, dam owners, sportsmen, and local municipalities involved in the processes and potential outcomes of dam removal. Our data includes discharge rates, temperature, conductivity, functional feeding groups and aquatic organisms. These data inform our predictions about potential ecological impacts of the Maple River dam removal.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116616/1/Boehm_Carey_Fromm_Gadway_McGlashen_MacNeille_Michaelson_2015.pd