3 research outputs found

    DCC Briefing Paper: Curating Geospatial Data

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    Geospatial data relate to the location of geographical features and the relationships between those features. They are vital for a wide range of business and government functions including defence, transportation, education, engineering, and recreation; in fact, almost all activities rely on geospatial data to some extent. It is widely accepted that the majority of all data held in corporate and government databases include some kind of geospatial characteristics. Such data are important not only for contemporary purposes but are also essential for long-term analyses. Active data management is therefore required to curate, preserve, and provide access to reliable geospatial data over tim

    Linking data and publications in the environmental sciences: CLADDIER project workshop, Chilworth, Southampton, UK 15th May 2007

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    This CLADDIER (CITATION, LOCATION, And DEPOSITION IN DISCIPLINE & INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORIES) workshop provided a key opportunity to hear about progress in the project and also, most importantly, to discuss fundamental next steps to further the linking of citations from source data to publications databases. The emphasis is on the environmental sciences. The University of Southampton and STFC institutional repositories are exemplars of institutional repositories in the UK. The British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC), likewise, is an exemplar of a discipline based data archive. As part of the project a demonstration system linking publications held in the institutional repositories with data holdings in the BADC has been set up to explore the issues involved.Programme 10.00 Welcome and Introduction Jessie Hey, University of Southampton10.15 CLADDIER The CLADDIER vision Bryan Lawrence – Project Director CLADDIER – project fundamentals Sam Pepler – Project Manager11.00 Coffee Break11.30 Publication and citation in practice Data publication issues and methods - Catherine Jones, STFC A data and publication discovery service - Brian Matthews, STFC Other Initiatives Citing Geospatial Data Guy McGarva, EDINA National Data Centre Data and Publications: A view from Chemistry Simon Coles, EPSRC UK National Crystallography Service1.00 Lunch2.00 A view from NERC Mark Thorley, NERC2:15 Breakout groups Writing citations Peer review processes for data Publication and data interaction in the future3.15 Tea Break3.45 Breakout feedback4.15 Summing up – a view from the bridge Bryan Lawrence 4.30 Close of Worksho