331 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Benefits of Electronic Commerce in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This paper outlines and analyses the behaviors of small and medium enterprises with respect to the evaluation of electronic commerce investments, and the subsequent realization of the anticipated benefits from those investments. The responses of executives who participated in the study suggested that on-going involvement in electronic commerce did not come cheaply. Nonetheless, our study suggests that there were generally ad hoc approaches to evaluation of the proposed electronic commerce investments, almost non-existent post-implementation reviews, few measures of success, and generally speaking, there was little evidence of there being proactive management of the realization of benefits of those investments. Perhaps not surprisingly, the group interviewed seemed somewhat disappointed with the outcomes of their electronic commerce initiatives. The implications of these findings are discussed, particularly for countries where small and medium enterprises contribute a large proportion of total economic activity, and where thus it is vital for small and medium enterprises to successfully engage in electronic commerce if the country is to derive the benefits of the new economy

    Rethinking Information Systems Planning in Strategic Business Networks

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    As business grow more and more interconnected and hence increasingly reliant on information technology (IT), there is the temptation to argue that careful planning of the information systems (IS) and IT resources in an organisation becomes even more imperative. However, an alternative view might suggest that in rapidly changing and turbulent environments, planning becomes somewhat of an anachronism, and that if flexibility is to be maintained ponderous planning activity should be avoided at all cost. The authors concur that formal, rationalistic, bureaucratic planning is probably in no-one’s best interests, but also argue that no planning is not necessarily an appropriate way forward. Instead they propose a new framework to support IS/IT planning in such interconnected environments or strategic business networks (SBNs). This framework seeks to avoid heavy, bureaucratic processes but argues that IS/IT adopts a role of such central importance, that instead, planning must become part of day-to-day thinking and acting with respect to the business and its use of IT. This thinking and acting must not only take place within the confines of a single organisation, but must as well, embrace the IS/IT inheritance and infrastructure of all organisations in the SBN. This is not simply a technological issue, but must include consideration of a range of organisational, cultural, and political issues. The framework must support the creation of shared vision and values, and an understanding of the use of IT for both self and mutual advantage

    Science, Design, and Design Science: Seeking Clarity to Move Design Science Research Forward in Information Systems

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    This paper examines the fundamental nature of science, design, hence design science and design research, with a view to determining a conceptualisation of design science that is useful in the discipline of information systems (IS). After reviewing several notions of design, the paper recommends a conceptualisation that involves a broad practice-based view of design, an inclusive conceptualisation of design science, and a diverse and multi-paradigmatic approach to design research. The paper recommends that the design task in IS be conceived as one that includes rather than strips away the social and organizational context of the IT artifact, and this impacts the breadth of topics embraced by design science, and the types of methods employed to further enquiry in the field

    Deriving Business Value from IT: Converging IT Expenditures into Assets with Desired Impacts

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    The research reported in this paper examines how business value is being created and delivered by IT in large private organisations in Australia. The critical organisational governance and management activities and practices that contribute significantly to business value were identified and described, using a process model of Soh and Markus (1995) as a lens by which CIO statements were organised, understood and interpreted. Broad concepts associated with value delivery were identified, and the key elements of IT governance were then abstracted from these practices. The research also confirmed that a substantial change had been occurring over the past few years, with a rigorous focus on building capabilities and relationships with key business stakeholders apparent, with the deliberate intent of integrating IT investments with business change initiatives, and thus a business-centric focus was replacing what was perceived to have been a largely technological focus of previous years. However, while the broadly defined activities associated with strategy and evaluation were being paid close attention, CIOs were still at times hesitant and grappling with the issues associated with benefits realisation initiatives

    Quality and Rigour of Action Research in Information Systems

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    This paper discusses nature of action research, and its particular strengths in disciplines such as information systems (IS). However concerns are raised about the quality and rigour of the conduct and reporting of action research studies. Criteria for quality and rigour of qualitative research generally, and for action research in particular, are discussed and analysed. These then form the basis of a framework put forward to guide potential action researchers through issues such as the design, conduct, and presentation of their research, with the aim of improving relevance and rigour in action research studies

    A Review of Design Science in Information Systems

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    This paper gives an appraisal of recent writings on design science in the information systems discipline. The authors believe that the new emphasis on design could be an insightful way to look at the discipline as long as the focus and emphasis of design science is broadened from a technical software engineering perspective to include and embrace the necessary social and organizational considerations. In addition, some potential confusions that surface in the recent design science publications are discussed, including conflating design activity with research. We argue that a reappraisal of some issues of concern may be required to ensure that design science fulfills its promise of building knowledge of design and improving practice in information systems

    Senior Recital: Robert Marshall, violoncello

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Mr. Marshall studies cello with Charae Krueger.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1468/thumbnail.jp

    The breeding ecology of the painted redstart

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    The Painted Redstart (Setophaga picta) is a conspicuous bird of those southwestern riparian habitats with dense overstories, thick undergrowth, and permanent or semi-permanent water. Although the bird is easily observed because of its persistent calling, singing, and acrobatic tactics, its general behavior and breeding biology are not well known. Bent (1953) gives a brief account of the life history of this species, and Brandt (1951) and Marshall (1957) discuss the peculiar tail-fanning behavior that these birds so frequently exhibit. Verner and Willson (1969)) in their extensive review of reproductive patterns of North American passerines, indicate no references for the Painted Redstart. The purpose of this study is to provide information on the behavior, breeding habits, and life history of this species at the northern edge of its breeding range. Further, the taxonomic status of the Painted Redstart has not been totally resolved (Parkes 1961; Phillips et al. 1964)) and field studies may supply valuable information to help resolve this problem. The American Redstart (Setophaga ruticillu) is much better known than the Painted Redstart because of the studies by Hickey (1940) on territoriality, those of Baker (1944) and Sturm (1945) on nesting activities, and the varied works by Ficken (1961, 1962, 1963, 1965) and Ficken and Ficken ( 1965, 1967)

    Power relations in IS projects – a critical review and a new research agenda

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    This paper seeks to review and examine the major theoretical underpinnings of research into power relations in IS projects. In order to keep the review manageable and to furnish a reasonable explanation of the ideas and papers referenced, the review is restricted to the ideas of Foucault, Giddens and Clegg. Partly, this restriction was due to the wish of the authors to deal seriously with the ideas presented, and not to produce an exhaustive but terse and taxonomic style review. Partly, the selection of the above theorists is due to the fact that the major IS papers on power relations have drawn on their work. This paper concludes with the presentation of a new theory of power and social influence from social psychology suitable for use in IS research. The ideas of this theory have not yet been examined empirically. Thus, IS researchers are challenged to employ these ideas in their empirical research.<br /
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