345 research outputs found

    Stalking risks : violence, persistence and recidivism

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    O stalking, enquanto fenómeno de violência interpessoal, assume a conotação de aviso, perigo e imprevisibilidade, estando a sua experiência relacionada com a perceção de ameaça constante. Qualquer abordagem ao fenómeno do stalking, quer seja teórica ou prática, inclui na sua análise a dimensão do risco. Compreender o stalking implica a sua conceção enquanto fenómeno associado a múltiplos riscos: o risco de violência, de persistência e, ainda, de reincidência. O stalking representa um risco em si mesmo, mas constitui-se também como fator de risco de violência e, nalguns casos, um fator de risco de homicídio. A avaliação de risco em casos de stalking surge como um passo essencial a uma prática ética e informada, servindo como pedra basilar na tomada de decisão relativamente a medidas preventivas dirigidas aos stalkers, bem como de proteção às suas vítimas. É fundamental dotar os profissionais de competências e de instrumentos para uma avaliação de risco ponderada e eficaz em casos de stalking.Stalking involves warning, danger and unpredictability since it entails a permanent perception of threat. Any approach to stalking phenomenon, whether it is theoretical or practical, must include an analysis of the risk dimension. Understanding stalking implies its conception as multiples risks: risk of violence, persistence and recidivism. Stalking represents a risk on itself but also is a risk factor of violence and, in some cases of homicide. Risk assessment of stalking is an essential step towards an ethical and informed practice, functioning as a key factor for the decision making in what concerns preventive actions towards stalkers and protection measures for its victims. It is essential to provide professionals specific skills, competences and instruments in order to a pondered and effective risk assessment of stalking.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Male victims of partner violence: methodological analysis of prevalence studies

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    A violência contra os homens na intimidade é um tema controverso e negligenciado. No entanto, são já vários os estudos que avançam que os homens podem ser vítimas na intimidade. Este artigo contempla uma análise metodológica dos estudos de prevalência acerca da violência contra os homens em relações heterossexuais. A violência contra o sexo masculino perpetrada pelo sexo feminino varia de 0.6% a 100%, dependendo do tipo de violência que abrange, do período temporal de referência, bem como do método e da amostra. Os estudos revelam que os homens são, em sua grande maioria, vítimas de violência moderada, sobretudo psicológica. Porém, as insuficiências metodológicas e o conhecimento diminuto em domínios específicos da vitimação íntima contra os homens restringem as conclusões que podem ser extraídas. Importa que as investigações futuras adotem uma abordagem mais inclusiva de ambos os sexos.La violencia contra los hombres en la intimidad es un tema polémico y omiso. Sin embargo, ya hay varios estudios que avanzan que los hombres pueden ser víctimas en la intimidad. Este artículo incluye un análisis metodológico de los estudios de prevalencia sobre la violencia contra los hombres en relaciones heterosexuales. La violencia perpetrada contra los hombres por las mujeres varía de 0.6% a 100%, dependiendo del tipo de violencia abarcada y del período de tiempo, así como del método y de la muestra. Los estudios revelan que los hombres son en su mayoría víctimas de violencia moderada, sobre todo psicológica. No obstante, las deficiencias metodológicas y el poco conocimiento en áreas específicas de la victimización íntima contra los hombres limitan las conclusiones que pueden extraerse. Es importante que la investigación futura adopte un enfoque más inclusivo para ambos los sexos.Intimate partner violence against men is controversial and somewhat neglected. However, there are now several studies that show that men are victims in intimacy. This article includes a methodological analysis of studies on the prevalence of violence against men in heterosexual intimate relationships. The prevalence of violence against men perpetrated by women ranges from 0.6% to 100%, depending on the type of violence, the time period of reference, as well as the method and sample used. Studies show that men are mostly victims of moderate violence, mainly psychological. However, methodological shortcomings and insufficient knowledge in specific areas of victimization against men restrict the conclusions that can be drawn. Is critical that the investigations in this area adopt a more inclusive approach and, specifically, methodologies that address both sexes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Sleep and women intimate partner victimization: prevalence, effects and good practices in health care settings

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    Intimate Partner Violence is a global health issue with higher prevalence worldwide, mostly in women, higher social and economic costs and devastating physical and mental health consequences for the victims. Sleep disturbances has been associated with other mental health issues, being an important symptom when diagnosing post-traumatic stress disorder, depression or anxiety. It can also constitute an important sign to help health professionals to identify potential victims of intimate partner violence. This review paper main objectives are to address the connection between intimate partner violence and sleep disruption, the role and barriers of health professionals in screening this type of violence when sleep problems are present, and to describe good practices in order to identify these victims and to provide support. It has been found that intimate partner victims commonly experience significant sleep disturbances that include truncated sleep, nightmares and less restful sleep. Health professionals are first-line professionals with a pivot role to screen and identify women victims. However, a set of personal (e.g., lack of knowledge and inadequate perceptions about violence, cultural issues) and organizational barriers (e.g., time constraints, lack of training, absence of institutional protocols) may limit the accurate reading of those symptoms. Accordingly, health professionals must be alert not only to physical health conditions associated with violence (acute physical injuries, chronic physical injuries, obstetric and genital injuries), but also psychological problems, like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol or drug misuse, sleep disturbances, insomnia and nightmares. In the presence of alert symptoms related to violence, health professionals become able to screen, identify and provide ongoing care for women, promoting a trusting relationship and assuming an attentive non-judgmental listening.- (undefined

    How can cyberhate victimization and perpetration be understood?: Towards a psychological approach

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    The freedom of expression enabled through information and communication technologies (ICT) has been misused to create, (re)produce, and distribute cyberhate. Otherwise known as online hate speech, it refers to all forms of ICT-mediated expression that incites, justifies, or propagates hatred or violence against specific individuals or groups based on their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or other collective characteristics. This chapter aims to contribute to a comprehensive analysis of cyberhate among adolescents and adults. It is structured into three main sections. The first operationalizes the key conceptual characteristics, disentangles the similarities and differences between cyberhate and other forms of violence, and presents the known prevalence of victimization and perpetration. The second identifies the main sociodemographic correlates and discriminates the risk and protective factors with theoretical frameworks. The chapter concludes with recommendations for prevention and intervention strategies that demand a multi-stakeholder approach.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi) School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/01662/2020), and through a PhD grant awarded to the first author (2021.07545.BD)

    Sexual violence in dating relationships: are college athletes at higher-risk?

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    Estudos internacionais realizados em contexto universitário apontam consistentemente para a sobrerrepresentação dos atletas como perpetradores frequentes de agressões sexuais nas relações íntimas. A literatura científica tem vindo a sustentar que há aspetos da cultura atlética que contribuem para a maior adesão a mitos socioculturais e a atitudes estereotipadas de género, aumentando a propensão dos atletas para a adoção de condutas sexualmente abusivas. Este estudo exploratório procurou analisar as possíveis diferenças entre duas amostras independentes de estudantes universitários do sexo masculino – atletas e não atletas –, a dois níveis: 1) grau de tolerância/aceitação face à violência sexual sobre as mulheres; 2) taxa de prevalência e tipologia de comportamentos sexualmente violentos perpetrados no contexto das suas relações amorosas não conjugais (namoro). Para a recolha de dados foram utilizados a Escala de Crenças sobre a Violação (ECV) e o Sexual Experiences Survey – Short­‑Form Perpetration (SES­‑SFP), que foram administrados a 50 atletas – praticantes de modalidades desportivas de competição de contacto –, e 50 não atletas universitários. Os resultados sugerem que os atletas não apresentam níveis superiores de legitimação da violência sexual contra as mulheres, nem evidenciam uma taxa superior de perpetração de atos de violência sexual na intimidade face ao grupo dos não atletas. No plano dos comportamentos, ambos os grupos apresentam taxas preocupantes de perpetração de atos sexuais severos na intimidade (e.g., violação).International studies developed at the university context consistently point out for the over­‑representation of athletes as frequent perpetrators of sexual assault in intimate relationships. The scientific literature has argued that there are aspects of the athletic culture that contribute to greater adherence to sociocultural myths and stereotypical attitudes to gender, increasing the propensity of athletes to commit more sexually abusive behaviors. This exploratory study sought to analyze the possible differences between two independent samples of male college students – athletes and non­‑athletes – at two levels: 1) degree of acceptance of sexual violence against women, 2) prevalence rate and types of sexually violent behaviors perpetrated in non­‑marital romantic relationships (dating). For the data collection we used the Beliefs Scale about Rape (ECV) and the Sexual Experiences Survey – Short Form­‑perpetration (SES­‑SFP), which were both administered to 50 college athletes of contact sports and to 50 non­‑athletes. The results suggest that college athletes do not report higher overall levels of legitimacy of sexual violence against women, and that they do not have higher rates of committing acts of sexual violence in the intimacy. In terms of behavior, there is empirical evidence that both college athletes, as non­‑athletes, report disturbing perpetration levels of severe acts of sexual assault in private (e.g., rape).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Lifetime multiple victimization among women: a systematic review of the literature

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    No contexto internacional assistimos a um crescente reconhecimento científico de que as mulheres, vítimas preferenciais de diferentes formas de vitimação, tendem a coo-experienciar outras formas de vitimação ao longo da vida. Neste artigo realizamos uma revisão sistemática da literatura existente sobre a vitimação múltipla de mulheres ao longo da vida. Conclui-se que predominam os estudos quantitativos de natureza transversal, retrospectivos e com designs descritivos correlacionais, centrados na vitimação múltipla interpessoal, nomeadamente, íntima. Os inventários de autorrelato e as entrevistas semiestruturadas são os instrumentos mais frequentes para avaliar o fenómeno, recorrendo, maioritariamente, a amostras por conveniência, recrutadas em contexto normativo (universitário) ou forense. A prevalência, embora elevada, oscila entre os estudos, reflexo das diferentes amostras e instrumentos utilizados. Quanto ao impacto, os estudos são consensuais na ideia de que quanto maior a vitimação cumulativa, maior o impacto (efeito dose). Finalmente, apresentamos os principais contributos e limitações que derivam desta revisão sistemática.There is an increasing scientific recognition that women, primary victims of different forms of interpersonal victimization, tend to co-experience other forms of victimization throughout lifetime. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review of publications on lifetime multiple victimization of women. We found predominantly cross-sectional studies, retrospective and correlational designs, directed to study multiple interpersonal violence, particularly intimate abuse. Self-report inventories and semi-structured interviews were the most commonly strategies used to evaluate the problem, and the most frequent sampling option was convenience samples, recruited in normative (university) or forensic contexts. The prevalence of multiple victimization reported by women, although high, varied between studies, reflecting the different samples and evaluation tools. In terms of impact, the studies were consensual on the idea that the greater the cumulative victimization the greater impact victimization would produce. Finally, we present the main contributions and limitations that draw from this systematic review.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Exploring human trafficking victimization experiences in Portugal

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    This study aims to access the experience of the victims of human trafficking, during recruitment, exploitation, and identification phases. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview, resulting in a clinical-forensic sample of nine adult victims of both sexes - two females and seven males, aged between 42 and 67 years (M = 56.67; SD = 8.411). Data analysis was done using thematic analysis and allowed to reinforce the dynamics of trafficking in human beings, concerning victims and traffickers (e.g., the deception in the recruitment phase) and dynamics of exploitation (e.g., entrapment strategies). This study was able to provide novelty concerning the hetero identification of the victims by community members. Despite the control strategies employed by the traffickers, some victims were identified and reported by neighbors to competent authorities. This should be considered as it may be indicative that educational campaigns are having an effect by enhancing the victims' identification.- This study was partially conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (UID/PSI/01662/2019), through the national funds (PIDDAC)

    Male stalking victimization: prevalence, characteristics and impact

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    Introduction: Men are more likely than women to engage as perpetrators of violent crime [1]. Male victimization has remained under-researched and only more recently had received scientific interest (e.g., intimate partner victimization) [2]. Likewise, stalking has been characterized by a high number of women involved as victims and men involved as perpetrators [3], being recognized as a gender crime against women in the Istanbul Convention [4]. Research on perceptions of stalking has revealed that male stalking victimization is considered less concerning and less dangerous than female victimization and that males should be able to control their own stalking experience [1]. This study aimed to identify the prevalence, characteristics and impact of stalking victimization in Portuguese men. Helpseeking behaviors are also analyses. Materials and methods: We used a subsample composed for 570 men, retrieved from of a representative national sample inquired about stalking victimization. The participants were a mean age of 43.78 (DP = 17.99), were mostly married (51%) and employed (71%). The Stalking Victimization Inventory was developed to assess stalking victimization and associated features. The inventory included 23 items, organized in five sections, namely sociodemographic characterization, prevalence of stalking victimization, behaviors and dynamics, impact, and helpseeking sources. To guarantee that participants understood the focus of the study, data were collected through face-to-face interviews, conducted all over the country, during three months. Results: The lifetime prevalence of stalking in men was 13.6% (n=?). The stalker was mostly perpetrated by a woman (75%), without any intimate relationship (former or actual) in 62% and by an intimate partner in 38% of the cases. The participants were victims of a diversity of stalking behaviours (M = 3.48; DP = 2.07). For the majority stalking lasted more than a month (71%) and, in the most intense phase, stalker attacks occurred daily or weekly (86%). The majority (80.8%) reported that stalking behaviours negatively affected some area of their individual functioning, with intimate relationships and psychological health being the most affected (57% and 54%, respectively). A hierarchical linear regression allowed to identify as significant independent predictors of greater impact the sex of the stalker (being male, B = - 3.87, 95%CI [-7,15,.619]), a higher diversity of stalking behaviours suffered (B = .94, 95%CI [.24, 1.63]) and to feel fear as a consequence of the stalking victimization (B = 7.11, 95%CI [2.68, 11.52]). Despite this, only 25.4% of the victims sought some kind of support to cope with stalking victimization. Discussion and conclusions: The results show that stalking against men in Portugal should deserve more attention, namely because it has an impact on different areas and well-being of victims. Victim support institutions and judicial entities should ensure gender neutral support services in order to adequate response to the needs of male victims

    Professionals’ knowledge and perceptions on child trafcking: evidence from Portugal

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    Children who have been trafficked may experience longer-term mental health consequences with a significant impact on all life domains. Key professionals must be prepared and adopt practices that help to prevent and fight child trafficking and the harm caused. This study aims to explore the current knowledge of professionals from Portugal on child trafficking and perceptions about their practices and skills. The sample consisted of 614 professionals from justice (47.1%), education (19.4%), social (18.9%), and health care (14.7%) areas who completed an online survey. Professionals were more knowledgeable about forms of exploitation and less about victims' profile. Professionals who had direct contact with and/or training in human trafficking presented more knowledge and positive perceptions about their practices and skills. This study aims to raise awareness and develop informed training programs based on professionals' needs and challenges.- This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, and partially supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/PSI/01662/2020)

    Brief report on a systematic review of the experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence as help-seekers

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    Little is known about help seeking behaviors of male victims of intimate partner violence. This systematic review intends to summarize the help seeking experiences of male victims in terms of the usefulness of the existing services following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews recommendations. Twelve studies from five countries and with 3245 participants were selected. The results indicated that male victims mostly seek informal help (e.g., family and friends), and are satisfied with this source of support. Regarding formal services (e.g., police), male victims evaluate these services as not useful. As a result, men seem to become further (re)victimized by the system and penalized for trying to seek formal help. In order to provide better services to male victims, it urges a focus on the training of frontline professionals, in primary and secondary prevention, and in awareness campaigns. The suggestions for future research are put forward.- (undefined