135 research outputs found

    Ocena komponenata genetičke varijanse mase 1000 semena kod suncokreta -Helianthus annuus L.-

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    Ten F1 hybrids obtained by crossing five sunflower inbred lines were used to analyze the impact of genes with additive and dominant effects and their interactions on the inheritance of mass 1000 seeds. The linkage among the expected progeny means was tested using the scaling tests method (Mather, 1949), while the estimates of gene effects and mode of inheritance were made by generation mean analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). The additive-dominant model was not proved adequate for all crosses in both years of study. It was adequate in crosses C1, C2, C3 and C5 in the first year and in crosses C3, C8, C9 and C10 in the second year of study. Besides the main gene effects (additive and dominant), epistatic gene effects were also of large importance in the inheritance of this trait. Duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers was found in C1, C4, C5, C6 and C8 in the first year and in crosses C4, C9 and C10 in the second year of study. Complementary epistasis between dominant decreasers was found in cross C10 in the first year and duplicate epistasis between dominant increasers in cross C5 in the second year of study.Kod deset F1 hibrida nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem između pet inbred linija suncokreta po dialelnoj Å”emi analiziranje uticaj gena sa aditivnim i dominantnim efektima kao i njihovih interakcija u nasleđivanju mase 1000 semena. Povezanost između očekivanih srednjih vrednosti potomstava proverena je primenom metode scaling testova (Mather, 1949), a procena genskih efekata i način nasleđivanja urađeni su po metodi Generation Mean Analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). Aditivno-dominantan model nije bio adekvatan kod svih ukrÅ”tanja u obe godine ispitivanja. Bio je adekvatan kod ukrÅ”tanja C1, C2, C3 i C5, u prvoj i kod ukrÅ”tanja C3, C8, C9 i C10 u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Pored glavnih genskih efekata, aditivan i dominantan, u nasleđivanju ovog svojstva veliki značaj imali su i epistatični genski efekti. Duplikatni tip epistatze između dominantnih gena sa negativnim predznakom nađen je kod ukrÅ”tanja C1, C4, C5, C6 i C8 u prvoj i kod ukrÅ”tanja C4, C9 i C10 u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Komplementarna epistaza između dominantnih gena sa negativnim predznakom nađena je kod ukrÅ”tanja Ci0 u prvoj, a duplikatna epistaza između dominantnih gena sa pozitivnim predznakom je nađena u ukrÅ”tanju C5 u drugoj godini ispitivanja

    Combining ability in some varieties of winter oil rape (brassica napus l.)

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    Five winter oil rape varieties (Falcon, Banaćanka, Sremica, Jet Neuf and Samuray) have been studied for general and specific combining abilities, mode of inheritance and gene effects for the number of leaves per plant and stem diameter. The varieties were examined in a diallel set of crosses excluding reciprocals. Falcon was the best general combiner for the number of leaves per plant, Banacanka for stem diameter. Samuray was the poorest general combiner for both traits. Dominance of the better parent and heterosis were expressed in the inheritance of the number of leaves per plant. Heterosis for stem diameter was registered in one cross. Genes with additive effect predominated in the inheritance of the number of leaves per plant, genes with dominant effect in the inheritance of stem diameter. The variety Falcon may be used as a component of synthetic varieties for improvement of the number of leaves per plant, the variety Jet Neuf for improvement of stem diameter

    Kombinirajuće sposobnosti sorti uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    The global acreage under rapeseed increases steadily. Rapeseed is grown for oil for human consumption, feed and biodiesel production. For faster advances in breeding, it is necessary to know variability and combining ability of selection material i.e. modes of inheritance of certain traits. General (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) of five rapeseed varieties as well as the mode of inheritance of plant height, height to the first lateral branch, number of lateral branches and seed yield per plant were analyzed in this paper. Positive heterosis for plant height was found in five cross combinations, for the height to the first lateral branch in two combinations and for the number of lateral branches in only one combination and for seed yield in three cross combinations. .PovrÅ”ine pod uljanom repicom u svetu su u stalnom porastu. Uljana repica se gaji za dobijanje ulja za humanu konzumaciju, za proizvodnju stočne hrane i biodizela. Za brži napredak u oplemenjivanju neophodno je poznavanje varijabilnosti i kombinacionih sposobnosti selekcionog materijala, odnosno načina nasleđivanja pojedinih svojstava. U radu su analizirane opÅ”te (OKS) i posebne (PKS) kombinacione sposobnosti pet sorti uljane repice i način nasleđivanja visine biljke, visine prve bočne grane, broja bočnih grana i prinosa semena po biljci. Pozitivni heterozis ispoljio se za visinu biljke kod pet, za visinu prve bočne grane kod dve, broj bočnih grana kod jedne i prinosa semena kod tri kombinacije ukrÅ”tanja.

    Use of additive-dominant model in genetic analysis of some quantitative caracteristics in sunflower

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    A simple link between the expected means of quantitative traits of different generations (progenies) can be established if the mean values are dependant exclusively on additive and dominant gene effects. Th is study aims to prove the correctness of the hypothesis that progeny means depend solely on additive and dominant genes, which can be tested in several ways, one of which is the applied tests. Seven F1 hybrids obtained by crossing five sunflower inbred lines were used to analyze the impact of genes with additive and dominant effects and their interactions on the inheritance of plant height, leaf number per plant and head diameter. Th e linkage among the expected progeny means was tested using the scaling tests method, while the estimates of gene effects and mode of inheritance were made by Generation Mean Analysis. The additive-dominant model proved adequate only for leaf number per plant in crosses C5 and C7. Besides the main gene effects (additive and dominant), epistatic gene effects were also of great importance in the inheritance of all three traits. In the inheritance of plant height, duplicate epistasis between dominant increasers was found in C2 , while C1, C4 and C7 had duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers. In the case of leaf number per plant, we only found duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers in C1, C3 and C6, while in the inheritance of head diameter both types of duplicate epistasis were found, namely duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers in C1 and duplicate epistasis between dominant increasers in C2. It can be concluded that the additive-dominance model was not adequate in explaining the differences between various generation means. In addition to of additive and dominance gene effect, digenic epistatic effects were also found to be important in the inheritance of the characters studied. Therefore, geneticists and breeders working on sunflower should make provisions for the occurrence of epistatic gene effects in their research programs

    Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea): Important members of rapeseed entomofauna in vicinity of Novi Sad

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    The area under rapeseed is increasing in the world as well as in Serbia, which makes appearance and harmfulness of some insects more important. Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) are group of insects whose presence and destructiveness on oilseed rape are not explored enough. Results of rapeseed entomofauna exploration at site Rimski Šančevi during 2008 are presented in this paper. Insects were collected using yellow traps method, also known as Moericke's dishes, which can be considered as one of the most appropriate methods for this kind of research. During spring, 433 adult specimens were collected (all belong to five genera and ten species). More than tenfold less specimens were collected in autumn - 42 (seven genera and 11 species). The most abundant genus was Ceutorhynchus, and species Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham) (=quadridens Panzer).

    Osobine polena uljanih vrsta iz novosadske kolekcije

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    The collection of oil species in Novi Sad contains 12 species represented with 1-4 cultivars or landraces. In the continuous work on this collection in the sense of breeding of some of those species and their usage as a source of 'desirable genes' we analyzed pollen grain morphology (shape and size), as well as pollen viability. To determine mentioned pollen traits we used Axiovert 40C microscope together with a software package (AxioVision LE; Rel.4.3.) for measurement of pollen length and width. Pollen viability was determined using a staining method (ALEXANDER, 1969). The results showed that species differ by pollen grain shape (round, egg-shaped, triangular and rod) as well as by shape of exine (thick and spiky, thick to thin). In some species there was a specific number of apertures present (1-11). The size of viable pollen grains ranged from 29,10/12,58Ī¼ (coriander) to 176,63/169,94Ī¼ (oil gourd), while non-viable pollen grains were always smaller (27,27/10,97Ī¼ to 119,62/100,86Ī¼) at the same plant species. Pollen viability of most species was around 80%. Lowest pollen viability was found in white flax (56,98%), and the highest in oil pumpkin (91,43%).Kolekcija uljanih vrsta u Novom Sadu raspolaže sa 12 vrsta zastupljenih sa 1-4 sorte, odnosno lokalne populacije. Za dalji rad na koriŔćenju ove kolekcije u smislu oplemenjivanja pojedinih vrsta ili koriŔćenje istih kao izvor 'poželjnih gena' ispitivana je morfologija polenovih zrna (oblik i veličina), kao i vitalnost polena. Za određivanje osobina polena koriŔćen je mikroskop Axiovert 40C, a za merenje dužine i Å”irine polenovih zrna softver AxioVision LE; Rel.4.3. Vitalnost polena je određena bojenom metodom (ALEXANDER, 1969). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da su se vrste razlikovale po obliku polenovih zrna (okrugla, jajasta, trouglasta i Å”tapičasta) kao i po izgledu egzine (debela i bodljikava, debela do tanka). Za neke vrste je karakteristično postojanje određenog broja septi (1-11). Veličina vitalnih polenovih zrna se kretala od 29,10/12,58Ī¼ (korijander) do 176,63/169,94Ī¼ (uljana bundeva), dok su sterilna zrna bila uvek sitnija (27,27/10,97Ī¼ do 119,62/100/86Ī¼) kod istih biljnih vrsta. Vitalnost polena kod najvećeg broja vrsta je bila oko 80%. Najnižu vitalnost polena je imao lan beli (56,98%), a najviÅ”u uljana tikva (91,43%)

    Zavisnost kvaliteta i prinosa semena uljane repice od sklopa, sorte i godine proizvodnje

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    Rapeseed is an important industrial plant in the world. In Vojvodina region of Serbia it is grown on well aerated and deep soils. Most often it is sown with the distance between the rows of 25 cm, and 5-6 cm within the row. The trial with three winter rapeseed genotypes (Banaćanka, Slavica and NS-H-2) was set up at Rimski Å ančevi (Vojvodina) during growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. Seed was sown with inter row spacing of 25 cm, and spacing within the rows of 5 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm and 16 cm. The following parameters were tested upon harvesting: seed germination, 1000 seed weight, test weight, seed yield, oil content and total protein in seed. No effect of planting density was observed on rapeseed seed quality produced in 2009/10 and 2010/11, which should be kept in mind when determining the quantity of seed required for sowing.Uljana repica je značajna industrijska biljka u svetu. U Vojvodini se najčeŔće gaji na dobro aerisanim i dubokim zemljiÅ”tima. Setva se najčeŔće vrÅ”i sa razmakom između redova 25 cm, a u redu 5-6 cm. Ogled sa tri genotipa ozime uljane repice (Banaćanka, Slavica i NS-H-2) je postavljen na Rimskim Å”ančevima (Vojvodina) u vegetacionoj sezoni 2009/2010. i 2010/2011. Setva je izvrÅ”ena u redove sa međurednim razmakom 25 cm i razmakom u redu od 5 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm i 16 cm. Nakon žetve ispitani su sledeći parametri: klijavost semena, masa 1000 semena, zapreminska masa, prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i ukupnih proteina u semenu. U naÅ”im ispitivanjima nije utvrđen uticaj sklopa na kvalitet semena uljane repice proizvedenog u vegetacionoj sezoni 2009/10. i 2010/11. Å”to treba imati u vidu prilikom određivanja potrebne količine semena za setvu

    Primena analize testa trostrukog ukrŔtanja kod suncokreta (H. annuus L.)

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    The paper describes the practical application of triple test cross analysis. The method is illustrated using data for cotyledon area obtained by studying two inbred lines and their cross as well as 30 crosses between the inbreeds and 10 randomly selected lines.U radu je prikazan praktičan postupak analiza testa trostrukog ukrŔtanja. Za ilustraciju metode uzeti su podaci za povrŔinu kotiledona od genetičkog materijala koji se sastojao od dve inbred linije, njihovog ukrŔtanja i 30 ukrŔtanja koja su nastala u ukrŔtanjima inbred linija kao i njihovog ukrŔtanja sa deset slučajno odabranih linija

    Oplemenjivanje ozime uljane repice u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo

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    Winter rapeseed breeding program (Brassica napus L) was started at the Institute in mid-1980s. It was something of a "freelance" program breeding priorities of Oilcrops Department were the development of sunflower hybrids resistant to major fungal diseases, sunflower moth and broomrape. Serious efforts on the breeding of 0- and 00-type winter rapeseeds were invested after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. In addition to the breeding of cultivars with conventional oil, we worked on the breeding of cultivars with high oleic content (over 73%). Using foreign cultivars as initial breeding material and the pedigree method and convergent crossing according to the principle of transgressive recombination, cultivars had been developed which were released in the country and abroad. Cvs. Banaćanka and Slavica (group 00) and cv. Nena (group 0) were registered in the country. Cv. NS-L-25, with high oleic acid content, will be released in near future. Cv. Anna released in the Ukraine is classified as 00 type. Our program of hybrid development utilizes a cms system known as the Ogura system, discovered at INRA in 1968.Rad na oplemenjivanju ozime uljane repice (Brassica napus L) započet je u Institutu sredinom 80-tih godina proÅ”log veka. ViÅ”e "rekreativno" jer je u Zavodu za uljane kulture osnovna preokupacija bila stvaranje visoko prinosnih uljanih hibrida suncokreta otpornih na prevalentne bolesti, suncokretov moljac i parazitnu cvetnicu volovod. Posle raspada SFR Jugoslavije priÅ”lo se ozbiljnije stvaranju visoko produktivnih sorata ozime uljane repice tipa "0" i "00". Pored stvaranja sorata sa standardnim tipom ulja radilo se i na stvaranju sorata sa povećanim sadržajem oleinske kiseline u ulju (preko 73%). Koristeći inostrane sorte kao početni selekcioni materijal i selekcione metode: pedigre i konvergentnog ukrÅ”tanja prema principu transgresivne rekombinacije. razvijene su sorte koje su registrovane u Srbiji i Crnoj gori i inostranstvu. Kod nas su registrovane Banaćanka i Slavica iz grupe "00" i Nena iz grupe "0". U postupku registracije se nalazi sorta NS-L-25 sa povećanim sadržajem oleinske kiseline. U Ukrajini je registrovana sorta Anna koja spada u grupu "00". U okviru programa stvaranja hibrida koristi se cms sistem poznat pod imenom ogura otkriven 1968. u INRA

    Genetska specifičnost sadržaja magnezijuma u divljim vrstama i hibridima suncokreta

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    Magnesium content was analyzed in five of the most grown sunflower hybrids in Serbia, as well as in different populations of wild sunflower species: Helianthus agrophyllus (5), Helianthus annuus (4), Helianthus neglectus (3), Helianthus petiolaris (5), Helianthus tuberosus (5). Magnesium content in the populations of wild sunflower species ranged from 317 to 824 mg/100 g DW. The highest magnesium content was found in Helianthus petiolaris and the lowest in Helianthus tuberosus. Different populations within each species differed significantly in magnesium content. The highest variation coefficient was found in Helianthus tuberosus and the lowest in Helianthus petiolaris. Magnesium concentration in hybrids was significantly different as well, and in two years it was in average between 575 and 813 mg/g DW. The results suggest that genetic variability between magnesium concentrations in wild species and hybrids of sunflower is very high. This should be taken into consideration when requirements for mineral nutrition are analyzed, as well as when wild species are included in breeding programs.U cilju proučavanja genetske specifičnosti ishrane suncokreta magnezijumom ispitan je sadržaj magnezijuma u pet najrasprostranjenijih hibrida suncokreta u Srbiji i u različitim populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta poreklom iz Severne Amerike: Heliahnthus neglectus (3), Helianthus petiolaris (5), Helianthus agrophylus (5) Helinathus tuberosum (5) i Helinathus annuus (5). Sadržaj magnezijuma u ispitivanim divljim vrstama suncokreta kretao se u Å”irokim granicama od 317 do 824 mg/100 g suve materije. Najveći je bio sadržaj magnezijuma kod ispitivanih populacija Helianthus petiolaris, u proseku 741, a najmanji kod Helinathus tuberosum, 330 mg/1000 g suve materije. U okviru divljih vrsta ispitivane populacije su se takođe statistički značajno razlikovale u sadržaju magnezijuma. Najveći koeficijent varijacije utvrđen je kod Helianthus tuberosus a najmanji kod Helianthus petiolaris. Sadržaj magnezijuma se i u ispitivanim hibridima suncokreta značajno razlikovao i za dve godine ispitivanja se u proseku kretao od 575 do 813 mg/100 g suve materije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je genetska varijabilnost sadržaja magnezijuma u divljim vrstama i njihovim populacijama kao i u gajenim hibridima suncokreta veoma izražena, Å”to treba imati u vidu pri njihovom obezbeđenju ovim elementom, kao i pri koriŔćenju divljih vrsta u oplemenjivačkom procesu
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