34 research outputs found

    Openness, industrialization, and geographic concentration of activities in China

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    Rapid development, a widening regional gap, and growing concentration of activities have characterized the Chinese economy since the reforms in the late 1970s. This paper examines the spatial disparities of the economic concentration in different stages of development from a geographic approach in the case of China. It aims at offering empirical supports on (1) how concentrated the economic activities are; (2) what factors determine the economic concentration; and (3) whether this concentration differs in the coastal and inland regions. The results show that the high-technology industries highly concentrate in the coastal provinces. The limited diffusion of the labor intensive activities within the coastal region does not significantly modify the major trend of the location and specialization of the industries in the inland region, and does not contribute to narrowing the regional disparities. The paper argues that in order to stimulate the geographic diffusion of economic activities to the inland region, it is important to appropriately alleviate internal migration control, reduce unnecessary state intervention, and further encourage domestic market integration.Economic Theory&Research,Industrial Management,Water and Industry,General Manufacturing,Environmental Economics&Policies


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    This paper aims to analyse, through the nature and the evolution of clusters, the specific features of the Chinese development model, in relation with FDI and the public accompanying policies that have been implemented. Three types of clusters can be distinguished according to a chronology that fits in with the different stages of development : (i) industrial clusters that developed from reforms initiated at the beginning of the 1980s with the implementation of openness, development and infrastructure policies ; (ii) technological clusters that appeared in the 1990s, largely favoured by innovation policies ; (iii) more recently, the emergence of scientific-industrial clusters within metropolitan regions having implemented scientific policies that attract the R&D functions of multinational corporations. The most original feature of the development strategies, beyond the promotion of clusters on mainspring activities of the different development stages, is the parallel implementation of unbalanced growth on the territorial and the institutional level.INVESTISSEMENTS DIRECTS ÉTRANGERS, CLUSTERS, STRATÉGIE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT, CHINE


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    Un modĂšle empirique est proposĂ© pour analyser les principaux dĂ©terminants de l’évolution du taux d’urbanisation et du degrĂ© de primatie urbaine dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement, distinguĂ©s en trois groupes de niveau de revenu par tĂȘte, et vĂ©rifier de lĂ  l’existence ou non d’une courbe en cloche qui fait l’objet de controverses dans la littĂ©rature. Les rĂ©sultats du modĂšle, estimĂ© par pĂ©riodes quinquennales de 1950 Ă  2000 en panel avec variables instrumentales, montrent que : (i) la progression du taux d’urbanisation jusqu’à un certain pic est plus poussĂ©e par l’exode agricole que par la croissance du revenu par tĂȘte ; (ii) la primatie suit une certaine courbe en cloche, avec une certaine marge d’indĂ©termination dans sa trajectoire. La diffusion de la population vers les villes de rang infĂ©rieur est d’autant plus marquĂ©e que la croissance du revenu par tĂȘte est forte, la baisse de l’emploi agricole limitĂ©e, l’ouverture internationale plus poussĂ©e, la croissance dĂ©mographique Ă©levĂ©e, les infrastructures de transport plus importantes, les spĂ©cialisations productives moins orientĂ©es vers les industries de biens primaires.URBANISATION, PRIMATIE URBAINE, COURBE EN CLOCHE, ÉTAPES DE DÉVELOPPEMENT


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    Cet article se propose d’estimer les Ă©conomies d’agglomĂ©ration des activitĂ©s de services supĂ©rieurs au sein du cluster financier luxembourgeois. Le modĂšle empirique utilisĂ©, inspirĂ© de celui de Midelfart-Knarvik et Steen (1999), fait notamment apparaĂźtre l’existence de diffĂ©rents effets externes pĂ©cuniaires et technologiques entre le secteur financier et les branches de services aux entreprises et informatiques. Abstract: In this paper, we estimate agglomeration effects which arise in the Luxembourg banking and services industries. The empirical model we use is inspired from Midelfart-Knarvik and Steen (1999). Empirical evidence of technological and pecuniary externalities is found between the financial industry and the computer and business services.CLUSTER FINANCIER, LUXEMBOURG, EXTERNALITÉS TECHNOLOGIQUES, EXTERNALITÉS PÉCUNIAIRES

    Three new PAX6 mutations including one causing an unusual ophthalmic phenotype associated with neurodevelopmental abnormalities

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    The PAX6 gene was first described as a candidate for human aniridia. However, PAX6 expression is not restricted to the eye and it appears to be crucial for brain development. We studied PAX6 mutations in a large spectrum of patients who presented with aniridia phenotypes, Peters' anomaly, and anterior segment malformations associated or not with neurological anomalies.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Disparités spatiales de productivité, accumulation du capital et économies d'agglomération.

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    Spatial disparities of productivity, capital accumulation and economies of agglomeration. This research work aims at seizing the local disparities of productivity, and more particularly the relative overproductivity of Ile-de-France in manufacturing and in producer services. It also aims at shaving the particular influence on them of the private and public capitals, of the different economies of agglomeration and to specify their part in the metropolitan concentration observed over this past few years.L'Ă©tude vise Ă  saisir les disparitĂ©s rĂ©gionales de productivitĂ©, notamment la surproductivitĂ© relative de l'Île-de-France dans l'industrie et de maniĂšre encore plus manifeste dans les services aux entreprises, Ă  dĂ©gager l'influence particuliĂšre sur celles-ci du capital privĂ© et public, des diffĂ©rentes Ă©conomies d'agglomĂ©ration, et Ă  spĂ©cifier leur rĂŽle dans le processus de mĂ©tropolisation observĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es.Catin Maurice. DisparitĂ©s spatiales de productivitĂ©, accumulation du capital et Ă©conomies d'agglomĂ©ration. In: Revue Ă©conomique, volume 48, n°3, 1997. pp. 579-589

    Disparités spatiales de productivité, accumulation du capital et économies d'agglomération.

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    [fre] L'Ă©tude vise Ă  saisir les disparitĂ©s rĂ©gionales de productivitĂ©, notamment la surproductivitĂ© relative de l'Île-de-France dans l'industrie et de maniĂšre encore plus manifeste dans les services aux entreprises, Ă  dĂ©gager l'influence particuliĂšre sur celles-ci du capital privĂ© et public, des diffĂ©rentes Ă©conomies d'agglomĂ©ration, et Ă  spĂ©cifier leur rĂŽle dans le processus de mĂ©tropolisation observĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. [eng] Spatial disparities of productivity, capital accumulation and economies of agglomeration. . . This research work aims at seizing the local disparities of productivity, and more particularly the relative overproductivity of Ile-de-France in manufacturing and in producer services. It also aims at shaving the particular influence on them of the private and public capitals, of the different economies of agglomeration and to specify their part in the metropolitan concentration observed over this past few years.

    Les quatre défis du libre-échange euroméditerranéen

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    Les quatre défis du libre-échange euroméditerranéen

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