2 research outputs found
Preliminary analysis of activity results for the research and educational project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals (2018ā2020)
IstraživaÄko-edukacijski projekt Otkrivanje starih dubrovaÄkih katedrala pokrenut je 2015. godine, a njegove su aktivnosti, prije svega, usmjerene na struÄnu i znanstvenu obradu pokretnih spomenika i arheoloÅ”kih nalaza koji potjeÄu s lokaliteta podzemlja barokne katedrale Gospe Velike i susjedne BuniÄeve poljane u Dubrovniku. Sva graÄa rezultat je arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja lokaliteta poduzetih nakon potresa 1979. godine, a koja je u dugome razdoblju od dvadeset i sedam godina ostala u velikoj mjeri neobraÄena i neobjavljena. U prvoj etapi projekta (2015. ā 2017.), prvenstveno zbog brojnosti graÄe i loÅ”ega stanja u kojem je zateÄena, aktivnosti su najprije bile usmjerene na njezino spaÅ”avanje i sortiranje, a tek zatim i na struÄnu obradu. Pri tom se pristupilo primarno obradi kamenih ulomaka i ulomaka stakla, dok je ostala graÄa (ulomci zidnih slika i metala) objedinjena i dokumentirana, ili tek popisana i adekvatno pohranjena (ulomci keramike). U drugoj etapi projekta (2018. ā 2020.) pristupilo se detaljnijoj obradi keramike i zidnoga oslika. Preliminarna analiza pokazala je nove vrijedne rezultate koji, s jedne strane, pokazuju potpuno novu kronologiju nastanjivanja dijela povijesne jezgre Grada koji se razvija uz danaÅ”nju luku, a s druge cjelovitiju sliku faza opremanja, a time i izgradnje složenoga kompleksa āstarih dubrovaÄkih katedralaā istraženoga u podzemlju barokne prvostolnice i BuniÄeve poljane. Uz rezultate obrade keramike i ulomaka zidnih slika, donose se i preliminarni rezultati obrade kamene plastike, s osobitim naglaskom na najranijem, kasnoantiÄkom (ranokrÅ”Äanskom) sloju.The research and educational project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals was launched in 2015. Its activities were primarily focused on the expert and scientific study of movable monuments and archaeological finds originating from the site under the Baroque Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and in the nearby square of BuniÄeva Poljana in Dubrovnik. All the materials were the results of the archaeological excavations of the site undertaken after the earthquake of 1979; in the long subsequent period of twenty-seven years, they had been largely unstudied and unpublished. In the first phase of the project (2015ā2017), primarily because of the quantity of materials and the poor condition in which they were found, the activities focused on their rescue and sorting before engaging in any expert studies. The primary activity was the study of stone monuments and fragments of glass, while other materials (fragments of wall paintings and metal) were unified and documented, or just catalogued and properly stored (pottery fragments). In the second phase of the project (2018ā2020), pottery and ceramics and fragments of wall paintings were studied in more detail. The preliminary analysis resulted in valuable new insights: on one hand, it provided a whole new chronology of habitation for the part of the historic center of Dubrovnik that developed along todayās port; on the other, it painted a more comprehensive picture of the furnishing and building phases of āthe old Dubrovnik cathedralsā, the elaborate complex explored under the Baroque cathedral and in the square of BuniÄeva Poljana. Along with the results of studying pottery and fragments of wall paintings, there are also the preliminary results of of the analysis of stone monuments, with a special emphasis on the earliest layer from late antiquity (early Christianity)