9,116 research outputs found

    On the Statistical Foundations of Kaluza's Magnetohydrodynamics

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    The introduction of electromagnetic fields into the Boltzmann equation following a 5D general relativistic approach is considered in order to establish the transport equations for dilute charged fluids in the presence of a weak electromagnetic field. The conserved 5D stress-energy tensor is evaluated using the J\"uttner function for non-degenerate relativistic gases in local equilibrium, and the evolution equations for the local thermodynamic variables are established by means of relativistic kinetic theory. An outline of the possibilities offered by the Kaluza-type approach to MHD is also included.Comment: 10 page

    SAFT-γ Force Field for the Simulation of Molecular Fluids 6. Binary and ternary mixtures comprising water, carbon dioxide, and n-alkanes

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    AbstractThe SAFT-γ coarse graining methodology (Avendaño et al., 2011) is used to develop force fields for the fluid-phase behaviour of binary and ternary mixtures comprising water, carbon dioxide, and n-alkanes. The effective intermolecular interactions between the coarse grained (CG) segments are directly related to macroscopic thermodynamic properties by means of the SAFT-γ equation of state for molecular segments represented with the Mie (generalised Lennard–Jones) intermolecular potential (Papaioannou et al., 2014). The unlike attractive interactions between the components of the mixtures are represented with a single adjustable parameter, which is shown to be transferable over a wide range of conditions. The SAFT-γ Mie CG force fields are used in molecular-dynamics simulations to predict the challenging (vapour+liquid) and (liquid+liquid) fluid-phase equilibria characterising these mixtures, and to study phenomena that are not accessible directly from the equation of state, such as the interfacial properties. The description of the fluid-phase equilibria and interfacial properties predicted with the SAFT-γ Mie force fields is in excellent agreement with the corresponding experimental data, and of comparable if not superior quality to that reported for the more sophisticated atomistic and united-atom models

    Spectroscopic Interpretation: The High Vibrations of CDBrClF

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    We extract the dynamics implicit in an algebraic fitted model Hamiltonian for the deuterium chromophore's vibrational motion in the molecule CDBrClF. The original model has 4 degrees of freedom, three positions and one representing interbond couplings. A conserved polyad allows in a semiclassical approach the reduction to 3 degrees of freedom. For most quantum states we can identify the underlying motion that when quantized gives the said state. Most of the classifications, identifications and assignments are done by visual inspection of the already available wave function semiclassically transformed from the number representation to a representation on the reduced dimension toroidal configuration space corresponding to the classical action and angle variables. The concentration of the wave function density to lower dimensional subsets centered on idealized simple lower dimensional organizing structures and the behavior of the phase along such organizing centers already reveals the atomic motion. Extremely little computational work is needed.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    On the Empirics of Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects

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    Using a sample of 32 developed and developing countries we analyze the empirical characteristics of sudden stops in capital flows and the relevance of balance sheet effects in the likelihood of their materialization. We find that large real exchange rate (RER) fluctuations coming hand in hand with Sudden Stops are basically an emerging market (EM) phenomenon. Sudden Stops seem to come in bunches, grouping together countries that are different in many respects. However, countries are similar in that they remain vulnerable to large RER fluctuations – be it because they could be forced to large adjustments in the absorption of tradable goods, and/or because the size of dollar liabilities in the banking system (i.e., domestic liability dollarization, or DLD) is high. Openness, understood as a large supply of tradable goods that reduces leverage over the current account deficit, coupled with DLD, are key determinants of the probability of Sudden Stops. The relationship between Openness and DLD in the determination of the probability of Sudden Stops is highly non-linear, implying that the interaction of high current account leverage and high dollarization may be a dangerous cocktail.

    Critical Theoretical Frameworks in Engineering Education: An Anti-Deficit and Liberative Approach

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    The field of engineering education has adapted different theoretical frameworks from a wide range of disciplines to explore issues of education, diversity, and inclusion among others. The number of theoretical frameworks that explore these issues using a critical perspective has been increasing in the past few years. In this review of the literature, we present an analysis that draws from Freire’s principles of critical andragogy and pedagogy. Using a set of inclusion criteria, we selected 33 research articles that used critical theoretical frameworks as part of our systematic review of the literature. We argue that critical theoretical frameworks are necessary to develop anti-deficit approaches to engineering education research. We show how engineering education research could frame questions and guide research designs using critical theoretical frameworks for the purpose of liberation
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