371 research outputs found

    Job Satisfaction of the Employees in the Mobile Phone Corporates in Bangladesh: A Case Study

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    Optimizing employee satisfaction is a key to the success of any business that relies on a variety of organizational and psycho-economic factors. This study was conducted to identify that sort of key factors, which are responsible to influence on the overall job satisfaction in the growing mobile phone corporate in Bangladesh. The phone corporates, which are included here in the study, are Grameen Phone (GP), Bangla Link and Aktel. The factors included in the investigation as independent variables are Compensation Package, Supervision, Career Growth, Training and Development, Working atmosphere, Company Loyalty and Performance Appraisal. The result indicates that training and performance appraisal, work atmosphere, compensation package, supervision, and company loyalty are the key factors that impact on employees’ job satisfaction in these corporations. The study also finds that the employees of these three corporations possessed above of the moderate level and positive attitude towards job satisfaction, which could be nudged up to excellent status of employee satisfaction if the management takes those identified factors with a little more rigorous weight into their considerations and acts further accordingly.

    Quantum transport at the Dirac point: Mapping out the minimum conductivity from pristine to disordered graphene

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    The phase space for graphene's minimum conductivity σmin\sigma_\mathrm{min} is mapped out using Landauer theory modified for scattering using Fermi's Golden Rule, as well as the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) simulation with a Monte Carlo sampling over impurity distributions. The resulting `fan diagram' spans the range from ballistic to diffusive over varying aspect ratios (W/LW/L), and bears several surprises. {The device aspect ratio determines how much tunneling (between contacts) is allowed and becomes the dominant factor for the evolution of σmin\sigma_{min} from ballistic to diffusive regime. We find an increasing (for W/L>1W/L>1) or decreasing (W/L<1W/L<1) trend in σmin\sigma_{min} vs. impurity density, all converging around 128q2/π3h∼4q2/h128q^2/\pi^3h\sim 4q^2/h at the dirty limit}. In the diffusive limit, the {conductivity} quasi-saturates due to the precise cancellation between the increase in conducting modes from charge puddles vs the reduction in average transmission from scattering at the Dirac Point. In the clean ballistic limit, the calculated conductivity of the lowest mode shows a surprising absence of Fabry-P\'{e}rot oscillations, unlike other materials including bilayer graphene. We argue that the lack of oscillations even at low temperature is a signature of Klein tunneling
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