10 research outputs found

    Sustainable production of sweet cherry: maximising benefits from ecosystem services

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    To meet rising food demand, agricultural production has increased dramatically in the past 50 years. This has involved a greater proportion of land being converted to agriculture, combined with the use of inorganic fertilisers and extensive use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs). However, this has caused habitat and biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and land fragmentation and, as a result, pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests, on which many economically important crops depend, have also been negatively impacted. Sweet cherry is an economically important pollinator-dependent crop with a global annual production of around 2.56 million tonnes; an increasing demand has been met through new intensive production systems. If a greater reliance is to be placed on beneficial arthropods as part of more sustainable cherry intensification, their abundance and diversity must be supported by meeting their requirements such as alternative resources and shelter. Wildflower habitats are an approach that can enhance wild pollinators and natural enemies throughout the growing season supporting Conservation Biological Control as part of Integrated Pest Management programmes. In this PhD, to enhance the sustainability of sweet cherry production, native perennial wildflower strips (1 x 95 m) were established in alleyways in ten sweet cherry protected orchards in the West Midlands, UK. The effect of wildflower strips on natural enemies and pollinators and pest regulation and pollination services were investigated over a three-year period (2017 to 2019). The effects on abiotic factors, and fungal disease incidence were also considered. In each orchard, two different management treatments of sown wildflowers were compared; a Standard Wildflower Strip (SWS) managed with a single cut in September; and an Actively Managed Wildflower Strip (AMWS) managed with regular cutting to 20 cm height. These treatments were compared with unsown Control Strips (CS). Wildflower establishment and development over the three-year period was successful, with a cover of 75.7% (± 6.1) by year three. Both wildflower strip treatments increased the number of floral units by over 300% compared to CS, increasing the potential nectar and pollen resources for beneficial arthropods. Wildflower habitats were associated with an increased abundance of natural enemies in the alleyways (73.9% increase) and adjacent cherry trees (12.9% increase) compared to the CS. Resulting pest regulation services were also greater with 25.3% more aphids being depleted from baited cards in wildflower strips. Pollinating insects underpin cherry yields, with 30.2% fruit set in the presence of insects compared to only 1.4% when excluded. Pollinating insects also responded positively to wildflower strips with increased abundance. However, during the cherry blossom period only abundance was greater in AMWS with an associated 6.1% increase in fruit set. No differences between treatments were recorded with regards to humidity and temperature under protective covers, and the incidence of fungal disease was not increased. Supplementary pollination experiments indicated pollination deficits in the study orchards with the value of pollinating insects to sweet cherry in the UK estimated at £11.3 million (£14.7K ha-1). Although increases to £25.6K ha-1 could be achieved if pollination was optimised. In conclusion, this study has shown that wildflower strips can be effective in enhancing ecosystem services delivered by natural enemies and pollinators in intensive sweet cherry orchards under protective covers. The establishment of wildflower strips in alleyways between rows is therefore recommended for cherry growers, with greater benefits being delivered with regular cutting to a height of 20 cm (AMWS). The adoption of wildflower strips could allow growers to reduce PPP inputs and still increase cherry yields and profitability

    Wildflower Strip Establishment for the Delivery of Ecosystem Services in Sweet Cherry Orchards

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    The practice of introducing wildflower habitats in cropped areas is an approach that can be used to enhance ecosystem services. The value of such an approach will be affected by the establishment success of the sown species. To investigate this, 12 strips of wildflower habitat were established in alleyways between rows of cherry trees at three sites in the West Midlands (UK). The establishment of plants in sown strips was compared to six untreated alleyways that received conventional management. Eight forb species and one grass species was sown in strips measuring 1 m × 95 m. The establishment success of the sown species and their contribution to the vegetation of the alleyway was determined using percentage cover assessments in replicate quadrats. Dactylis glomerata, Leucanthemum vulgare, Prunella vulgaris and Lotus corniculatus established most consistently and with greater cover values in the sown strips. However, the sown strips were also associated with a greater abundance of unsown species, some of which are classed as weeds

    Wildflower strips in polytunnel cherry orchard alleyways support pest regulation services but do not counteract edge effects on pollination services

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    Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) production relies on modern growing practices like polytunnel coverings to improve yields but this may interrupt arthropod-mediated ecosystem services. The distribution of beneficial arthropods (natural enemies and flower visitors) and the ecosystem services they provide may be affected under polytunnel systems, especially at orchard edges. Across 10 commercial cherry orchards grown in polytunnels, we explored how wildflower strips mitigated edge effects on beneficial arthropods and pest regulation and pollination services. In each orchard, we established a standard wildflower strip (SWS; single cut at the end of the season) and an actively managed wildflower strip (AMWS; regularly cut at 20 cm height) between tree rows and compared this to a conventional control strip (CS). We recorded natural enemies in alleyways and cherry trees post-cherry anthesis (flowering) and flower visitors during and post-cherry anthesis at different distances from the orchard edge (2017–2019). In 2019, we deployed insect prey bait cards in trees to measure pest regulation services and recorded fruit quality (2017–2019) and fruit set (2018–2019) to measure pollination services. Distance from the orchard edge did not affect natural enemy density or diversity in any year or under any alleyway treatment, but pest regulation services decreased towards orchard centres with CS (by 33.0% reduction). Flower visitor density (−34% individuals) and diversity declined with distance from the edge during cherry anthesis. For post-cherry anthesis, marginal negative edge effects were observed for flower visitor density and diversity and behaviour. Overall, fruit set decreased towards the orchard centre while fruit quality increased. Our results suggest that wildflower strips are an effective tool to mitigate edge effects on pest regulation services but have limited effects on flower visitors and pollination

    Wildflower strips in polytunnel cherry orchard alleyways support pest regulation services but do not counteract edge effects on pollination services

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    Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) production relies on modern growing practices like polytunnel coverings to improve yields but this may interrupt arthropod-mediated ecosystem services. The distribution of beneficial arthropods (natural enemies and flower visitors) and the ecosystem services they provide may be affected under polytunnel systems, especially at orchard edges. Across 10 commercial cherry orchards grown in polytunnels, we explored how wildflower strips mitigated edge effects on beneficial arthropods and pest regulation and pollination services. In each orchard, we established a standard wildflower strip (SWS; single cut at the end of the season) and an actively managed wildflower strip (AMWS; regularly cut at 20 cm height) between tree rows and compared this to a conventional control strip (CS). We recorded natural enemies in alleyways and cherry trees post-cherry anthesis (flowering) and flower visitors during and post-cherry anthesis at different distances from the orchard edge (2017-2019). In 2019, we deployed insect prey bait cards in trees to measure pest regulation services and recorded fruit quality (2017-2019) and fruit set (2018-2019) to measure pollination services. Distance from the orchard edge did not affect natural enemy density or diversity in any year or under any alleyway treatment, but pest regulation services decreased towards orchard centres with CS (by 33.0% reduction). Flower visitor density (-34% individuals) and diversity declined with distance from the edge during cherry anthesis. For post-cherry anthesis, marginal negative edge effects were observed for flower visitor density and diversity and behaviour. Overall, fruit set decreased towards the orchard centre while fruit quality increased. Our results suggest that wildflower strips are an effective tool to mitigate edge effects on pest regulation services but have limited effects on flower visitors and pollination

    Field Suppression of Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) (Drosophila suzukii Matsumura) Using the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)

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    Drosophila suzukii (spotted wing drosophila—SWD) is an economically important pest of soft and stone fruit worldwide. Control relies on broad-spectrum insecticides, which are neither fully effective nor environmentally sustainable. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a proven, effective and environmentally friendly pest-management tool. Here, we investigated, for the first time, the potential of using SIT to control D. suzukii in field conditions without physical barriers that limit insect invasion. A proprietary method of rearing and irradiation with X-rays was used to obtain males that were > 99% sterile. Sterile males were released twice per week from April to October 2021 on a site in Kent, UK, where everbearing strawberries were grown in open polytunnels. The infestation of wild female D. suzukii was monitored weekly using red sticky traps with dry lure at the treated site and at two similar control sites that did not receive sterile male releases. Releases of sterile males suppressed the wild female D. suzukii population by up to 91% in comparison with the control sites. We thus demonstrated the feasibility of SIT to achieve season-long control of D. suzukii using early, sustained and dynamically targeted releases of sterile males. This provides a promising environmentally friendly method to control this important pest