23 research outputs found
Biologijska i saprobiologijska istraživanja šljunčare na građevnoj parceli DOKI
U radu su izneseni podaci o kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim fitocenološkim i zoocenološkim istraživanjima na šljunčari u blizini Organsko- kemijske industrije u Zagrebu (DOKI), uz koju se gradi nova tvornica polistirena.
Odabrane su 3 karakteristične postaje na kojima su uzimani uzorci fitoplanktona i zooplanktona, te fitobentosa i zoobentosa. U planktonu smo utvrdili 13 predstavnika zooplanktona, dok je fitoplankton sa 32 vrste znatno bogatiji. U fitobentosu je nađeno 65 vrsti alga, a u zoobentosu samo nekoliko skupina životinja. Ti rezultati pokazuju samo trenutnu situaciju u vrijeme ispitivanja. Da bi se dobila potpunija slika o bogatstvu životnih zajednica, potrebno je istraživanja proširiti na period od najmanje godinu dana.
Izgradnjom nove tvornice polistirena na ovom području doći će do promjene u strukturi biocenoza. Da bi se ispitao utjecaj spojeva ove tvornice, potrebno je terenska i laboratorijska ispitivanja proširiti i na dulje periode
Some Ecological Characteristics of the Mosses from the Cooling Tower of Petrochemical Works in Zagreb
The subject of the present investigations are some ecological aspects of mosses of the cooling tower in petrochemical works with representatives of three genera (Bryum, Barbula and Eurhynchium) with species growing in the immediate vicinity of the cooling water on the concrete wall of the cooling tower which cause corrosion of the concrete.
In a series of experiments it has been shown that the mosses and the corresponding microflora are able to decompose and utilize acetone, phenol and polyphosphates from the cooling water
Rijeka Sutla granična je rijeka između Hrvatske i Slovenije. Ukupna joj je dužina oko 91 km, od toga u Hrvatskoj 89 km. Istraživanje mikrofitobentosa provedeno je na šest lokaliteta duž rijeke Sutle. Uzorci su sabirani s određene površine karakterističnih staništa. Uz sakupljanje fitobentosa, izmjereni su osnovni fizikalno–kemijski pokazatelji: temperatura vode, pH i količina otopljenog kisika u vodi. Temperatura vode mijenjala se sukladno promjenama temperature okolnoga zraka i dubine rijeke, a kretala se od 5,1 do 6,3 ºC. pH–vrijednost bila je između 7,77 i 8,14, a koncentracija otopljenog kisika (mgO2 /L) na šest lokaliteta bila je između 8,6 i 14,9 mg/L. U kvalitativnom sastavu mikrofitobentosa utvrđeno je 87 vrsta mikrofita koji su pripadali sistematskim skupinama: Bacteriophyta, Cyanobacteria i Chrysophyta (Bacillariophyceae i Xanthophyceae). Najbrojnija su skupina bile dijatomeje ili Bacillariophyceae (76 vrsta ili 88,3 %), s dominantnim vrstama rodova Achnanthes, Cocconeis, Cymbella, Gomphonema, Navicula, Nitzschia i Surirella. Relativno malim brojem vrsta bila je zastupljena skupina Cyanobacteria (9 vrsta ili 10 %), a prevladavale su nitaste alge roda Phormidium. Od ukupnoga broja utvrđenih vrsta u mikrofitobentosu, 73 vrste ili 84 % bile su pokazatelji saprobnosti. Najviše je bilo beta–mezosaprobnih indikatora. Na osnovi indikatorskih vrijednosti nađenih vrsta u mikrofitobentosu na šest lokaliteta, P–B indeks saprobnosti kretao se od 1,8 do 2,0. Ove vrijednosti upućuju na kakvoću vode II. vrste na istraživanom dijelu rijeke Sutle.The Sutla river is a river along Croatian/Slovenian border. Its length is about 91 km, out of which 89 km in Croatia. Microphytobenthos investigations have been performed at six locations along the Sutla river on Croatian territory. Samples were collected from specific areas of characteristic habitats. Beside sample collection, basic physico–chemical parameters were measured: water temperature, pH values and quantity of water dissolved oxygen. Water temperature changed depending on air temperature and the depth of the river, ranging from 5.1ºC to 6.3ºC. pH values were between 7.77 and 8.14, and dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/L O2) at the six locations ranged between 8.6 mg/L and 14.9 mg/L. Quantitative microphytobenthos composition comprised 87 microphythic species belonging to the systematic groups of Bacteriophyta, Cyanobacteria and Chrysophyta (Bacillariophyceae and Xanthophyceae). The most numerous group were the diatoms or Bacillariophyceae (76 species or 88.3%), with dominance of the species of the genera Achnanthes, Cocconeis, Cymbella, Gomphonema, Navicula, Nitzschia and Surirella. The group Cyanobacteria was represented with relatively small number of species (9 species or 10%), with the dominance of filamentous algae belonging to the genus Phormidium. From the total number of the determined microphytobenthic species, 73 species or 84% were indicators of saprobity. Most of them were beta–mezosaprobic indicators. Based on the indicator values of determined microphytobenthic species at six investigated locations, P–B saprobity index was in the range from 1.8 to 2.0. These values suggested that the water at the investigated part of the Sutla river belonged to the second class of Croatian Water Quality Directive
The Influence of Waste Waters on Algae in the Open Collector of Zagreb at Ivanja Rijeka
The results of an analysis of waters from the main collector in the city of Zagreb show that the water is loaded with industrial and municipal wastes. For the purpose of protection of underground and surface waters in that region, these waters should not be allowed to flow into the receptor of the river Sava, without being purified beforehand.
In addition to the great organic and inorganic load of the collector waters, there were 70 species of algae found, that had their origin probably in brook-waters of Zagrebačka gora. However, there was a smaller number of algae (5—15) that are otherwise relatively frequent in the collector water. The number of algae found in the water after the reception of the OKI — waste waters was considerably decreased too. It was established furthermore that the microflora in the collector water was very active in the process of mineralisation of waste organic matter, especially in the summer period. That property of microflora is used by OKI to obtain activated sludge in the tank for aeration and dephenolisation.
These investigations will be continued, with a view to getting as reliable a test as possible, for establishing deleterious influence of industrial waste waters on algae and other organisms in receptors. At the same time, such and similar investigations point at the necessity of including biologists into the laboratory control of industrial cooling- and waste-waters, and the control of technological processes in biological purification of waste waters
Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae Trinajstić in the Vegetation Cover of Northern Croatia
Fitocenološko-tipološkim istraživanjima i kartiranjem vegetacije u obalnom području rijeke Drave u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj proučena je i vegetacija u sastavu koje se javlja rijetka vrsta rogoza - Typha minima. Ustanovljeno je da ona na istraživanom području izgrađuje posebnu asocijaciju Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae (Phragmition, Phragmitetalia, Phragmitetea).The species Typha minima Funk in Hoppe is a rare plant in the Yugoslav flora known from Slovenia (E. Mayer 1952), Croatia (Schlosser et Vukotinović 1869, Pichler 1891) and Serbia (M. Janković 1975). In the flora of Croatia it is known only from the region on the banks of the Drava river near Varaždin, Dubrava and Legrad.
In this region on the banks of the Drava in northern Croatia Typha minima builds a special association Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae (Trinajstić 1964), which belongs to the alliance Phragmition, the order Phragmitetalia and the class Phragmitetea. As a rule, the dominant species Typha minima stands out as the characteristic species of the association.
The association Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae grows on undeveloped, sandy soil on the sandbanks of the Drava with a high level of underground water.
Both by its floral composition and the characteristics of its areal this community differs from the association Equiseto-Typhetum minimae (= Typhetum minimae), which belongs to the alliance Eriophorion latifo- lii, the order Tojieldietalia and the class Sceuchzerio-Caricetea juscae
Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae Trinajstić in the Vegetation Cover of Northern Croatia
Fitocenološko-tipološkim istraživanjima i kartiranjem vegetacije u obalnom području rijeke Drave u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj proučena je i vegetacija u sastavu koje se javlja rijetka vrsta rogoza - Typha minima. Ustanovljeno je da ona na istraživanom području izgrađuje posebnu asocijaciju Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae (Phragmition, Phragmitetalia, Phragmitetea).The species Typha minima Funk in Hoppe is a rare plant in the Yugoslav flora known from Slovenia (E. Mayer 1952), Croatia (Schlosser et Vukotinović 1869, Pichler 1891) and Serbia (M. Janković 1975). In the flora of Croatia it is known only from the region on the banks of the Drava river near Varaždin, Dubrava and Legrad.
In this region on the banks of the Drava in northern Croatia Typha minima builds a special association Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae (Trinajstić 1964), which belongs to the alliance Phragmition, the order Phragmitetalia and the class Phragmitetea. As a rule, the dominant species Typha minima stands out as the characteristic species of the association.
The association Phragmiti-Typhetum minimae grows on undeveloped, sandy soil on the sandbanks of the Drava with a high level of underground water.
Both by its floral composition and the characteristics of its areal this community differs from the association Equiseto-Typhetum minimae (= Typhetum minimae), which belongs to the alliance Eriophorion latifo- lii, the order Tojieldietalia and the class Sceuchzerio-Caricetea juscae