14 research outputs found

    The Lead-up to the Education for All Conference in 1990: Framing the Global Consensus

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    This paper gives an account of the author\u27s experience on the Steering Group of the Education for All Conference from 1989 to 1990. The main purpose is to give a firsthand account, based on primary sources, of the discussions that took place in the meetings and the editing of the documents leading up to the EFA Conference in Jomtien. This participant-observer account is based on draft documents circulated and verbatim notes taken during the preparation stage and the conference itself. The conclusion is that the original neo-liberal economic approach to improving basic education was retained in the final documents because alternative approaches were largely discouraged or reduced to small editorial changes. The main mechanisms for ensuring this result were the drafting and publicizing of the original documents as the basis for building a “global consensus” with little time or opportunity for changing the basic assumptions underlying the suggestions for research and reform

    Comparative Education In Canadian Universities

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    The first section of this article provides a brief overview of the field in Canada, and in so doing, demonstrates the broad nature of Comparative Education within the Canadian context. The second section of this article provides an overview of the comparative and international education programmes, specialization areas and courses in Canadian higher education institutions, focusing on three stages in the history of Comparative Education in Canada: the 1950s-1970s (Establishment of Comparative Education); the 1980s -1990s (Fragmentation of Comparative Education); and the 2000s (Broadening Comparative Education). While the focus in this article is on Comparative Education in graduate university programmes, a discussion about Comparative Education in teacher education is also included here. Two tables are presented which summarize changes in the field over the past 50 years and the titles of specific courses related to Comparative Education offered in Canadian universities. A discussion of the current state of Comparative Education in Canadian higher education follows with a few concluding explanatory comments about the current state of the field. Dans la première partie de cet article nous offrons un panorama de ce champ au Canada, et en le faisant, nous démontrons la nature étendue de l\u27éducation comparée dans le contexte canadien. Dans la deuxième partie, nous donnons un aperçu sur les programmes, les domaines spécialisés, et les cours sur l\u27éducation comparée et internationale offerts dans les institutions d\u27études supérieures du Canada. Nous les donnons suivant les trois étapes de l\u27histoire de l\u27éducation comparée au Canada: pendant les décennies 1950-1970 (l\u27établissement de l\u27éducation comparée); pendant les décennies 1980-1990 (la fragmentation de l\u27éducation comparée); et dans les années 2000 (l\u27élargissement de l\u27éducation comparée). Le but principal de cet article est d\u27élaborer l\u27éducation comparée aux programmes d\u27études supérieures mais nous y parlons aussi de l\u27éducation comparée dans la formation des enseignants et des enseignantes. Deux tableaux donnent le sommaire des changements dans le domaine pendant les cinquante dernières années et le nom des cours offerts dans les universités canadiennes, ayant un trait spécifique avec l\u27éducation comparée. Nous présentons aussi l\u27état actuel de l\u27éducation comparée enseignée dans les universités canadiennes et terminons par quelques commentaires explicatifs sur l\u27état actuel de ce domaine d\u27étude

    50 Years of the CIESC - Looking Back and Envisioning Forward: Reflections from Past-Presidents

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    This paper stems from the panel of past Presidents of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIESC) that was part of the 2017 conference of the CIESC. The theme of the panel was “Looking Back, Visioning Forward: The Promise of Comparative and International Education” and the panelists were asked to present their perspectives based on their experiences as past Presidents of the Society. Their reflections were gathered to create this combined piece, in order to capture their insights on the past, present and future of comparative and international education

    Revista de educación

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    Se examina que las concepciones de las formas de saber limitan y restringen la auténtica definición de la educación comparada. Se trata la relación entre la práctica escolar y la investigación académica desde la perspectiva de los profesores o directores. Se examina la cuestión desde el punto de vista histórico.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Cultural Plurali sm and Common Curriculum

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    Bilingual and Multicultural Education: Canadian Perspectives

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