93 research outputs found

    A Pragmatic Approach to DHT Adoption

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    Despite the peer-to-peer community's obvious wish to have its systems adopted, specific mechanisms to facilitate incremental adoption have not yet received the same level of attention as the many other practical concerns associated with these systems. This paper argues that ease of adoption should be elevated to a first-class concern and accordingly presents HOLD, a front-end to existing DHTs that is optimized for incremental adoption. Specifically, HOLD is backwards-compatible: it leverages DNS to provide a key-based routing service to existing Internet hosts without requiring them to install any software. This paper also presents applications that could benefit from HOLD as well as the trade-offs that accompany HOLD. Early implementation experience suggests that HOLD is practical

    Semantic-free referencing in linked systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-45).The Web relies on the Domain Name System (DNS) to resolve the hostname portion of URLs into IP addresses. This marriage-of-convenience enabled the Web's meteoric rise, but the resulting entanglement is now hindering both infrastructures--the Web is overly constrained by the limitations of DNS, and DNS is unduly burdened by the demands of the Web. There has been much commentary on this sad state-of-affairs, but dissolving the ill-fated union between DNS and the Web requires a new way to resolve Web references. To this end, this thesis describes the design and implementation of Semantic Free Referencing (SFR), a reference resolution infrastructure based on distributed hash tables (DHTs).by Michael Walfish.S.M

    Defending networked resources against floods of unwelcome requests

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 172-189).The Internet is afflicted by "unwelcome requests'" defined broadly as spurious claims on scarce resources. For example, the CPU and other resources at a server are targets of denial-of-service (DOS) attacks. Another example is spam (i.e., unsolicited bulk email); here, the resource is human attention. Absent any defense, a very small number of attackers can claim a very large fraction of the scarce resources. Traditional responses identify "bad" requests based on content (for example, spam filters analyze email text and embedded URLs). We argue that such approaches are inherently gameable because motivated attackers can make "bad" requests look "good". Instead, defenses should aim to allocate resources proportionally (so if lo% of the requesters are "bad", they should be limited to lo% of the scarce resources). To meet this goal, we present the design, implementation, analysis, and experimental evaluation of two systems. The first, speak-up, defends servers against application-level denial-of-service by encouraging all clients to automatically send more traffic. The "good" clients can thereby compete equally with the "bad" ones. Experiments with an implementation of speak-up indicate that it allocates a server's resources in rough proportion to clients' upload bandwidths, which is the intended result. The second system, DQE, controls spam with per-sender email quotas. Under DQE, senders attach stamps to emails. Receivers communicate with a well-known, untrusted enforcer to verify that stamps are fresh and to cancel stamps to prevent reuse. The enforcer is distributed over multiple hosts and is designed to tolerate arbitrary faults in these hosts, resist various attacks, and handle hundreds of billions of messages daily (two or three million stamp checks per second). Our experimental results suggest that our implementation can meet these goals with only a few thousand PCs.(cont) The enforcer occupies a novel design point: a set of hosts implement a simple storage abstraction but avoid neighbor maintenance, replica maintenance, and mutual trust. One connection between these systems is that DQE needs a DoS defense-and can use speak-up. We reflect on this connection, on why we apply speak-up to DoS and DQE to spam, and, more generally, on what problems call for which solutions.by Michael Walfish.Ph.D

    Revisiting Internet Adressing: Back to the Future!

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    IP prefixes undermine three goals of Internet routing: accurate reflection of network-layer reachability, secure routing messages, and effective traffic control. This paper presents Atomic IP (AIP), a simple change to Internet addressing (which in fact reverts to how addressing once worked), that allows Internet routing to achieve these goals

    Supplement to "Distributed Quota Enforcement for Spam Control"

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    This report is a supplement to our paper "Distributed Quota Enforcement forSpam Control" (NSDI 2006). We assume here that the reader has readthe main paper. In this report, we first analyze the enforcer nodes'key-value maps and then analyze two of the experiments from the main paper

    World Wide Web Without Walls

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    Today's Web is built upon a particular symbiotic relationship betweensites and users: the sites invest capital to create and market a setof features, and users gain access to the sites often in exchange fortheir data (e.g., photos, personal information, creative musings,etc.). This paper imagines a very different Web ecosystem, in whichusers retain control of their data and developers can justify theirexistence without hoarding user data

    Verifiable computation using multiple provers

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    The increasing ubiquity of the cloud computing paradigm has renewed focus on the classical problem of allowing weak clients to check the results of computation delegated to powerful servers. Recent advances in proof-based verifiable computation have led to several near-practical protocols. Protocols based on interactive proofs (IPs) work with highly restrictive models of computation and are thus efficient only for a limited class of computations. In contrast, protocols based on argument systems apply to a much larger class of computations, but efficiency requires amortization of very expensive setup costs. This paper initiates the study of the practical efficiency of multiprover interactive proofs (MIPs). We present a new MIP for delegating computation that extends insights from a powerful IP protocol (Goldwasser et al., STOC, 2008). Without reductions or amplification, our protocol uses only two provers (departing from prior work on MIPs), and achieves both the efficiency of interactive proof-based protocols and the generality of argument system-based protocols. Also, this result, together with recently developed machinery, creates a potential avenue toward concretely efficient arguments without setup costs. We describe Clover, a built system for verifiable computation, based on our protocol. Although Clover does not implement the full theory (it has setup costs), it applies to problems that existing IPs cannot efficiently handle, and achieves performance comparable to, or better than, the best argument systems

    Zero-Knowledge Middleboxes

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    This paper initiates research on zero-knowledge middleboxes (ZKMBs). A ZKMB is a network middlebox that enforces network usage policies on encrypted traffic. Clients send the middlebox zero-knowledge proofs that their traffic is policy-compliant; these proofs reveal nothing about the client’s communication except that it complies with the policy. We show how to make ZKMBs work with unmodified encrypted-communication protocols (specifically TLS 1.3), making ZKMBs invisible to servers. As a contribution of independent interest, we design optimized zero-knowledge proofs for TLS 1.3 session keys. We apply the ZKMB paradigm to several case studies. Experimental results suggest that in certain settings, performance is in striking distance of practicality; an example is a middlebox that filters domain queries (each query requiring a separate proof) when the client has a long-lived TLS connection with a DNS resolver. In such configurations, the middlebox’s overhead is 2–5 ms of running time per proof, and client latency to create a proof is several seconds. On the other hand, clients may have to store hundreds of MBs depending on the underlying zero-knowledge proof machinery, and for some applications, latency is tens of seconds
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