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    Roman city Cibalae (Vinkovci) ā€“ the birthplace of Roman emperors Valentinian I and Valens was a very well developed urban ares in the late antique what was evidenced by numerous archaeological findings. The aim of this paper is to get insight in dental health of antique population of Cibalae. One hundred individuals with 2041 teeth dated to 3rd ā€“ 5th century AD have been analyzed for caries, antemortem tooth loss, periapical diseases and tooth wear. Prevalence of antemortem tooth loss was 4.3% in males, 5.2% in females. Prevalence of caries per tooth was 8.4% in males, 7.0% in females. Compared to other Croatian antique sites, ancient inhabitants of Roman Cibalae had rather good dental health with low caries prevalence and no gender differences. Statistically significant difference was found between males in females in the prevalence of periapical lesions and degree of tooth wear. Periapical lesions were found only in males.Rimsko naselje Cibale (Vinkovci) ā€“ rodno mjesto rimskih careva Valentinijana I. i njegova brata Valena ā€“ bilo je veoma razvijeno urbano srediÅ”te u kasnoantičkom razdoblju, Å”to je potvrđeno brojnim arheoloÅ”kim nalazima. Svrha je ovog rada steći uvid u oralno zdravlje antičkih stanovnika Cibala i dobivene podatke usporediti s drugim hrvatskim antičkim lokalitetima. Pregledano je 100 osoba s 2041 zubom koji su datirani u razdoblje 3. do 5. stoljeće prije Krista. Analizirani su zubni karijes, prijesmrtni gubitak zuba, periapikalne bolesti i troÅ”enje zuba. Prevalencija prijesmrtnog gubitka zuba bila je 4,3% u muÅ”karaca i 5,2% u žena. Prevalencija karijesa po zubu bila je 8,4% u muÅ”karaca i 7,0% u žena. U usporedbi s drugim hrvatskim antičkim lokalitetima, drevni stanovnici rimskih Cibala imali su relativno dobro oralno zdravlje s niskom učestalosti karijesa i bez spolnih razlika. Statistički značajna razlika između muÅ”karaca i žena pronađena je u prevalenciji periapikalnih lezija i stupnja potroÅ”enosti zuba. Periapikalne lezije pronađene su samo u muÅ”karaca


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    Croatian Biomedical Terminology ā€“ Eponyms in Stomatology

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    All professions in dental medicine have eponyms in their terminology. In STRUNA - the electronic database of Croatian professional nomenclature ā€“ all stomatological eponyms are classified as recommended or allowed. Stomatological nomenclature shares numerous eponyms with medical, anatomical and physiological terms. Frequency in appearance and usage of eponyms may be an indicator of the development of a particular scientific field
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