301 research outputs found

    Importance of the Two Dissimilatory (Nar) Nitrate Reductases in the Growth and Nitrate Reduction of the Methylotrophic Marine Bacterium Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens JAM1

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    Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens JAM1 is the only reported Methylophaga species capable of growing under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as electron acceptor. Its genome encodes a truncated denitrification pathway, which includes two nitrate reductases, Nar1 and Nar2; two nitric oxide reductases, Nor1 and Nor2; and one nitrous oxide reductase, Nos; but no nitrite reductase (NirK or NirS). The transcriptome of strain JAM1 cultivated with nitrate and methanol under anaerobic conditions showed the genes for these enzymes were all expressed. We investigated the importance of Nar1 and Nar2 by knocking out narG1, narG2 or both genes. Measurement of the specific growth rate and the specific nitrate reduction rate of the knockout mutants JAM1ΔnarG1 (Nar1) and JAM1ΔnarG2 (Nar2) clearly demonstrated that both Nar systems contributed to the growth of strain JAM1 under anaerobic conditions, but at different levels. The JAM1ΔnarG1 mutant exhibited an important decrease in the nitrate reduction rate that consequently impaired its growth under anaerobic conditions. In JAM1ΔnarG2, the mutation induced a 20-h lag period before nitrate reduction occurred at specific rate similar to that of strain JAM1. The disruption of narG1 did not affect the expression of narG2. However, the expression of the Nar1 system was highly downregulated in the presence of oxygen with the JAM1ΔnarG2 mutant. These results indicated Nar1 is the major nitrate reductase in strain JAM1 but Nar2 appears to regulate the expression of Nar1

    Contribution à l'étude des carbonates, des borates, des silicates et des arséniates

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201

    Réussite scolaire, symptômes anxieux et dépressifs rapport de recherche /

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    "La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le Ministère de l'éducation, du loisir et du sport dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)"Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 19 février 2008).Également disponible en format papier.Bibliogr

    RELAP-7 Level 2 Milestone Report: Demonstration of a Steady State Single Phase PWR Simulation with RELAP-7

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    The document contains the simulation results of a steady state model PWR problem with the RELAP-7 code. The RELAP-7 code is the next generation nuclear reactor system safety analysis code being developed at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The code is based on INL's modern scientific software development framework - MOOSE (Multi-Physics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment). This report summarizes the initial results of simulating a model steady-state single phase PWR problem using the current version of the RELAP-7 code. The major purpose of this demonstration simulation is to show that RELAP-7 code can be rapidly developed to simulate single-phase reactor problems. RELAP-7 is a new project started on October 1st, 2011. It will become the main reactor systems simulation toolkit for RISMC (Risk Informed Safety Margin Characterization) and the next generation tool in the RELAP reactor safety/systems analysis application series (the replacement for RELAP5). The key to the success of RELAP-7 is the simultaneous advancement of physical models, numerical methods, and software design while maintaining a solid user perspective. Physical models include both PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) and ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations) and experimental based closure models. RELAP-7 will eventually utilize well posed governing equations for multiphase flow, which can be strictly verified. Closure models used in RELAP5 and newly developed models will be reviewed and selected to reflect the progress made during the past three decades. RELAP-7 uses modern numerical methods, which allow implicit time integration, higher order schemes in both time and space, and strongly coupled multi-physics simulations. RELAP-7 is written with object oriented programming language C++. Its development follows modern software design paradigms. The code is easy to read, develop, maintain, and couple with other codes. Most importantly, the modern software design allows the RELAP-7 code to evolve with time. RELAP-7 is a MOOSE-based application. MOOSE (Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment) is a framework for solving computational engineering problems in a well-planned, managed, and coordinated way. By leveraging millions of lines of open source software packages, such as PETSC (a nonlinear solver developed at Argonne National Laboratory) and LibMesh (a Finite Element Analysis package developed at University of Texas), MOOSE significantly reduces the expense and time required to develop new applications. Numerical integration methods and mesh management for parallel computation are provided by MOOSE. Therefore RELAP-7 code developers only need to focus on physics and user experiences. By using the MOOSE development environment, RELAP-7 code is developed by following the same modern software design paradigms used for other MOOSE development efforts. There are currently over 20 different MOOSE based applications ranging from 3-D transient neutron transport, detailed 3-D transient fuel performance analysis, to long-term material aging. Multi-physics and multiple dimensional analyses capabilities can be obtained by coupling RELAP-7 and other MOOSE based applications and by leveraging with capabilities developed by other DOE programs. This allows restricting the focus of RELAP-7 to systems analysis-type simulations and gives priority to retain and significantly extend RELAP5's capabilities

    Étude d'une bactérie dénitrifiante du Biodôme de Montréal

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    Le nitrate est une molécule soluble qui diffuse rapidement dans les eaux de surfaces et les eaux souterraines, contaminant ainsi l’eau potable. Le nitrate contribue à l’eutrophisation des lacs et des rivières et devient toxique pour les animaux à partir de certaines concentrations. Methylophaga nitratireducticrescens JAM1 est une bactérie méthylotrophe isolée à partir d'un système de dénitrification d'eau de mer supplémenté en méthanol au Biodôme de Montréal. Cette bactérie compose à elle seule plus de 50% du biofilm dénitrifiant retrouvé dans le système de dénitrification. Contrairement aux autres espèces de Methylophaga, la souche JAM1 possède la particularité de croitre dans des conditions dénitrifiantes en présence de nitrate et de méthanol. La croissance de JAM1 dans les conditions dénitrifiantes, réduisant le nitrate en nitrite, est corrélée avec la présence de deux gènes codant pour des nitrate reductase narG. Le génome de JAM1 a été séquencé et consiste en un chromosome de 3,137,192 bp. Le séquençage du génome de JAM1 a confirmé la présence de deux opérons nar mais aussi de deux opérons nor (nitric oxide reductase) et d'un opéron nos (nitrous oxide reductase). De plus, une sequence nirK codant pour une nitrite reductase tronquée de 82 acides aminés a été trouvée, ce qui pourrait expliquer que la souche JAM1 est seulement capable de réduire le nitrate en nitrite. Notre travail consiste à étudier les gènes de dénitrification de la souche JAM1. Les deux gènes narG sont exprimés aussi bien en conditions aérobies que dénitrifiantes. Par ailleurs, les autres gènes liés à la dénitrification sont également exprimés, incluant le nirK tronqué. Des mesures d'expression ont montré que les gènes narG étaient exprimés différemment en fonction des conditions de cultures. Un mutant knockout de narG1 a montré de grosses différences de croissance et de taux de réduction du nitrate par rapport à la souche sauvage. Des différences d'expression du gène narG2 entre le mutant narG1 et la souche sauvage ont également été démontrées. La construction du mutant knockout narG2 est en cours et permettra de révéler l'importance de ce gène pour la croissance de la bactérie et la réduction du nitrate
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