7 research outputs found

    An approach to the low-resistance measurement

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    The paper presents the real instrument functional characteristics and describes the way of practical solutions of its performance improvement. It presents the design process of the instrument made for resistance measuring. In order to achieve desired objectives, a great number of experiments have been carried out during the development. Basically, the comparison method has been applied. At first, it was intended for the small resistor measuring as a single range unit. Later, the device has been improved and upgraded for a wide range resistance measuring. Finally, some of the difficulties have been detected and explained as well. The paper contains solutions developed and applied for their overcoming. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 33037 i br. TR 34005

    Пастеризовани клипови младог кукуруза обогаћени антоцијанима изолованим из семењаче црне соје – Baby corn производ

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    Овим техничким решењем описан је технолошки поступак добијања конзервисаног производа од младих клипова кукуруза baby corn обогаћеног антоцијанинима из семењаче црне соје. Добијен је стабилан функционални прехрамбени производ обогаћен биоактивним једињењима која могу позитивно утицати на здравље конзумената. Искоришћењем сојине семењаче – споредног производа из прераде соје додатно је валоризована ова сировина. Висок садржај прехрамбених влакана је такође посебно важан због неопходности повећаног уноса ових хранљивих материја у савременој исхрани због повољног утицаја на гастроинтестинално здравље. Сензорском анализом производ добијен од младих клипова хибрида кокичара са додатком 3% соли и 2% шећера такође је најбоље оцењен од стране панелиста на основу већег броја оцењиваних параметара (крцкавост, сјајност, интензитет боје, арома на ферментисано поврће). Киселост овог производа је означена као најприхватљивија (најмање кисео), што је раније потврђено и хемијском анализом pH вредности. На основу сумираних резултата, хибрид кокичар са наливом који садржи со (3%) и шећер (2%) оцењен је као оптималан за производњу пастеризованог производа од младих клипова кукуруза обогаћеног антоцијанинима екстрахованим из семењаче црне соје. Узимањем у обзир изузетно висок садржај укупних фенолних једињења, флавоноида, антоцијана, као и висок антиоксидативни капацитет, овај производ је одабран као оптималан за производњу на индустријском нивоу

    Half a Century of Computing in Copper Mining and Metallurgy Industry in Serbia

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    The Copper Mining and Smelting Complex Bor (RTB Bor) in the Republic of Serbia has a long history of computer control and computer-aided data processing. Working within the confines of the Cold War era, RTB implemented and developed four generations of computers, becoming a major influence in the IT sector and the primary computer training resource in the region

    Calibration System for Thermocouple Testing

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    One of activities of the Mining and Metallurgy Institute is production of thermocouple elements made of precious metals. Since this is a complex technological process and the quality control of produced elements is performed by other institutions, sometimes the whole series of products can happen to be bad and not useful. This is increasing costs and time of production, as well. To prevent wasting of time and money, the special measuring system is developed. The kernel of the system is already existing microprocessor measuring station - MMS. The MMS’s hardware configuration, initially designed for industrial process control requirements with suitable input channel characteristics and adequate response time is adapted for the purpose of thermocouple calibration. Appropriate software solution is developed, as well. This article describes the practical solution for thermocouple testing and calibration. Hardware interface, principles of system integration and developed software are also included

    Suitability of maize hybrids for the enrichment of marinated baby corn with anthocyanins extracted from black soybean

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is the third most grown cereal crop in the world, after wheat and rice. Immature dehusked maize ears harvested before fertilization, within 2-4 days after white silk emergence are classified as baby corn. The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of baby corn cobs obtained from different maize hybrids for their enrichment with anthocyanins extracted from the black soybean seed coats. Three different maize hybrids, namely, a popcorn hybrid ZP 6119k, a sweet hybrid ZP 553su, a semi-flint with a short vegetation period (105 days) ZP 161, as well as black soybean genotype “Black Tokyo”, were used in this study. Plant material was grown in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute at the location of Zemun Polje, Serbia in 2021. Maize was harvested after the emergence of silk from the ears (silking stage), while soybean plants were harvested in the stage of full maturity (R8). The baby maize cobs differed in length (9.5-20.0 cm) and girth (12-21 mm), the number of kernel rows (12-20), color, and length of the silk outside the husk (3-7 cm). Soybean seeds were manually dehulled and seed coat was ground in a laboratory mill prior to the extraction of anthocyanins. After dehusking and measuring, the baby corn cobs were washed and blanched for two minutes in boiling water, and then cooled. Subsequently, the baby corn cobs were immersed in a marinating brine enriched with anthocyanins extracted from the seed coat of black soybean, pasteurized, and kept in closed glass jars in a cool dry place for 30 days. After chemical and sensory analyzes, the product obtained from popcorn hybrid ZP 6119k was chosen as the most suitable for the preparation of the marinated baby corn product enriched with anthocyanins from black soybea