14 research outputs found


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    Experiment 1: Parental care and the relationship between larval density and average larval mass

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    This file contains data from Experiment 1: Parental care and the relationship between larval density and average larval mass. The columns are as follow: 1. care: Full = full parental care, No Care = no post-hatching care. 2. reduced: whether the brood was experimentally reduced, 0 = no, 1 = yes. 3. brood_mass: the total mass of the entire brood at dispersal in grams. 4. carc_wt: the mass of the breeding carcass in grams. 5. no_larvae: the number of larvae at dispersal. 6. density: the number of larvae at dispersal divided by the mass of the breeding carcass. 6. avg_larval_mass: the average mass of larvae at dispersal (brood_mass / no_larvae)

    Experiment 2: The effect of larval density on the ability of larvae to enter the carcass and carcass decomposition

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    These data are form experiment 2: The effect of larval density on the ability of larvae to enter the carcass and carcass decomposition. The columns are as follow: 1. pair: a unique identifier for the breeding pair. 2. carc_wt: the mass of the breeding carcass in grams. 3. manipulated_brood_size: the experimentally manipulated number of larvae on the carcass. 4. density: the density of larvae on the breeding carcass at manipulation (manipulated_brood_size / carc_wt). 5. hole_at_manipulation: whether larvae were feeding within the carcass at the time of brood manipulation, 0 = no, 1 = yes. 6. in_carcass: whether larvae were feeding within the carcass 90 hours after pairing, 0 = no, 1 = yes. 7. mold_at_90_hrs: whether there was mold growing in the carcass 90 hours after pairing, 0 = no, 1 = yes. 8. mold_at_114_hours: whether there was mold growing in the carcass 114 hours after pairing, 0 = no, 1 = yes

    Data from reciprocal hybrid crosses

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    The file “Data from reciprocal hybrid crosses” provides data on the number of full term and aborted offspring in crosses between populations of Heterandria formosa. Crosses were conducted in the lab using fish descended from four wild populations. The data file was created in Microsoft excel and contains five columns: Female population (Moore Lake, Trout Pond, Wacissa River, or Wakulla Springs), Male population (Moore Lake, Trout Pond, Wacissa River, or Wakulla Springs), Full term offspring (the number of full term offspring born over 60 days beginning with the birth of the first brood), aborted embryos (the number of aborted embryos produced over 60 days beginning with the birth of the first brood), and Total (the sum of the two previous columns)

    Experiment 2: The relationship between larval density and average larval mass at 120 hours after paring.

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    These data are from pairs in experiment 2 that had larvae 120 hours after pairing. The columns are as follow: 1. pair: a unique identifier for each breeding pair. 2. manipulated_brood_size: the experimentally manipulated number of larvae on the breeding carcass. 3. carc_wt: the mass of the breeding carcass in grams. 4. feeding_inside: whether larvae were feeding in the carcass 120 hours after pairing, 0 = no, 1 = yes. 5. brood_size_at_120_hours: the number of larvae on the breeding carcass 120 hours after pairing. 6. brood_mass: the total mass of the brood in grams at 120 hours. 7. average_larval_mass: the average mass of larvae on the breeding carcass 120 hours after pairing (brood_mass / brood_size_at_120_hours


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    Data for the analyses described in Schrader, Jarrett, and Kilner 2015. Columns are as follows: line (the experimental line, F = Full Care, N = No Care), treatment (the breeding environment, F = Full Care, N = No Care), rep (replicate), block (the experimental block, A or B), carcass_mass (the mass of the breeding carcass in grams), no_larvae (the number of larvae at dispersal), brood_mass (the mass of the entire brood at dispersal in grams), mean_larval_mass (the average mass of larvae at dispersal in grams), success (whether the breeding attempt produced at least one larva, 0 = no dispersing larvae, 1 = at least 1 dispersing larva), carcass_consumption (whether the brood consumed the breeding carcass, 0 = carcass not completely consumed, 1 = carcass completely consumed)

    Female size, clutch size, and mean egg mass.

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    This file contains data on body size, clutch size, and mean egg mass for females in the "Late" and "Early" treatments. The columns are as follow: "treatment" (Early or Late), "pair" is a unique identifier for replicates within treatment, "carcass_mass" is the mass of the breeding carcass in grams, "female_family" identifies the family that the female was derived from, "female_pronotum" is the width of the female's pronotum in mm, "clutch_size" is the number of eggs laid, "mean_egg_mass(g)" is the mean mass of eggs in grams