46 research outputs found

    On Entropy and Bit Patterns of Ring Oscillator Jitter

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    Thermal jitter (phase noise) from a free-running ring oscillator is a common, easily implementable physical randomness source in True Random Number Generators (TRNGs). We show how to evaluate entropy, autocorrelation, and bit pattern distributions of ring oscillator noise sources, even with low jitter levels or some bias. Entropy justification is required in NIST 800-90B and AIS-31 testing and for applications such as the RISC-V entropy source extension. Our numerical evaluation algorithms outperform Monte Carlo simulations in speed and accuracy. We also propose a new lower bound estimation formula for the entropy of ring oscillator sources which applies more generally than previous ones.Comment: 6 page

    Ring-LWE Ciphertext Compression and Error Correction: Tools for Lightweight Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    Some lattice-based public key cryptosystems allow one to transform ciphertext from one lattice or ring representation to another efficiently and without knowledge of public and private keys. In this work we explore this lattice transformation property from cryptographic engineering viewpoint. We apply ciphertext transformation to compress Ring-LWE ciphertexts and to enable efficient decryption on an ultra-lightweight implementation targets such as Internet of Things, Smart Cards, and RFID applications. Significantly, this can be done without modifying the original encryption procedure or its security parameters. Such flexibility is unique to lattice-based cryptography and may find additional, unique real-life applications. Ciphertext compression can significantly increase the probability of decryption errors. We show that the frequency of such errors can be analyzed, measured and used to derive precise failure bounds for nn-bit error correction. We introduce XECC, a fast multi-error correcting code that allows constant time implementation in software. We use these tools to construct and explore TRUNC8, a concrete Ring-LWE encryption and authentication system. We analyze its implementation, security, and performance. We show that our lattice compression technique reduces ciphertext size by more than 40% at equivalent security level, while also enabling public key cryptography on previously unreachable ultra-lightweight platforms. The experimental public key encryption and authentication system has been implemented on an 8-bit AVR target, where it easily outperforms elliptic curve and RSA-based proposals at similar security level. Similar results have been obtained with a Cortex M0 implementation. The new decryption code requires only a fraction of the software footprint of previous Ring-LWE implementations with the same encryption parameters, and is well suited for hardware implementation

    WiP: Applicability of ISO Standard Side-Channel Leakage Tests to NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    FIPS 140-3 is the main standard defining security requirements for cryptographic modules in U.S. and Canada; commercially viable hardware modules generally need to be compliant with it. The scope of FIPS 140-3 will also expand to the new NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standards when migration from older RSA and Elliptic Curve cryptography begins. FIPS 140-3 mandates the testing of the effectiveness of ``non-invasive attack mitigations\u27\u27, or side-channel attack countermeasures. At higher security levels 3 and 4, the FIPS 140-3 side-channel testing methods and metrics are expected to be those of ISO 17825, which is based on the older Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) methodology. We discuss how to apply ISO 17825 to hardware modules that implement lattice-based PQC standards for public-key cryptography -- Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) and Digital Signatures. We find that simple ``random key\u27\u27 vs. ``fixed key\u27\u27 tests are unsatisfactory due to the close linkage between public and private components of PQC keypairs. While the general statistical testing approach and requirements can remain consistent with older public-key algorithms, a non-trivial challenge in creating ISO 17825 testing procedures for PQC is the careful design of test vector inputs so that only relevant Critical Security Parameter (CSP) leakage is captured in power, electromagnetic, and timing measurements

    A chosen key attack against the secret S-boxes of GOST

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    I am making this work from August 1998 available for historical reasons. It has been cited as an ``unpublished manuscript\u27\u27 more than two dozen times over the years -- even though it has not been publicly available anywhere for almost 20 years. The short memo describes a simple non-intrusive reverse engineering technique against Russian GOST chips. The technique is based on a slide attack. This may be historically interesting since slide attacks had not been ``invented yet\u27\u27, at least in formal sense. The brief original abstract: We show that a simple ``black box\u27\u27 chosen-key attack against GOST can recover secret S-boxes with approximately 2322^{32} encryptions

    Exploring NIST LWC/PQC Synergy with R5Sneik: How SNEIK 1.1 Algorithms were Designed to Support Round5

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    Most NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) candidate algorithms use symmetric primitives internally for various purposes such as ``seed expansion\u27\u27 and CPA to CCA transforms. Such auxiliary symmetric operations constituted only a fraction of total execution time of traditional RSA and ECC algorithms, but with faster lattice algorithms the impact of symmetric algorithm characteristics can be very significant. A choice to use a specific PQC algorithm implies that its internal symmetric components must also be implemented on all target platforms. This can be problematic for lightweight, embedded (IoT), and hardware implementations. It has been widely observed that current NIST-approved symmetric components (AES, GCM, SHA, SHAKE) form a major bottleneck on embedded and hardware implementation footprint and performance for many of the most efficient NIST PQC proposals. Meanwhile, a separate NIST effort is ongoing to standardize lightweight symmetric cryptography (LWC). Therefore it makes sense to explore which NIST LWC candidates are able to efficiently support internals of post-quantum asymmetric cryptography. We discuss R5Sneik, a variant of Round5 that internally uses SNEIK 1.1 permutation-based primitives instead of SHAKE and AES-GCM. The SNEIK family includes parameter selections specifically designed to support lattice cryptography. R5Sneik is up to 40\% faster than Round5 for some parameter sets on ARM Cortex M4, and has substantially smaller implementation footprint. We introduce the concept of a fast Entropy Distribution Function (EDF), a lightweight diffuser that we expect to have sufficient security properties for lattice seed expansion and many types of sampling, but not for plain encryption or hashing. The same SNEIK 1.1 permutation core (but with a different number of rounds) can also be used to replace AES-GCM as an AEAD when building lightweight cryptographic protocols, halving typical flash footprint on Cortex M4, while boosting performance

    WrapQ: Side-Channel Secure Key Management for Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    Transition to PQC brings complex challenges to builders of secure cryptographic hardware. PQC keys usually need to be stored off-module and protected via symmetric encryption and message authentication codes. Only a short, symmetric Key-Encrypting Key (KEK) can be managed on-chip with trusted non-volatile key storage. For secure use, PQC key material is handled in masked format; as randomized shares. Due to the masked encoding of the key material, algorithm-specific techniques are needed to protect the side-channel security of the PQC key import and export processes. In this work, we study key handling techniques used in real-life secure Kyber and Dilithium hardware. We describe WrapQ, a masking-friendly key-wrapping mechanism designed for lattice cryptography. On a high level, WrapQ protects the integrity and confidentiality of key material and allows keys to be stored outside the main security boundary of the module. Significantly, its wrapping and unwrapping processes minimize side-channel leakage from the KEK integrity/authentication keys as well as the masked Kyber or Dilithium key material payload. We demonstrate that masked Kyber or Dilithium private keys can be managed in a leakage-free fashion from a compact WrapQ format without updating its encoding in non-volatile (or read-only) memory. WrapQ has been implemented in a side-channel secure hardware module. Kyber and Dilithium wrapping and unwrapping functions were validated with 100K traces of ISO 17825 / TVLA-type leakage assessment

    Simple AEAD Hardware Interface (SÆHI) in a SoC: Implementing an On-Chip Keyak/WhirlBob Coprocessor

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    Simple AEAD Hardware Interface (SÆHI) is a hardware cryptographic interface aimed at CAESAR Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms. Cryptographic acceleration is typically achieved either with a coprocessor or via instruction set extensions. ISA modifications require re-engineering the CPU core, making the approach inapplicable outside the realm of open source processor cores. At minimum, we suggest implementing CAESAR AEADs as universal memory-mapped cryptographic coprocessors, synthesizable even on low end FPGA platforms. AEADs complying to SÆHI must also include C language API drivers targeting low-end MCUs that directly utilize the memory mapping in a ``bare metal\u27\u27 fashion. This can also be accommodated on MMU-equipped mid-range CPUs. Extended battery life and bandwidth resulting from dedicated cryptographic hardware is vital for currently dominant computing and communication devices: mobile phones, tablets, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. We argue that these should be priority hardware optimization targets for AEAD algorithms with realistic payload profiles. We demonstrate a fully integrated implementation of WhirlBob and Keyak AEADs on the FPGA fabric of Xilinx Zynq 7010. This low-cost System-on-Chip (SoC) also houses a dual-core Cortex-A9 CPU, closely matching the architecture of many embedded devices. The on-chip coprocessor is accessible from user space with a Linux kernel driver. An integration path exists all the way to end-user applications

    SNEIK on Microcontrollers: AVR, ARMv7-M, and RISC-V with Custom Instructions

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    SNEIK is a family of lightweight cryptographic algorithms derived from a single 512-bit permutation. The SNEIGEN ``entropy distribution function\u27\u27 was designed to speed up certain functions in post-quantum and lattice-based public key algorithms. We implement and evaluate SNEIK algorithms on popular 8-bit AVR and 32-bit ARMv7-M (Cortex M3/M4) microcontrollers, and also describe an implementation for the open-source RISC-V (RV32I) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Our results demonstrate that SNEIK algorithms usually outperform AES and SHA-2/3 on these lightweight targets while having a naturally constant-time design and significantly smaller implementation footprint. The RISC-V architecture is becoming increasingly popular for custom embedded designs that integrate a CPU core with application-specific hardware components. We show that inclusion of two simple custom instructions into the RV32I ISA yields a radical (more than five-fold) speedup of the SNEIK permutation and derived algorithms on that target, allowing us to reach 12.4 cycles/byte SNEIKEN-128 authenticated encryption performance on PQShield\u27s ``Crimson Puppy\u27\u27 RV32I-based SoC. Our performance measurements are for realistic message sizes and have been made using real hardware. We also offer implementation size metrics in terms of RAM, firmware size, and additional FPGA logic for the custom instruction set extensions