15 research outputs found

    Der Gesundheitszustand der ersten bleibenden molaren bei probanden mit gemischter dentition im gebiete von Istra-Kroatien

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    Autor je, ispitujući zdravstveno stanje prvih trajnih molara 2022 ispitanika s mjeÅ”ovitom denticijom, na području Istre, doÅ”ao do slijedećih podataka: u maksili je bilo 16,9% viÅ”e intaktnih, a u mandibuli 2,6% viÅ”e karioznih, 5,9% viÅ”e ekstrahiranih i 8,2% viÅ”e saniranih prvih trajnih molara. Od ukupno 7889 prvih trajnih molara, 33% je bilo intaktnih, 39,6% karioznih, 22,1% saniranih, a 5,3% ekstrahiranih.The health condidion of the first permanent molars was investigated in 2022 subjects with mixed dentition from a region of Istria. The following results were obtained: in the maxillary area there were 16.9% more intact molars, while on the mandible there were 2.6% more molars with caries, 5.9% extracted and 8.2% cured sixth molars. Out of the total of 7889 first permanent molars 33% were intact, 39.6% with caries, 22.1% cured and 5.3% extracted.Bei 2022 Probanden mit gemischter Dentition kam der Autor zu folgenden Informationen Ć¼ber den Gesundheitszustand der ersten bleibenden Molaren: von insgesamt 7889 ersten bleibenden Molaren waren 33% gesund, 39,6% -kariƶs, 22,1% saniert, 5,3% extrahiert. Davon gab es im Oberkiefer 16,9% mehr gesunde ZƤhne, wƤhrend im Unterkiefer 2,6% mehr kariƶs, 5,9% mehr extrahiert, und 8,2% mehr saniert, waren

    [The gonion angle and the growth of the craniofacial complex]

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    Na 161 LL Rtg snimci glave (68 dječaka i 93 djevojčice) ispitanika s mjeÅ”ovitom denticijom ortodontski joÅ” netretiranih željelo se utvrditi: učestalost pojedinih vrsta Jarafoaikovog tipa rasta s obzirom na spol i Angleovu klasu, vrijednosti gonijalnog kuta (Ar-Go-Me) i njegovih komponenata (Ar-Go-N i N-Go-Me) s obzirom na iklasu i tiip rasta, te značajnost razlika gonijalnog kuta i njegovih komponenata s obzirom na klasu i tip rasta. Iznosi gonijalnog kuta i njegovih komponenata razlikuju se s obzirom na klasu i tip rasta. S obzirom na klasu kut Ar-Go-Me bio je najveći kod klase III, kod koje je najveći bio i kut Ar-Go-N, dok je kut N-Go-Me bio najveći kod klase II. S obzirom na tip rasta kut Ar-Go-Me i njegove komponente bili su najveći kod CW rasta. Testirajući značajnost razlika aritmatičkih sredina gonijalnog kuta i njegovih komponenata s obzirom na klasu i tip rasta, utvrđeno je da se one značajno razlikuju na razini značajnosti od 0,01 u većini slučajeva.On 161 profile cephalograms of 69 boys aind 93 girls w.iith mixed dentition not yet orthodonticailly treated, we wished to determine the frequency of individual kinds of the Jarabak type of growth with regard to sex and Class 11/1, the values of the gonion angel (Ar-Go-Me) and its components (Ar-Go- -N and N-Go-Me) with regard to the class and type of growth, and the significance of the variety of the gonion angle and its components with regard to the class and type of growth. The values of the gonion angle and its components differ wlith regard to the class and type of growth. With regard to the class, the angle Ar-Go-Me was the most significant in Class III, as well as the angle Ar-Go-N, while the angle N-Go-Me was the highest in Class II. Regarding the type of growth, the angle Ar-Go-Me and its components were the highest in CW growth. Testing the significance of the various arithmetic means of the gonion angle and its components regarding the class and the type of growth iit was found that they dliffer considerably on the level of significance 0.01 in most oases

    The effect of premature extraction of teeth in the zone of resistance on the eruption of succedaneous teeth

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    Autor je kod 155 ispitanika (77 dječaka i 78 djevojčica) koji osim preranog gubitka jednog od zuba zone odupiranja nisu imali drugih poremećaja u rastu žvačne regije ispitivao učinak preranih ekstrakcija na erupcjiu zuba nasljednika, na osnovu vlastite analize ortopantomografske snimke. S obzirom na grupe ispitivanih zuba utvrdio je da prerane ekstrakcije utiču na ubrzanu erupciju: kod + C + u 30,97%, kod ā€” C ā€” u 28,4%, kod + P1 + u 47,1%, Ikod ā€” Pi ā€” u 38,06%, kod + P2 + u 35,0%, te kod ā€” P2ā€” u 45,0% slučajeva. S obzirom na spol komparacijom erupcije homolognih parova ispitivanih zuba utvrđeno je da su razlike u erupciji zuba učestalije kod dječaka u obje čeljusti (t = 5 P 0,05).In 155 examinees (77 boys and 78 girls) who, apart from the premature loss of one tooth from the zone of resistance had no other disorder in the growth of the masticating region, the effect of premature extraction on the eruption of succedaneous teeth has been studied by analyzing the subjects orthopantomographic findings. With regard to the groups of teeth analyzed, it has been established that premature extractions influenced the accelerated eruption of: + C + in 30.97% of the cases, of ā€” C ā€” in 28.4%, + P1 + in 47.1%, ā€” P1 ā€” in 38.06%, + P + in 35.0% and of ā€” P2 ā€” in 45.0% of the cases. With regard to sex, a comparison of the eruption of homologous pairs of teeth has demonstrated that the differences in the eruption of teeth were more frequent in both jaws in boys (t = 5 P 0.05)

    Differences in the eruption of canines, premolars and second molars between children with eugnathia and malocclusion

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    Istraživanje je poduzeto sa ciljem da se ispita razlika u erupciji C, P1, P2 i M2 između djece s ortodontskom anomalijom i eugnatijom. Materijal je obuhvatio 1758 ispitanika starih od 8 do 13 godina. 1306 ispitanika (690 dječaka i 616 djevojčica) imalo je ortodontsku anomaliju, a 452 (231 dječak i 221 djevojčica) eugnatiju. Ispitivanja su bila na području općina Poreč i Buje u Istri. Ispitanici su s obzirom na dob podijeljeni u 11 razreda - razlika između svakog razreda bila je 6 mjeseci. U radu je analizirana razlika erupcija pojedinog zuba i grupe zuba između djece s eugnatijom i anomalijom za sve dobne razrede. Rezultati prikazani u tablicama i statistički obrađeni ukazuju da između erupcije zuba djece s ortodontskom anomalijom i eugnatijom postoje izvjesne razlike. U 38 dobnih razreda bilo je viÅ”e niklih zuba u grupi djece s anomalijom, u 41 razredu u grupi s eugnatijom, a u 3 dobna razreda % niklih zuba bio je isti u obje grupe. % niklih gornjih očnjaka (t 3,27 P < 0,05) i donjih drugih premolara (t 2 P < 0,05) bio je značajno veći u grupi djece s eugnatijom, a gornjih prvih premolara (t 2,6 P < 0,05) u gruipi djece s ortodontskom anomalijom. Donjih prvih premolara do 9,5 godina, donjih očnjaka do 10 godina, te drugih trajnih molara u obje čeljusti do 10,5 godina bilo je viÅ”e niklih u grupi djece s ortodontskom anomalijom, a iza tog termina u grupi djece s eugnatijom. Erupcija zuba kod djece s ortodontskom anomalijom započinje ranije, a zavrÅ”ava kasnije nego kod djece s eugnatijom.This study was undertaken in order to investigate the differences in the eruption of C, P1, P2 and M2 between the children with malocelusions and those with eugeathia. A cohort of 1758 examinees aged from 8 to 13 year was studied. Malocclusions end eugnathia were found in 1306 (690 boys and 616 girls) and 452 (231 boys and 221 girls) of them, respectively. The investigations were conducted in the regions of Poreč and Buje in Istria. According to age, the examinees were divided into 11 classes, with the age interval of 6 months between the two adjacent classes. Analysis of the differences in the eruption of a particular tooth and a group of teeth between the children with eugnathia and those with malocclusion was carried out for each of the age classes. The results, shown in tables and statistically processeed, point to the existence of certain differences in eruption of the teeth between the children with malocclusions and those with eugnathia. In 38 age classes, more teeth had erupted in the group of children with malocclusion, in 41 age classes the same held true for the group with eugnathia, whereas in 3 age classes identical percentages of the teeth erupted were established in both groups of children. The percentage of the upper canine teeth (t = 3.27, P < 0.05) and other lower premolars (t = 2, P < 0.05) erupted was significantly higher in the group of children with eugnathia, whereas eruption of the upper first premolars (t = 2.6, P < 0.05) achieved a significantly higher percentage in the group of children with malocclusions. Eruption of the lower first premolars, lower canine and other permanent molars by the age of 9.5, 10 and years, respectively, was higher in the group of children with malocclusions, while after this age the eruption percentage was higher in the group of children with eugnathia. In the children with malocclusions, eruption of the teeth begins earlier and terminates later than in those with eugnathia

    Spacing of permanent incisors and its influence on the available space for mandibular canines and premolars

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    U radu su analizirane razlike između raspoloživog prostora u segmentima l2ā€” M i mjerenog od mezioaproksimalne plohe C do mezioaproksimalne plohe M lt odnosno Moyersovim načinom i predvidivih Å”irina kruna C P, i P2 utvrđenih korelacionom metodom uz poznatu vrijednost donje sume inciziva i signifikantnost od 75% kod 158 ispitanika oba spola sa mjeÅ”ovitom denticijom. Isti su obzirom na postav sjekutića podijeljeni u 3 grupe: ona sa normalnim postavom sjekutića, sa zbijenim postavom sjekutića, te s dijastemama između sjekutića. Razlike između predvidivih Å”irina kruna C, Px i P2 i raspoloživog prostora u segmentima l2ā€” M, evaluiranom pomoću obje metode statistički se značajno razlikuju kod grupe sa zbijenim postavom trajnih sjekutića i onih sa dijastemama između sjekutića. Moyersov način mjerenja raspoloživog prostora za smjeÅ”taj C, P, i P., u zubni luk nije prikladan u svrhu evaluacije učinka preranog gubitka zubi zone odupiranja na gubitak prostora u zubnom luku kod spomenutih postava trajnih sjekutića.The report analysed differences between deposal space in segments l2ā€” M | measured from mesioaproximal surface C to mesioaproximal surface M 1, measured by Moyersā€™s method and by predictable width of teeth crowns C, P1 and P2 established by correlation method with known value sum of lower incisors withs significance of 75%, at 158 subejcts both sexes with mixed dentition. In regard to spacing of incisors subjects are distributed in three groups: norm al spacing of incisors, crowding of incisors and the spaces between incisors. Differences among predictable widths of crowns C, P1 and P2 nad desposal space in segments l2ā€” M, evaluated by two methods show statisticly significant differences at groups with crowding of incisors and the spaces between the incisors. Moyers ā€™s method o f measuring desposal space for position C, P1 and P2 in dental arch is not convenient for the effect of evaluation of premature loss of deciduous teeth from resistance zone on the loss of the space in dental arch at mentioned spacing of incisors

    Longitudinal analysis of the development of eugnathia and dysgnathia from the period of primary dentition to permanent dentition

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    Autori su kod 366 ispitanika (190 dječaka i 176 djevojčica) sa teritorija općine Poreč promatrali razvoj eugnatija i disgnatija od perioda mliječne do perioda trajne denticije. Djeca su prvi put pregledana u godini 4,5 ā€” do 5,5 godina, a drugi put kod 12,5 ā€” 13,5 godina. U navedenom intervalu kod ispitanika nisu vrÅ”eni nikakvi ortodontski zahvati. U mliječnoj denticijii ortodontske anomalije pronađene su kod 43,7% ispitanika (39,5% kod dječaka i 48,3% kod djevojčica), a u trajnoj denticiji kod njih 63,7% [61,05% kod dječaka i 66,5% kod djevojčica). Osim značajnog porasta ukupnog broja anomalija (20%, t = 4,3, P < 0,05), značajno je porastao broj kompresijskih anomalija (13,%, t = 3,6, P < 0,05) i ostalih anomalija (8,5%, t = 4,4, P < 0,05). Broj anomalija otvorenog zagriza smanjio se za 21,6% (t = 8,6, P < 0,05). Učestalost progenijskih anomalija, pokrovnog zagriza i unakrsnog zagriza u ispitivanom intervalu nije se značajno promjenila. Å to se tiče Angleovih klasa, kroz period mjeÅ”ovite denticije smanjila se učestalost klase I za 6%, a povećala učestalost klase II za 5,2% i klase III za 0,8%.The development of eugnathia and dysgnathiia from the deciduous dentition period to the permanent dentition period, was observed in 366 examinees (190 boys and 176 girls) from the Poreč commune. Initially, the children were examined at the age of 4.5ā€” 5.5 years, whereas the control visit occurred at the age of 12.5 ā€” 13.5 years. No orthodontic procedures were performed in the children during the mentioned time interval. In the deciduous dentition, orthodontic anomalies were detected in 43.7% of the examinees (39.5% and 48.3% of the boys and girls, respectively), whereas in the permanent dentition such anomalies were found in 63.7% of the children examined (61.05% and 66.5% of the boys and girls, respectively). Besides a striking increase in the total number of anomalies (20%, t = 3.6, p < 0.05), a marked increase was also registered in the number of the compression (13%, t = 3.6, p < 0.05) and other anomaliies (8.5%, t = 4.4, p < 0.05), whereas the number of the open bite anomalies decreased by 21.6% (t = 8.6, p < 0.05). During the study interval, no significant changes occurred in the incidence of the prognathic anomaliies, over bite and cross bite. Concerning the Angleā€™s classes, during the period of mixed dentition, the incidence of classes I, II and 111 increased by 6%, 5.2% and 0.8%, respectively

    Correlation of Space in Segments I2 - Mx and Certain Parameters of the Development of the Orofacial Region Determined by Roentgencephalometric Analysis

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    Radom se željelo ispitati povezanost stanja prostora u segmentima I2-M1 zubnih lukova s tipom rotacije lica. Kao materijal poslužili su sadreni odljevi čeljusti i LL telerendgenogrami glave 109 ispitanika s mjeÅ”ovitom denticijom. Pri ocjeni tipa rotacije lica uzeti su obzir sljedeći rendgenkefalometrijski parametri: Bjƶrkov poligon, segmenti čeljusnoga kuta, međučeljusni kut te odnos stražnje i prednje visine lica. Vrjednovanje prostora u zubnome luku provedeno je metodom po Mayersu uz primjenu tablica predvidljivih Å”irina kruna neniklih očnjaka i pretkutnjaka prilagođednih naÅ”oj populaciji. %2 testom utvrđeno je da između stanja prostora u segmentima I2-M1 obiju čeljusti i analiziranih rendgenokefalometrijskih parametara nema statistički značajne povezanosti.The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between space in segments I2-M1 of dental arches and the type of facial rotation. Plaster casts o f jaws and LL teleroentgenograms of the heads of 109 subjects with mixed dentition served as material. For evaluation of the type of facial rotation the following roentgencephalometric parameters were examined: Bjƶrkā€™s polygon, segments of the mandibular angle, intermaxillary angle and the relation o f the posterior and anterior height of the face. Evaluation of space in the dental arch was carried out according to the method by Meyers, with the application of tables showing the anticipated width o f the crowns o f non-erupted canines and premolars, adjusted to our population. The results o f the %2 test showed that there were no statistically significant correlations between the condition of space in segments I2~M1 in both jaws and the analyzed roentgencephalometric parameters

    Occlusal Anomalies in Children with Mixed Dentition

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    Kod 535 učenika (285 dječaka i 250 djevojčica) starih 6,5-7,5 godina na području općine Poreč, ispitana je učestalost okluzalnih nepravilnosti glede prostorne ravnine kod pojedinih ortodontskih anomalija klasificiranih prema modelu rubno buÅ”ene kartice (Informator br. 331-0558 1227-039/82). Ortodontske anomalije nađene su u 58,69% djece (55,09% dječaka i 62,8% djevojčica). Prerani gubitak, novu potencijalnu ortodontsku anomaliju imalo je 17,20% djece. Okluzalne nepravilnosti utvrđene su u 48,9% ispitanika (47,02% dječaka i 51,2% djevojčica). Najveći broj djece s ortodontskom anomalijom imao je sagitalno-vertikalne nepravilnosti okluzije (19,63%), a zatim sagitalne (10,28%), vertikalne (9,91%), transverzalne (4,48%), sagitalno-transverzalne (2,06%), sagitalno-transverzalno-vertikalne (1,87%), te transverzalno-vertikalne (075%) nepravilnosti. Nepravilnosti okluzije nađene su kod svih ispitanika s: progenijom, pokrovnim, otvorenim i unakrsnim zagrizom. Djeca s ostalim anomalijama imala su okluzalne nepravilnosti u 82,5%, s kompresijama u 62,5%, s dijastemom u 56,67%, te s preranim gubitkom u 14,1% slučajeva.A sample o f 535 school children (285 boys and 250 girls) aged 6,5-7,5 years in the commune o f Poreč was examined for the incidence o f occlusal anomalies with respect to sagittal, vertical and transversal occlusion relationship in some orthodontic anomalies classified in accordance with the edgeperforated card. Orthodontic anomalies were evident in 58,69% o f the children (of whom 55,09% were male and 62,8% female). Premature loss o f teeth was found in 17,20% o f the children. Occlusal anomalies were observed in 48,9% o f the examinees (of whom 47,02% were male and 51,2% female). The majority o f the children with orthodontic anomalies had sagittal-vertical (19,63%), occlusal anomalies, then came in order o f incidence: sagittal (10,28%), vertical (9,91%), transversal (4,48%), sagittal- -transversal (2,06%), sagittal-transversal-vertical (1,87%) and transversal-vertical (0,75%) occlusal anomalies. Occlusal anomalies were found in all o f the children with mandibular prognathism, deep over bite, open bite and cross bite. In 82,5% o f the patients other orthodontic anomalies were observed, o f whom 62,5%, with crowding, 56,67% with diastema and 14,1% with premature loss had occlusal anomalies