12 research outputs found

    The Use of Computer Visualization in the Analysis of Breathing Curves

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    Researchers in diverse domains use advanced computer techniques to describe complex entities and processes and impressively visualize those which are often unavailable for direct observation. However, one should emphasize that computer visualization conception implies more than just a convenient, impressive, or high rate information transfer. It also considers a problem of perception, processing, and further cultivation of such important personal qualities as intuition, professional "talent", and figurative thinking which are of value for experts in any domain. Computer visualization comprises traditionally such sophisticated techniques as computer graphics, animation and virtual reality. Traditionally, computer graphics has delivered strong instruments for creating, processing, and interacting with data representations. Interactive paradigm has led to emergence of a new scope within the problem of artificial intelligence, which is called cognitive computer graphics. The use of cognitive graphics allows physicians, analyzing modest volume of information, to draw significant conclusions. In whole, cognitive graphics forms a separate subfield in medical research. Visualization provides experts with data in current state of patients just to monitor their conditions continuously. In this article, we show the use of computer visualization to study characteristics (including network imprints) of such a common disease as bronchial asthma. The patients were grouped according to influence degree of psychological factors to the occurrence, progression and course stages of the disease. The study focuses on comparison and analysis of the patient' spirograms and demonstrate presence of physiological and psycho-physiological features among patients with diagnoses of bronchial asthma. In this respect computer visualization provides a solid platform for thorough research and deep analysis in spirometry

    Multidimensional data analysis with NovoSpark Visualizer

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    Modelling of Adaptation Strategies for Different Entities

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    Traditional methods for studying human adaptation characteristics allow us to estimate the dynamics of the individual parameters of the body and under the influence of a large number of unaccounted factors that give reliable results only if significant gross abnormalities. For quantitative characteristics of the adaptation process in the paper considers the entropy indicators of biosystems that allow to estimate not the absolute values ​​of the physiological (or any other) characteristics of the condition of the body, and the tendency of their changes under the influence of external factors or conditions. The authors consider the possibility of applying this approach to the studies of the students' adaptation to training in high school. In this paper also we attempt to build models of adaptive processes stakeholders

    Modelling of Adaptation Strategies for Different Entities

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    Traditional methods for studying human adaptation characteristics allow us to estimate the dynamics of the individual parameters of the body and under the influence of a large number of unaccounted factors that give reliable results only if significant gross abnormalities. For quantitative characteristics of the adaptation process in the paper considers the entropy indicators of biosystems that allow to estimate not the absolute values ​​of the physiological (or any other) characteristics of the condition of the body, and the tendency of their changes under the influence of external factors or conditions. The authors consider the possibility of applying this approach to the studies of the students' adaptation to training in high school. In this paper also we attempt to build models of adaptive processes stakeholders

    Students’ Competence Assessment Methods

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    The problem of establishing methods and technologies for the assessment of students’ competence is still relevant. Introduction of competence-based approach at Russian universities (in the framework of the existing State Educational Standards) did not solve the problem. The development of efficient methods and measuring procedures of competence assessment is possible only on the basis of mathematical modeling and system analysis

    A Technique for Assessment of Parallelism of Specialized Test Variants Using Statistical Methods

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    The paper offers a technique for evaluation of parallelism of ongoing student assessment test variants on the basis of statistical methods through the example of tests in mathematics. The authors analyze the test results of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University students and make adequate conclusions regarding parallelism of text variants

    Ontological simulation for educational process organisation in a higher educational institution

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    Following the new-generation standards is needed to form a task list connected with planning and organizing of an academic process, structure and content formation of degree programmes. Even when planning the structure and content of an academic process, one meets some problems concerning the necessity to assess the correlation between degree programmes and demands of educational and professional standards and to consider today's job-market and students demands. The paper presents examples of ontological simulations for solutions of organizing educational process problems in a higher educational institution and gives descriptions of model development. The article presents two examples: ontological simulation when planning an educational process in a higher educational institution and ontological simulation for describing competences of an IT-specialist. The paper sets a conclusion about ontology application perceptiveness for formalization of educational process organization in a higher educational institution

    Public health component in building information modeling

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    A building information modelling (BIM) conception has established itself as an effective and practical approach to plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. Analysis of the governance literature has shown that the BIM-developed tools do not take fully into account the growing demands from ecology and health fields. In this connection, it is possible to offer an optimal way of adapting such tools to the necessary consideration of the sanitary and hygienic specifications of materials used in construction industry. It is proposed to do it through the introduction of assessments that meet the requirements of national sanitary standards. This approach was demonstrated in the case study of Revit® program

    The use of computer visualization in the analysis of breathing curves

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    Researchers in diverse domains use advanced computer techniques to describe complex entities and processes and impressively visualize those which are often unavailable for direct observation. However, one should emphasize that computer visualization conception implies more than just a convenient, impressive, or high rate information transfer. It also considers a problem of perception, processing, and further cultivation of such important personal qualities as intuition, professional "talent", and figurative thinking which are of value for experts in any domain. Computer visualization comprises traditionally such sophisticated techniques as computer graphics, animation and virtual reality. Traditionally, computer graphics has delivered strong instruments for creating, processing, and interacting with data representations. Interactive paradigm has led to emergence of a new scope within the problem of artificial intelligence, which is called cognitive computer graphics. The use of cognitive graphics allows physicians, analyzing modest volume of information, to draw significant conclusions. In whole, cognitive graphics forms a separate subfield in medical research. Visualization provides experts with data in current state of patients just to monitor their conditions continuously. In this article, we show the use of computer visualization to study characteristics (including network imprints) of such a common disease as bronchial asthma. The patients were grouped according to influence degree of psychological factors to the occurrence, progression and course stages of the disease. The study focuses on comparison and analysis of the patient' spirograms and demonstrate presence of physiological and psycho-physiological features among patients with diagnoses of bronchial asthma. In this respect computer visualization provides a solid platform for thorough research and deep analysis in spirometry

    Network Platform for Tourism Sector: Transformation and Interpretation of Multifaceted Data

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    Modern network science has become a prominent concept, attracting diverse scientific societies to solve a wide spectrum of theoretical and practical problems. Tourism is a sphere wherein the outlines of the network’s scope are distinct. In the study, the network approach was applied in its dual form for both network-like regional tourism data (NLRTD) and network-unlike regional tourism data (NURTD), to explore the tourism destination of Baikal natural territory, Russia, in regard to the challenges of the general sustainability of regional socio-ecological systems. The aim of the study is to elaborate a comprehensive network platform to harmonize such complex and fragile systems as Baikal natural territory. Saturated with networking ideology, the approach spans a huge set of interacting social, technological and ecological elements of the comprehensive system in order to support its functionality and sustainability in general. Particularly, the paper utilizes data from interviews done in Olkhon island (2017–2018), and publicly available textual, spatial and temporal data. NLRTD with pertinent networkization procedures was utilized in transportation schemes, while the NURTD concept implies the networkalization of landscape and land use maps. The platform provides researchers and stakeholders with concentrated information which might be not only effectively processed, but also intelligible, and correctly compared and implemented in contiguous spheres